Are u shy in public? |
Do u usually speak less? |
Do u hate to speak loud? |
Is ur hobby listening music? |
And laying in bed? |
Are u a sadic,a bloody persson? |
Do u dislike the world outside? |
Do u like screamo? |
Or deathmetal? |
Or emocore? |
Are u allways depresive? |
Is ur favourite coulour-black? |
And other dark coulours? |
Do u hate white? |
Have u ever met THE GRIEF? |
Are u a calm persson in public? |
Are u a teen? |
Do u hate ur parents? |
Do u hate to eat,drink,be happy,enjoy things, fun and other things that helps u be alive? |
Because ur sometimes ready to die? |
Do u have emo,goth or metal friends? |
Do u love long hair[even ur a boy]? |
Which hide 1 eye or both? |
So u don.t want to people see ur sadness? |
The last nd the most important question: have u ever cut urself[if u cuted in other places than arms too,congratulations!]? |