Friends & Roommates Poll: Which of my friends are you? Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Friends & Roommates Poll: Which of my friends are you? Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Friends & RoommatesFriends & Roommates Poll: Which of my friends are you?
Vote for your top choice from the list below. This poll is based upon the selector "Which of my friends are you?" by chibichica.

Choose from this list:

Matt: Large and loveable, you're great with computers. You're kinda weird, but I have yet to meet an otaku who can't be called that. You yearn to be smaller; in your RPG, you're a halfling. You have a great sense of humor.

Shayna: You have a great sense of humor, but you're very accident prone. You used to fight a lot with your boyfriend.

Chris: You have a great sense of humor, but can be kinda slow sometimes. You are called "Setsuna" because you look like Setsuna Mudou from *Angel Sanctuary* (but chunkier). You are often called on to assist with my humorous fanfictions. You enjoy martial arts and once had a relationship with Shayna.

Phoebe: You are kinda goth, but that's more than OK. You have a witty sense of humor and are one of my closest friends. You always are happy to talk about anime (or rag on Chris).

Jen: You are very knowledgeable about anime, particularly *Angel Sanctuary*. You are the new kid, but you manage well. You play flute in the band. You are kind of a whiner sometimes, though.

Johnny & Jamie: As a set of twins, you guys are (though not exactly the same) very alike. You like music, and have a great sense of humor. Math is also the bane of your existence.

Scott: You like martial arts, and you are another punk/goth type. You have done some stupid things, but at least you're fun to have around. Just don't drink vanilla Coke before karate class again, OK? >_

Alyssa: You have a great sense of humor; you're often called "The Other Mistress of Insanity". (Boy, is Insanity's wife going to be upset, lol! ^_^) Although you dislike anime (you don't understand it), you are delightful to be with.


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