Thousands of knowledge & trivia quizzes; IQ tests
List of IQ quizzes below:

Then test your IQ in this category with these knowledge quizzes:
  1. Midolf: Gym Tierra

  2. Nefis: Gym Volador

  3. Nashville: Gym Hielo

  4. Farore Shadow: Gym Oscuro

  5. Sands: Gym Fantasma

  6. Zim: Gym Psíquico

  7. F2chacón: Gym Normal

  8. Omanyte: Gym Roca

  9. Hitokiri_Mankind: Gym Bicho

  10. Toshi: Elite Four

  11. DrKiller: Webmaster

  12. [Soujirox]: Trainer male

  13. Shandu: Trainer female

  14. Real_Master: Gym Agua

  15. Nadie

  16. Tzmisce: Gym Dragón

  17. Ash: personaje de TV

  18. Pikachu: pokémon canapé

  19. Red: personaje de videojuego

  20. Game boy: consola

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Qué entrenador de la famosa LIGA POKéMON CHILE eres?

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