Many people have marvelled at how Collins Concise Dictionary is not exactly concise. Look at the size of that thing. Oh - about you - well, you're a dictionary, enough said. |
Everybody loves the smell of... 3 day old milk! You're what everybody loves and needs, a nice smelly bottle of milk with lumps in it. You lucky thing you! |
Everyone loves The epilepsy screen. You shake rattle and roll, and give people headaches. You lovely person you. A legend in your own right, probably the most Famous computer around. |
Many people have wondered about the usefulness of Death the printer. You sit around buzzing all day, but are, more often than not, dead. You never print anything, and when you do it causes a paper jam. Surely you are the most evil thing alive! |
The bin. Need I say more? You are the legendary BIN!!!! You work all day at a dead end job, and no one ever thanks you for it |
You are my dear little Bernie the bike. Bless you with your broken leg. |
You are the omnipresent Eau de computer room no one can really define you, but you make your presence and POWER known. |
Sometimes in computer room you might run across A Beth. These mythical creatures are famous for their singing voices. Take ear muffs if you encounter one, wait, you ARE one. |
You are A Jess. These creatures enjoy eating sweets and giving them to grateful Beths. |
Congratulations! You are A random mug. People drink things out of you. Joy! Oh, and as a bonus, you often contain old tea. Heaven! |
You are the sin that is Someone's coursework. Ouch! It takes a lot of hard work to get to know you, although once done it is usually worth 15% in an exam. |
The ancient paper notice has been around the computer room longer than the walls themselves. Several famous names have been etched onto it of computer monitors past and present. Surely, my dear, you are history itself. |
Ugly but marginally comfortable, you are The flowery chair! You might find that peopl like to sit on you, but you are reliable and dependable. |
The disgusting green walls. Is it mint green? Mould green? Snot green? All three? |
The door to nowhere ooh aren't you the mysterious one! You seem to lead to nowhere like a, well, like a door. To nowhere. Get it? |