Friends & Roommates Poll: *:.WhiCh oNe oF ~*~MeL*z~*~ fRiEnDz aRe YoU?.:* Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote Friends & Roommates Poll: *:.WhiCh oNe oF ~*~MeL*z~*~ fRiEnDz aRe YoU?.:* Vote for your top choice from the list below. This poll is based upon the selector "*:.WhiCh oNe oF ~*~MeL*z~*~ fRiEnDz aRe YoU?.:*" by l DeViOuS x KiTtY l. Translate: Choose from this list: AriELLE AnNy ALy RoRo ShAyAr BaRak MoNtAnA KeChi RoMaN aLaNa GrEg mE!! ;-) LiZa KaTiE See the newest and search for polls here: