Thousands of knowledge & trivia quizzes; IQ tests
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Then test your IQ in this category with these knowledge quizzes:
  1. Europe : You're either English, or you...

  2. US East :'re american...look

  3. US West :'re american...look...

  4. Asia : You're injun

  5. Asia 2 : You're North Kolea

  6. Asia 3 : You're some place in Kolea or

  7. KoReA : not far off from the idiot rea...

  8. Blik - yOu ArE An wannabe-AzN, but ReA

  9. Omg idiot realm...speaks for itself......

  10. I'm in Europe but I don't belong here.

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What Diaboro 2 : Lord of Destrluction realm am you?

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