Role Playing Games Poll: Which Savage Garden or Spira character are you? Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote Role Playing Games Poll: Which Savage Garden or Spira character are you? Vote for your top choice from the list below. This poll is based upon the selector "Which Savage Garden or Spira character are you?" by Luna_Warheit. Translate: Choose from this list: Pandora Bloodlance (Spira) Loki Bloodlance (Spira) Turel (Savage Garden) Janos Audron (Savage Garden) Seymour (Spira) Syrrko (Spira) Veano Rayden (Spira) Rachael Snowdrift (Savage Garden) Raziel (Savage Garden) Rikku (Spira) The Elder God (Savage Garden) Jecht (Spira) Vorador (Savage Garden) Kain (Savage Garden) Tidus (Spira) Wakka (Spira) Yuna (Spira) Auron (Spira) Ostara (Savage Garden) Syl (Savage Garden) Freya (Savage Garden) Verse Kelfonne (Savage Garden) Skadi (Savage Garden) Iduna (Savage Garden) Brianna (Savage Garden) See the newest and search for polls here: