Books Poll: The Exorcist's Closet Official Personality Test! Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Books Poll: The Exorcist's Closet Official Personality Test! Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
BooksBooks Poll: The Exorcist's Closet Official Personality Test!
Vote for your top choice from the list below. This poll is based upon the selector "The Exorcist's Closet Official Personality Test!" by Rat.

Choose from this list:

Rei Winter, the exorcist

Paul Sorenson, the Cosmic Sucker

Alowex, the zombie

Chris, the vampire

Sophia, the goblin

Howl, the evil spirit

Lonni Duvall, the demon sorceress

Michael O'Malley, Lonni's boy-toy

Beatrice Linklater, the 'nice old lady'

Devin Fountaine, the bird trainer

John Sharp, the other exorcist

Zhou Winter, the divine big brother

The Dead Magenta

The Fluffy Gray Kitten

A Missionary


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