Tolkienrocks knowledge & trivia quizzes; IQ tests
List of IQ quizzes below:

Then test your IQ in this category with these knowledge quizzes:
  1. Pippin:you are tougher then you look a...

  2. Sam:you are extremely brave when anyon

  3. Aragorn:you are brave in any situation

  4. Boromir:you are brave and proud, but d

  5. Gandalf:you seem to have a never-endin

  6. Frodo-you are quite brave and handle d

  7. Merry:you are very brave and optimisti

  8. Gimili:you love to fight! it doesn't m

  9. Legolas:you are very brave and gracefu

  10. Gollum-you aren't brave at all! you hi

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LOTR:how brave are you?

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