Friends & Roommates Poll: Sengoku Nihon! Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Friends & Roommates Poll: Sengoku Nihon! Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Friends & RoommatesFriends & Roommates Poll: Sengoku Nihon!
Vote for your top choice from the list below. This poll is based upon the selector "Sengoku Nihon!" by Kikyou.

Choose from this list:

Kagura -- You're the Gothic type, and black is the color of your life. You are the rebel in your family, yet behind that Goth mask a person can find the sweetest and funniest person in the world

Mafe -- Your a very hyper person who likes to live in a world of fantasy. That state causes you to do a lot of unusual things, you very very strange person, and then you can't even remember what you did. Though people think you're sweet and intelligent, you really are a black angel!

Andrea -- You're a serious person who can't stand lazy people. Being the smartest, you are also the bossiest. Most of the men fall for your ways, but you don't lead them on, as you're so serious. You have a great heart, and people who have broken passed your shield find you to be a very special person

Sarah -- You follow your crazy friend in everything she does, and you believe that you are in fact the greatest singer in the world, despite the fact you tend to screw up most of the songs. It takes you a while to get things, however

Laura -- You're mommy's little girl, always by her side. You're maternal as well, kids always hooked on to your legs to play. Although you seem sweet and tender, you're bossy as hell. And please, drop some of your extra-classes.

Diana -- Jesus Christ, man! You are taking the complete wrong path down life!! By getting this person, you must act like a drunkard and a slut! Though you are a good friend, you are a bit ditzy... and watch out. You're prone to go mentally ill one of these days

Lorena -- What the..?! It's hard to believe that someone like you actually exists! You are the PERFECT woman! Beautiful, intelligent, great fashion sense, kind, sweet, tolerant. No, no, no! We don't deserve you in this world!


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