CreepyMovieQuiz knowledge & trivia quizzes; IQ tests
List of IQ quizzes below:

Then test your IQ in this category with these knowledge quizzes:
  1. Dracula - The undead pain in the neck

  2. The Mummy - Ancient Egyptian Mummy com

  3. Creepshow - Creepy multi movies with

  4. Cabin Fever - Teens attacked by flesh

  5. Resident Evil - Killer Virus attacks p

  6. Silent Night Deadly Night - Killer San

  7. Prom Night - Someone killing teens as

  8. Hellraiser - Puzzle Box summons torme

  9. Texas Chainsaw Massacre - Crazed Chai

  10. Psycho - Crazy Motel owner who kills h

  11. Pumpkin Head - monster pumpkin conjure

  12. Cujo - Family Saint Bernard gone mad

  13. The Birds - Birds go crazy and attack

  14. Pet Cemetery - animals die but don't s

  15. The Fog - Ghost Ship killers ride in o

  16. Christine - Possessed cool car that ki

  17. Hostel - Backpackers in Europe are tor

  18. The Shining - Man goes crazy and tries

  19. This is not an answer, I've taken some

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