Anime Poll: Which blue babe is right for you? Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote Anime Poll: Which blue babe is right for you? Vote for your top choice from the list below. This poll is based upon the selector "Which blue babe is right for you?" by Lena Ban Obsidian. Translate: Choose from this list: Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner) Mystique The Beast (Henry) Sailor Mercury (Ami) Sailor Neptune (Michiru) Bulma Rowen (Touma) Cale (Anubisu) Cye (Shin) Bob (Guardian 452) Sasami Ryoko Tamahome Chichiri Zelgadis Umi Patty (PS 2012) Emilio Michaelov Lena (Shamanic Princess) Tsukiyono Omi Link Kurama Fujimiya Aya (with the red, red hair) Scott Summers Grey Murphy See the newest and search for polls here: