Thousands of knowledge & trivia quizzes; IQ tests
List of IQ quizzes below:

Then test your IQ in this category with these knowledge quizzes:
  1. Isis

  2. Time Wizard

  3. Beaver Warrior

  4. Harpy Lady Sister #3 (Tsubame)

  5. Penguin Soldier

  6. Change of Heart

  7. Yami Change of Heart

  8. Dark Flare Swordsman

  9. Summon Skull

  10. Dark Magician Girl

  11. Magician of Black Chaos

  12. Bloody Angel Mary

  13. Insect Queen

  14. Ancient Elf

  15. Mystical Elf

  16. Trap Master

  17. Neo

  18. Dryad

  19. Simoochi

  20. Lady of Faith

  21. Dark Elf

  22. Harpie Brother

  23. Ra

  24. Shining Angel of Hope

  25. Osiris

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The Pharaoh Card

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