Sakura (Sakura Wars): You are the perfect match for the lesbian Sakura. Sakura is a humorously clumsy, which gives you laughs you crave. She might get sad about her klutziness, but I'm sure you can make her "feel better" about that. |
Utena (Utena): You are the perfect match for the lesbian Utena. She is very protective and extremely willing to be your knight in shining armor, which is just what you "need." |
Anthy (Utena): You are the perfect match for the lesbian Anthy. She will be very quiet, just like you want her to be. In fact, she will to ANYTHING you tell her to do... |
Wakaba (Utena): You are a perfect match for the lesbian Wakaba. She will provide all the cuddling and intimate embraces you just soooooo need, not to mention she loves surprising you. You will be very satisfied when she suddenly jumps you for a quick "ride." |
Tomoyo/Maddison (Cardcaptor Sakura): You are a perfect match for the lesbian Tomoyo. She would worship you just like you want your mate to do. Your happiness is what makes this compassionate lover satisfied. Don't worry! This giving characteristic is also prevalent in the bedroom as well. |
Nova (Magic Knights Rayearth): You are a perfect match for the lesbian Nova. She will provide you with the violence you crave, so you must be rather self-destructive when it comes to love AND sexual relations. |