Weird Poll: What 'Legends: Cion Sky' Character Are You? Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Weird Poll: What 'Legends: Cion Sky' Character Are You? Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
WeirdWeird Poll: What 'Legends: Cion Sky' Character Are You?
Vote for your top choice from the list below. This poll is based upon the selector "What 'Legends: Cion Sky' Character Are You?" by Kincaid.

Choose from this list:

Blackheart: Witty, Strong, the Hero. You're good with a sword and the one-liners and despite your criminal past, you're a good guy.

Kiki: Loyal, hungry, whiny. You're the feralite creature that everybody loves and enemies fear.

Adelia: Wise, Magical, the Heroine. You are out to save the world, but you can't believe who you're stuck with for friends.

Baen: Evil, Powerful, Hated. You're the reason that the world's going to hell and you don't really care.

Vigile: Silent, Strong, Fast. You're the ultimate warrior, too bad you sided with Baen on this one. You get beaten by lucky breaks and keep coming back for more.

West: Strong, Just, Short-Tempered. You're the cigarette smoking brute with the deadly sword arm. You strike fear in all. Go you.

Thyrus: Brainy, Zany, Just Plain Crazy. You're the scientist/wizard who impresses the hell out of everyone in everything you do. You're a big reader as well as a fighter and you don't much care about the fact you've killed more people than the plague.

Shaw: Quiet, Deadly, Resentful. You're the adopted son of the secret assassin society. You've been screwed over by your eldest step brother and are mad as hell about it. But what are you gonna do?

Gobudo: Big, Strong, Silent. You're the Vasu warrior who can wield rocks like nobody's business. You're almost unkillable and usually stick to the background in the social area but come right out when there's a fight.

Forte: Smart, Trained, Evil. You're the eldest son of the leader of the secret assassin society. You're the heir to the society and are the ultimate killer and a good politician. Every fears you and wants to be like you.

Maximus: Mystical, Powerful, Wise. You're the founder of Maximure University, though people don't think you exist. You aren't the leader of the Council of Watchers, but you're certainly better than any mortal.

Delilah: Quiet, Quick, Accurate. You're the elven female assassin sent to end the lives of the heroes. You don't much care that you're doing bad things, you're just out to do the best you can in the world you're in.


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