Thousands of knowledge & trivia quizzes; IQ tests
List of IQ quizzes below:

Then test your IQ in this category with these knowledge quizzes:
  1. Sakura - A harsh, cold, and insensitiv...

  2. Kayko - Nice, happy, sensitive, and ca...

  3. Diamond - Raised in a secluded communi...

  4. Minun - Half witch half angel, your po

  5. Zen - Twins with Sakura, most people d...

  6. Satorai - Your mom is queen of atarai ...

  7. Moonbeam - You are a hippie and are in

  8. Kunai - Triplets with Zen and Sakura, ...

  9. Shezinte - Quiet and reserved you have

  10. Sesshou - Irritable, hot-headed, fooli...

  11. Yashi - Twins with Sesshou but you are...

  12. Zinikli - Once a force under the cont...

  13. Bloodstone - You have a sister named A...

  14. Chonenti - Very untrusting. You care a

  15. Shiro - Demon you are you once had you

  16. Topaz - You are 5 but you act 13 you h

  17. Ininarakou- You were preserved for 80 ...

  18. Mikkridanncha - Upperclass Zinolayeio,

  19. Kira -You are happy calm, and have a d...

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