Music Poll: Hillwood Band Members 2002-2003 Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Music Poll: Hillwood Band Members 2002-2003 Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
MusicMusic Poll: Hillwood Band Members 2002-2003
Vote for your top choice from the list below. This poll is based upon the selector "Hillwood Band Members 2002-2003" by Beast Warz.

Choose from this list:

Eric - With your abnormal size, you can be a force to be reckoned with, despite the fact that you're really not that violent. Still, you're one of the funniest in the band as well as the most popular. Keep up the good work and you'll be ruling the band someday, assuming those blasted Repaskys don't get in your way.

Michael - You see yourself as the most powerful of the brass instruments and you may very well be but try not to let your ego get the better of you. You enjoy the surging rush of power in being the trombone section leader and you want more. Like history's supreme conqueror, Genghis Khan, you wish to sweep across the band room, unleashing your storm of vengeance, destroying everything in its wake. However, deep down, you have a soft/compassionate side. Still, be sure not to let others see your "weakness".

Josh - The gentle giant of the group. Many may see you as gentle and charming but you are far more than meets the eye once people get to know you. You've got a lot of power within you, not to mention a very powerful dark side, but you never use up your full potential. Instead, you prefer to carry the team on your back or support them from behind instead of taking the lead in situations. Ahhh, sit back and smell the flowers. However, beware of evil vixens always trying to deceive you.

Jason Brunfield - In the world of gaming, you've seen it all. With your near 15 years of experience, you're a force to be reckoned with in video game trivia. You've seen it all, from the rise of Nintendo to the ascension of Sony Playstation and the plague known as X-Box. Oh yeah, you play the french horn and the trumpet as well.

Marlee - Aside from some rather inconvenient nasals, you have the will to dominate the flute section. You know that with the destruction of flutist overlord, Becky, your ascension to the throne will arrive. So before that time comes, practice, practice, practice, and make plenty of time to go to the movies with Brien as well. Oh yeah, be sure to avoid predatorial Asian kids by the name of Thomas Choe.

Becky - Exciting the hearts of many with your venomous passion, your will to dominate the band is as strong as ever, despite challenges from Mr. Kealhofer, Eric, and Michael. You may put on a "sweet and innocent" charade around others but certain people are not fooled by your deception. You may not openly admit it but you enjoy the power and prestige in band as well. So before you try to become band director or anything, always be sure to flirt, suck up, and have the grades to back it up, always. Also, back off a little on the flirting. You may be giving the wrong people wrong ideas.

Beth - Though you may not have your sister's dominating personality, you also have a strong will to dominate the band, although you do it differently, through seduction instead of flirtation. With your malevolent minion/boyfriend, Tony, always at your side, you're ready to take on the likes of Michael and Eric. Once the battle for supremacy has ended, you wish to set up a Repasky dynasty that would rule the band for eons to come.

Patrick - Despite your small size, you're more than meets the eye. Your supurb flute playing should gain you the position of section leader should you attempt to "dethrone" the current tyrant.

Mary - With your fierce temper and extreme aggression, you're as feminine as a piston. The fact that you play both the flute and the french horn gives you an edge, which may very well allow you to show your power to the whole band.

Jessica - You are quite the miracle worker. One of the few softmores to put up with Mr. Kealhofer. With your good-hearted nature and kind/approachable character, you're one person the band knows they can count on.

Blair - You "Blare" out as the peppiest guard member, and maybe peppiest band member of them all. Continue leading the guard..or something....

Jenna - Like Becky, you like to flirt alot. Except you do it more aggressively. Oh, by the way, look at that hot guy over there!

Kim - As band president/sub-commander to Mr. Kealhofer, you've quite a responsibility as well. You're the person Mr. K falls back on when the situation gets too out of hand for him. You've got to keep the egos of certain twin sisters and Asians down. You've given it your all to band and you deserve the credit and support for it.

Mr. Kent Kealhofer - As commander of the Hillwood Band, you've got quite a responsibility. You've got to keep egos in check, keep tempers from flaring, prevent band members from decimating each other, and keeping your pasty white-boy ass employed at the same time. Try not to let all of these facts drive you crazy, by the way.

Tony - Before, you roamed the grasslands freely. Now, you're a mere concubine to Beth. Hahaha, you're such a wuss now. However, she has managed to domesticate and placate you. However, flashes of your old self are still dominant. You still try to be a badass but you can't shake off the fact that being in the Hillwood band has changed the very essence of your spark.

Drew - You like Yu-Gi-Oh and Magic: The Gathering. Other than that, not much else is know about you besides the fact that you play trumpet and use to look like Drew Carrey.

Adam - You may not be the most well-liked member of the band, but nobody can take that big trumpet sound away from you. And, although your middle name is Tate, you'll always be known as Tater Tot in our hearts. In the meantime, don't let Tony or Mr. Kealhofer get to you.

Andrew - A newcomer to the infamous trumpet section of Hillwood High School, you've already sounded better than some of the trumpet veterans. Keep practicing and even Tony will kiss your ass someday.

Nicole - Carefree and fanciful like a butterfly, you would rather rather make love, not war. You have practically no enemies, whatsoever... except for the Repaskys, who only seek to use you.

Jason Oliver - A very random person, your unpredictability is your greatest asset. People never know what you'll do next. For this, Adam's little brother looks up to you.

Brien - Always the weird wisecracker, you seek opportunities to make fun of Tony. You could very well be one of the Warner brothers(Yakko or Wakko). Take into consideration the fact that James is on your tail. Be careful not to lose your first position in the saxophone section to him.

Jesse -

James - Like the infamous Decepticon, Starscream and the treacherous Predacon, Terrorsaur, you've the thought of acquiring more power in your mind. You may not know the best course to take to get there yet but you've got the basic ideas that you can hone and improve on. Your time may very well be coming. Until then, make sure that your schemes work and don't be afraid to show your razor-sharp ambitions.

Jeremy - Poor you. Your brother is the gayest thing on two legs and his girlfriend's a whore.

Marcello - You suck. Go away.


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