Esmeralda, a sixteen-year-old Bohemian. She was kidnapped by Gypsies when she was a baby. A very naive and pure character who becomes the toy of different ans contradictory passions. She is the symbol of sacrified innocence. |
Quasimodo, a retarded hunchback whose job is to ring the bells. He was carefully raised by Frollo and loves him as a fatherly figure. Madly in love with Esmeralda, he will die beside her. |
Frollo, Notre-Dame's archipriest. He raised his young brother Jehan and Quasimodo, but falls madly in love with Esmeralda. This love silently destroys him and condemns him and Esmeralda to death. |
Phoebus, a guard. Not very clever he doesn't love Esmeralda but want her in his bed. He is a coward and lies not to ruin his engagement to Fleur-De-Lys, he is ready to have Esmeralda executed. In fact, he doesn't care. |
Gringoire, a poet, a dreamer. Poor as he is, he finds himself carried away in the story without wanting it. Eventually, he decides to save Esmeralda's goat and leave the girl in Frollo's hands because Djali is such a lovely and smart goat ! |
Clopin, the king of la Cour des Miracles, underneath kingdom, sate within the state. He is an ambiguous character : very cruel but ready to attack Notre-Dame to rescue Esmeralda. |
Fleur-De-Lys, Phoebus's fiancée. She is a quiet girl, a bit jealous of Phoebus's affair with Esmeralda and watch the story from her window. |
Jehan, Frollo's little brother. He likes joking, getting in trouble and ends up dead after helping the Bohemians. |