Thousands of knowledge & trivia quizzes; IQ tests
List of IQ quizzes below:

Then test your IQ in this category with these knowledge quizzes:
  1. n00b - u typ lyk dis.

  2. wtf - You just don't make any sense.

  3. dood - Rock on.

  4. O rly? - You want to know everything.

  5. u - You like to look your best.

  6. teh suk - You dislike people 'typ lyk

  7. BRB - You spend a lot of time on the i

  8. ATTN - You like to be in charge.

  9. LOL - You laugh at things normal peopl

  10. qt - You are popular with members of t

  11. RL - You don't spend a lot of time on

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Which chatspeak term are you?

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