Anime Poll: Digimon: The Neo-Enemy Personality Test Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Anime Poll: Digimon: The Neo-Enemy Personality Test Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
AnimeAnime Poll: Digimon: The Neo-Enemy Personality Test
Vote for your top choice from the list below. This poll is based upon the selector "Digimon: The Neo-Enemy Personality Test" by YuushaRaideen.

Choose from this list:

Akira Toriyama - The hero of the video game Digimon World 2, in Neo-Enemy, he's a kid who just moved from Japan, and likes video games and Digimon a LOT. He makes friends easily, too. His partner Digimon is Lucemon.

Vance Wilson - The oldest DigiDestined. He's on the varsity football team, but his little sister Janine always gets awards in school, making Vance feel inferior. It takes the love of his friends to show him that his family does care about him. His partner Digimon is Gotsumon.

Kim Pitch - The fashion queen, but she also has a secret love of video games. Very popular at school. Her little brother is Benny. Her Digimon partner is Kunemon.

Mark Schultz - A nerd to the extreme. He loves sci-fi and is Vance's math tutor. He lives with his college-age brother. His Digimon partner is Otamamon.

Gina Azalea - Really loves nature, especially plants. She wants to be a botanist, but feels pressured by her mom to be a florist instead. Her partner Digimon is Floramon.

Blake Cinnabar - A technology junkie. He's the only one with a video game collection larger than Akira's. He also takes classes at the local college, even though he's the same age as Akira. He acts like a jerk but he's really just lonely. His partner Digimon is Hagurumon.

Benny Pitch - The youngest DigiDestined, and Kim's little brother. He has ESP and is sensitive to the forces of light and dark. However, he is very lonely, which makes him susceptible to being overcome by darkness... His Digimon partner is DemiDevimon.


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