foxyhound knowledge & trivia quizzes; IQ tests
List of IQ quizzes below:

Then test your IQ in this category with these knowledge quizzes:
  1. Todd the fox - your adventurous and do...

  2. Copper the hound- your pretty obedient

  3. Big Momma the owl - what can i say you...

  4. Boomer and his friend(cant remember hi...

  5. Squeaks- You seem to always be on the

  6. Vixie- Everyone likes you and yur the

  7. The Widow- like big momma you care and

  8. Amos Slade- You kinda grouchy but when

  9. Chief- You mean grouchy son of a gun,

Step #1, find your best match with this Disney Selector:
Which ''The Fox and the Hound'' character are you?

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