Friends & Roommates Poll: Strange Friends Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Friends & Roommates Poll: Strange Friends Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Friends & RoommatesFriends & Roommates Poll: Strange Friends
Vote for your top choice from the list below. This poll is based upon the selector "Strange Friends" by Susan Jacques.

Choose from this list:

Take a long hard look at yourself

Take the picture out of your wallet & remember who your family are

Get a grip on reality, you are human

Repeat this mantra," I will turn off the computer "

You do need real people in your life

Your computer is a machine not your lover

Hey, your eyes are turning square

Why are you strating to glow in the dark?

Your mother warned you not to talk to strangers

Who gives a stuff?

Old friends are good friends

Real friends are the best friends

Your inner child is having hysterics

Are you sure you are straight?

Your feminine side has permanent PMT

Your masculine side is atrophying with your muscles

You are half ape half human

The aliens are knocking on the door for you

Life's a bitch and then you marry one

If you must go down memory lane, at least go parking

Your wife will efax you in the morning

Your psychiatrist is trying to email you

Your shoulders are now permanently hunched to match your squint

Have your family moved and you haven't noticed?

Do you find yourself wasting time devising quizes?


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