Funny Debra- You love a joke and it could be said that you are the funniest person you know. *Just remember, some people may find a story about a cat getting caught on fire quite sadistic.- But what the hell do they know?* |
Annoying Debra- *NEWS FLASH* The Earth revolves around the SUN, not you. |
Loner Debra- There is only one thing to say... Awwwww... |
Friendly Debra- You have a large group of friends and are generally a very kind and caring person. This is a great way to be but make sure people don't try to take advantage of that kindness |
Warped Debra- I don't know whats wrong with you but I bet it's hard to pronounce. |
Know-It-All Debra- You DO have friends... right? Although you may think you know the answers to all of lifes questions chances are, you'll really piss people off telling them. |