Thousands of knowledge & trivia quizzes; IQ tests
List of IQ quizzes below:

Then test your IQ in this category with these knowledge quizzes:
  1. Rudy- The Boring Main Character

  2. Angle- The Perverted Scientist

  3. Fray- The Upbeat Elven Sorceress

  4. Gapo- The Weird Floating Dragon...Worm

  5. Carois- The Indecisive Elven Archer

  6. Deaha- The Strict Sword-Dragoness

  7. Davis- The Anxious King of Orisae

  8. Elle- The Disappearing Thief

  9. Crow- The Thoughtless King of Shioryuu

  10. Dokil- The Seductive Bartender

  11. Meghan- The Kind Sweet Wonderful Coma-

  12. Youll- The Crazy Bloodthirsty Queen of

  13. Kusu- The Sexy Announcer-Lady

  14. Aru Gebun Ra- The Untrusting Suspicio

  15. Cliff- The Hygiene-Lacking Insane Drag

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Orange Tear Cubed

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