Take a long hard look at yourself |
Take the picture out of your wallet & remember who your family are |
Get a grip on reality, you are human |
Repeat this mantra," I will turn off the computer " |
You do need real people in your life |
Your computer is a machine not your lover |
Hey, your eyes are turning square |
Why are you strating to glow in the dark? |
Your mother warned you not to talk to strangers |
Who gives a stuff? |
Old friends are good friends |
Real friends are the best friends |
Your inner child is having hysterics |
Are you sure you are straight? |
Your feminine side has permanent PMT |
Your masculine side is atrophying with your muscles |
You are half ape half human |
The aliens are knocking on the door for you |
Life's a bitch and then you marry one |
If you must go down memory lane, at least go parking |
Your wife will efax you in the morning |
Your psychiatrist is trying to email you |
Your shoulders are now permanently hunched to match your squint |
Have your family moved and you haven't noticed? |
Do you find yourself wasting time devising quizes? |