Humor Poll: Dumbassity Test Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Humor Poll: Dumbassity Test Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
HumorHumor Poll: Dumbassity Test
Vote for your top choice from the list below. This poll is based upon the selector "Dumbassity Test" by Tori and Paul.

Choose from this list:

Dumbass - You suck! You have reached the very pinnacle of dumbassity! Be proud...

Stooopid! - You haven't quite reached the height of dumbassity yet, but you are close. Keep trying...

Daft - You have a dumb side to you but you need to apply yourself more to achieve TRUE dumbassity!

Normal - You have a dumb streak in there somewhere, but we just can't seem to bring it out right now :(

Sensible - You are SO BORING! You aren't dumb in the slightest!

Not only aren't you a dumbass, I bet money you're POPULAR too! Be gone, foul CHEERLEADER!


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