goodlotrslictor knowledge & trivia quizzes; IQ tests
List of IQ quizzes below:

Then test your IQ in this category with these knowledge quizzes:
  1. you hate lotr!! i hate you!!

  2. why don't you like lotr, it's awesome!

  3. ;lotr ain't your cup of tea, you prefe

  4. you don't mind lotr, it's not your fav

  5. lotr is good, but it's too complicated

  6. i like lotr , yep it's cool

  7. lotr's great, just finished the two to

  8. Brilliant, it'as great, but i'm just r

  9. It's my favourite thing at thye moment

  10. you are the best person i haven't met,

Step #1, find your best match with this Lord of the Rings Selector:
How mucha re you obsessed with lotr?

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