Nutrition Information
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Alfalfa sprouts-advice for the elderly: Excellent
Cream sauces-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Use sparingly, tend to be high in sugar, fat and calories
Allspice is a known cancer fighter.
Almonds-recommendations for heart health: Loaded antioxidants lower heart disease, some cancers, lower bad LDL
Almonds loaded antioxidant lower heart disease, some cancers, lower bad LDL
Almond milk is a known cancer fighter.
Almond oil is a known cancer fighter.
Animal Crackers-recommendations for children: Good for kids.
Apples-cholesterol advice, pectin, soluble fiber helps lower cholesterol
Apples-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Apples contain anthocyanins to fight cancer(fiber colon)
Apple-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Major source of Vit. A and C, folic acid, 4 or more servings
Apple-recommendations for children: 2-4 servings daily
Apple juice-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Applesauce-advice for the elderly: 2-4 servings daily, 1/2 cup
Apricots-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Good source of Vit. A
Apricots dried store in fridge up to 3 weeks
Apricots are a known cancer fighter.
Artichokes are is a known cancer fighter.
Asparagus-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Asparagus store in fridge with the base wrapped in a damp paper towel
Avocado-advice for diabetics: 1/8 is a serving in recommended fat intake
Avocado is a known cancer fighter.
Avocado oil is a known cancer fighter.
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Bagels, (whole grain)-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Bagel-advice for the elderly: Especially benefits the elderly.
Bagel-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Major source of thiamin, niacin, iron, and zinc, 4 or more servings
Bagel- low fat-advice for diabetics: 1/2 small bagel
Baked beans-advice for the elderly: 2-3 servings daily, 1/2 cup
Bananas-advice for the elderly: 2-4 servings daily, 1
Bananas-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Major source of Vit. A and C, folic acid, 4 or more servings
Bananas-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Bananas-recommendations for children: 2-4 servings daily
Bananas are a known cancer fighter.
Barley-hulled is a known cancer fighter.
Basil is a known cancer fighter.
Bass is a known cancer fighter.
Striped bass-recommendations for heart health: Omega 3 g 0.7 fat g 2.0
Bay leaves are a known cancer fighter.
Beans* all loaded with protease inhibitors make it harder for cancer cells to invade
Beans-navy-cholesterol advice, 1 1/2c daily 3 weeks lowered cholesterol 56 pt LDL plunged 51 pts
Beans-cholesterol advice, Cholesterol fighter.
Beans-advice for diabetics: high fiber
Beans-as a flu fighter, proteins for immune system
Beans-recommendations for children: Excellent source of protein.
Gravy-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Use sparingly, tend to be high in sugar, fat and calories
Beef (lean)-recommendations for children: Excellent source of protein
Beef-advice for diabetics: 2 to 3 oz- one serving- trim all fat -roast, broil, boil
Beer-cholesterol advice, moderation
Beets-advice for the elderly: Excellent
Beets-as a flu fighter, strengthen immune system
Beets-as a cold fighter, strengthen immune system
Beets are a known cancer fighter.
Beet greens are a known cancer fighter.
Beta-carotene found in vegetables/ fruits are heroes against the war against cancer
Blackberries-advice for the elderly: Excellent
Blackberries high fiber, cancer fighting phytochemicals ellagic acid
Berries-recommendations for children: Excellent source of Vitamin A.
Blueberries-advice for the elderly: Excellent
Blueberries contain anthocyanins, flavonoidsmay prevent cancer
Rye is a known cancer fighter.
Bread, (whole grain)-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Breads-recommendations for children: 6-11 servings daily
Bread-advice for the elderly: 6-11 servings daily, 1 slice
Brewer's yeast is a known cancer fighter.
Broccoli-advice for diabetics: 1 cup raw or 1/2 cup cooked (fresh or frozen)
Broccoli-cholesterol advice, cholesterol bashing
Broccoli-advice for the elderly: 3-5 servings daily, 1/2 cup, Good source Vit. A., Excellent Vit. C. Folic acid
Broccoli-as a flu fighter, flavonoids stop virus from reproducing
Broccoli-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Good source of Vit. A, rich in Folic Acid, excellent source of Vit. C
Broccoli-as a cold fighter, Contains vitamin C
Broccoli-recommendations for heart health: Good source vitamin A., rich in folic acid, excellent Vitamin C.
Broccoli-recommendations for children: 3-5 servings daily 1/2 cup
Broccoli lower rate of cancer
Broccoli flowers-advice for the elderly: Excellent
Brown rice-advice for diabetics: 1/3 cup cooked
Brown rice is a known cancer fighter.
Brussels sprouts** lower rate of cancer
Brussels sprouts-cholesterol advice, antioxidants
Brussels sprouts-advice for the elderly: Excellent
Brussels sprouts-as a cold fighter, Contains vitamin C
Buckwheat is a known cancer fighter.
Bulgar-advice for diabetics: 1/2 cup cooked - 3/4 cup dry
Bulgar is a known cancer fighter.
Butter-advice for diabetics: 1Tsp is a serving in recommended fat intake
Butter-advice for the elderly: Use sparingly
Butter-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Use sparingly, tend to be high in sugar, fat and calories
Cabbage-cholesterol advice, antioxidants
Cabbage-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Major source of Vit. A and C, folic acid, 4 or more servings
Cabbage-as a cold fighter, Contains vitamin C
Cabbage-recommendations for children: Excellent source of Vitamin A.
Cabbage one of the most potent cancer fighting on the market
Cole slaw-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Good source of Vit. C
Calcium hero in fighting colon cancer
Licorice slows down rapidly dividing cells like cancer inhibits estrogens
Licorice root tea-as a cold fighter, do not use if you have high blood pressure
Candy-advice for the elderly: Use sparingly
Candy-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Use sparingly, tend to be high in sugar, fat and calories
Candy-recommendations for children: Use sparingly
Cantaloupe-as a flu fighter, vitamin A
Cantaloupe-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Excellent source of Vit. A, rich in Vit. C
Cantaloupe-as a cold fighter, Contains vitamin C
Cantaloupe-recommendations for children: Excellent source of Vitamin A.
Cantaloupe is a known cancer fighter.
Cardamom is a known cancer fighter.
Carrots-advice for diabetics: 1 cup raw or 1/2 cup cooked (fresh or frozen)
Carrots-advice for the elderly: 3-5 servings daily, 1/2 cup
Carrots-as a flu fighter, vitamin A
Carrots-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Excellent source of Vit. A
Carrots-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Carrots-recommendations for children: 3-5 servings daily 1/2 cup
Carrots help fight digestive -system cancer, hemorrhoids, lung cancer- breast
Catfish-recommendations for heart health: Omega 3 g 0.4 fat g 2.4
Cauliflower high level indole gluosinolates believed to have variety fight can
Celery-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Celery is a known cancer fighter.
Bran-cholesterol advice, Cholesterol fighter.
Bran cereal-advice for diabetics: 1/2 cup cooked - 3/4 cup dry
Cereal-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Major source of thiamin, niacin, iron, and zinc, 4 or more servings
Cereal (fiber, fortified)-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Cereal whole.Recommendations for children: 6-11 servings daily
Cheese-advice for diabetics: 2 to 3 oz- one serving
Cheese-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Excellent for calcium, protein, and riboflavin, recommended serving. at least 4
Cheese-recommendations for children: Excellent sources of calcium, which is necessary for building strong bones and teeth
Cheese (reduced fat)-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Cottage cheese, (lowfat)-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Cottage cheese-advice for diabetics: 1/2 to 3/4 cup
Cottage Cheese-advice for the elderly: 2-3 servings daily, 1 1/2 oz. good source of protein
Cottage cheese-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Excellent for calcium, protein, and riboflavin, recommended serving. at least 4
Cottage cheese-recommendations for children: Excellent sources of calcium and
Cottage cheese- best low fat /non fat
Cream cheese-advice for diabetics: 1 Tlb is a serving in recommended fat intake
Ricotta cheese is a known cancer fighter.
Cherries-advice for the elderly: Excellent
Cherries are a known cancer fighter.
Chicken-advice for diabetics: 2 to 3 oz- one serving (remove skin)
Chicken-advice for the elderly: 2-3 servings daily, 2 oz.
Chicken-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Major source of protein, iron, niacin, thiamin, Vit. B6&B12, and folic acid, serving. 2
Chicken substitute for red meat reduce risk of colon cancers in half
Poultry-as a flu fighter, proteins for immune system
Poultry-recommendations for children: Excellent source of protein
Poultry-advice for diabetics: 2 to 3 oz- one serving
Chilies-advice for diabetics: 1 cup raw or 1/2 cup cooked (fresh or frozen)
Chives contain many of the same cancer fighting substances as garlic
Dark chocolate recommendationed for heart health: Flavonoids thought to protect against heart disease
Dark chocolate antioxidants called flavonoids protect against certain cancers
Cinnamon is a known cancer fighter.
Cloves are a known cancer fighter.
Cod is a known cancer fighter.
Cod liver oil is a known cancer fighter.
Collard greens-as a flu fighter, strengthen immune system
Collard greens-as a cold fighter, strengthen immune system
Collard greens are a known cancer fighter.
Cookies (wafers, fruit-filled)-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Cookies Vanilla Wafers-recommendations for children: Good for kids.
Cookies-advice for diabetics: 2 small - one serving (eat as part of meal, not extra)
Cookies-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Use sparingly, tend to be high in sugar, fat and calories
Chips-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Use sparingly, tend to be high in sugar, fat and calories
Corn-advice for diabetics: 1/2 cup cooked - (starchy vegetable)
Corn-advice for the elderly: 3-5 servings daily, 1/2 cup
Corn-advice for the elderly: Excellent
Corn is a known cancer fighter.
Corn-recommendations for children: 3-5 servings daily 1/2 cup
Cornmeal good source of protein. A known cancer fighter.
Crackers, (wheat, rye)-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Crackers-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Major source of thiamin, niacin, iron, and zinc, 4 or more servings
Crackers-recommendations for children: 6-11 servings daily
Crackers- low fat-advice for diabetics: good for snacks
Cranberries high fiber, cancer fighting phytochemicals ellagic acid
Cranberry juice-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Sour cream, (low fat)-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Sour cream-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Use sparingly, tend to be high in sugar, fat and calories
Cucumbers-cholesterol advice, decreases cholesterol
Cumin is a known cancer fighter.
Cup cake-advice for diabetics: small - one serving (eat as part of meal, not extra)
Curry powder-as a flu fighter, may kill viruses
Curry powder-as a cold fighter, relieve bronchial and sinus congestion, may kill viruses
Dates are a known cancer fighter.
Dried fruits(apricots, prunes-recommendations for heart health: Excellent
Egg white is a known cancer fighter.
Egg-advice for diabetics: 1 egg -equivalent to 1 oz of meat
Eggs-advice for the elderly: 2-3 servings daily, 1 good source of protein.
Eggs-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Major source of protein, iron, niacin, thiamin, Vit. B6&B12, and folic acid, serving. 2
Eggs-recommendations for heart health: Good source of protein
Eggs-recommendations for children: Excellent source of protein
Eggs are a known cancer fighter.
Eggplant-advice for the elderly: On elderly list
Eggplant-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Eggplant is a known cancer fighter.
Endive is a known cancer fighter.
Fiber-cholesterol advice, eat 20 grams of fiber a day
Fiber resists colon, hormone related cancers-breast and prostrate
Figs are a known cancer fighter.
Fig Newtons-recommendations for children: Good for kids.
Hazelnuts are a known cancer fighter.
Hazelnut oil is a known cancer fighter.
Fish-advice for diabetics: 2 to 3 oz- one serving
Fish-as a flu fighter, proteins for immune system
Fish-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Major source of protein, iron, niacin, thiamin, Vit. B6&B12, and folic acid, serving. 2
Fish-recommendations for children: Good for kids.
Fish high in fatty oils are a known cancer fighter.
Bluefish-recommendations for heart health: Omega 3 g 0.7 fat g 3.6
Flaxseed-cholesterol advice, reduce heart attack- spindle 2 T on salad or cereal
Flaxseed inhibits hormones that cause cancer spread
Flour, (wheat, rye)-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Folic acid-cholesterol advice, 400 milligrams
Folic acid help protect cells from cancer- inducing genetic damage
Fruit cocktail-advice for the elderly: 2-4 servings daily, 1/2 cup
Canned Fruit (juice packed)-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Canned Fruit-advice for diabetics: 1/2 cup-(without added sweeteners and syrups)
Fruit dried-advice for diabetics: 1/4 cup
Fruit juice-advice for diabetics: 1/2 cup(choose whole fruit more often than juice, higher fiber)
Fruit juice-advice for the elderly: 2-4 servings daily, 1/2 cup
Fruit juice-recommendations for children: 2-4 servings daily
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Garbanzos are a known cancer fighter.
Garbanzo beans-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Rich in Folic acid
Garlic* neutralizing carcinogens, slower tumor growth lower colon, prostrate
Garlic-cholesterol advice, discourages cholesterol from lining arteries/300mg 3x daily
Garlic-as a flu fighter, fights virus
Garlic-as a cold fighter, bronchial congestion, sore throats, stuffy noses, kill bacteria, viruses
Gelatin-advice for the elderly: Use sparingly
Ginger-advice for diabetics: appears to enhance insulin
Ginger-as a flu fighter, fights virus, effective against nausea
Ginger-as a cold fighter, suppressing cough, soothing sore throat, fighting virus. Effective against nausea.
Ginger-recommendations for heart health: helps prevent artial plaque from forming
Ginger -fresh root contains cancer fighting antioxidants, controls nausea chemotherapy
Ginger snaps-as a cold fighter, effective against nausea
Ginger Snaps-recommendations for children: Good for kids.
Grapefruits-advice for diabetics: 1 small fresh fruit
Grapefruits-as a cold fighter, Contains vitamin C
Grapefruits, a source of vitamin C.
Grapefruits-as a flu fighter, flavonoids stop virus from reproducing -vit C
Grapefruit-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Excellent source of Vit. C
Grapefruit juice-as a cold fighter, restore lost fluids from fever & diarrhea, reduce severity of cold
Grapefruit pink-advice for the elderly: Excellent
Grapes-recommendations for children: 2-4 servings daily
Grapes contain ellagic acid which may kill cancer-causing compounds
Grape juice-cholesterol advice, 2 antioxidants- 2 glasses daily
Grape juice-recommendations for heart health: Preliminary research anti clotting benefits
Grape juice 3 x antioxidants than other popular juices
Greens-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Excellent source of Vit. A, excellent source of Vit. C
Greens-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Major source of Vit. A and C, folic acid, 4 or more servings
Green beans-advice for the elderly: 3-5 servings daily, 1/2 cup
Green beans-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Major source of Vit. A and C, folic acid, 4 or more servings
Green beans-recommendations for children: 3-5 servings daily 1/2 cup
Green leafy veggies-as a flu fighter, vitamins & minerals to boost immune system
Haddock is a known cancer fighter.
Ham-Lean-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Honey-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Use sparingly, tend to be high in sugar, fat and calories
Honey-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Honey is a known cancer fighter.
Horseradish-as a cold fighter, relieve bronchial and sinus congestion
Ice cream-advice for diabetics: 1/2 cup - one serving (eat as part of meal, not extra)
Iron-as a flu fighter, power immune system, aidstransformation
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Jelly-advice for the elderly: Use sparingly
Jelly-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Use sparingly, tend to be high in sugar, fat and calories
Jelly-recommendations for children: Use sparingly
Kale-cholesterol advice, antioxidants
Kale-advice for the elderly: Excellent
Kale-as a flu fighter, flavonoids stop virus from reproducing
Kale offer protection of collorectal, stomach, lung cancer
Kale-as a cold fighter, strengthen immune system
Kefir is a known cancer fighter.
Kidney Beans-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Rich in Folic acid
Kidney beans are a known cancer fighter.
Kidney is a known cancer fighter.
Kiwis-as a flu fighter, vitamin C
Kiwi-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Rich in Vit. C
Kiwi certain cancers
Kiwi fruit-advice for the elderly: Excellent
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Lamb-advice for the elderly: zinc
Lamb-recommendations for children: zinc
Leeks contain many of the same cancer fighting substances as garlic
Legumes-as a flu fighter, strengthen immune system
Legumes-as a cold fighter, strengthen immune system
Lemons-as a flu fighter, flavonoids stop virus from reproducing-vit C
Lemons, citrus fruits-as a cold fighter, restore lost fluids from fever & diarrhea, reduce severity of cold
Lemons, Citrus. Fruit-recommendations for children: Excellent source of Vitamin A.
Lemons-as a cold fighter, restore lost fluids from fever & diarrhea, reduce severity of cold
Lentils-advice for diabetics: 1/2 cup cooked
Lentils-as a flu fighter, vitamins & minerals to boost immune system
Lentils-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Rich in Folic acid
Lentils are a known cancer fighter.
Lettuce-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Major source of Vit. A and C, folic acid, 4 or more servings
Lettuce-recommendations for children: 3-5 servings daily 1/2 cup
Lettuce-red leaf is a known cancer fighter.
Salad greens-advice for the elderly: 3-5 servings daily, 1/2 cup
Romaine-advice for diabetics: 1 cup raw or 1/2 cup cooked (fresh or frozen)
Lettuce: romaine-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Lettuce-romaine darker green in color are more nutritious (romaine)
Limes-as a flu fighter, flavonoids stop virus from reproducing -vit C
Limes-as a cold fighter, restore lost fluids from fever & diarrhea, reduce severity of cold
Limes are a known cancer fighter.
Limes, citrus fruits-as a cold fighter, restore lost fluids from fever & diarrhea, reduce severity of cold
Limes, Citrus. Fruit-recommendations for children: Excellent source of Vitamin A.
Liver-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Excellent source of iron
Liver is a known cancer fighter.
Mace is a known cancer fighter.
Mackerel is a known cancer fighter.
Atlantic mackerel-recommendations for heart health: Omega 3g 2.1 fat g 11.8 all rated healthiest
Magnesium-as a flu fighter, power immune system, aidstransformation
Mangos are a known cancer fighter.
Maple syrup-pure 100% pure- no artificial sweeteners
Marjoram is a known cancer fighter.
Mayonnaise-advice for diabetics: 1 Tsp is a serving in recommended fat intake
Mayonnaise-advice for the elderly: Use sparingly
Mayonnaise-recommendations for children: Use sparingly
Meatloaf-advice for the elderly: 2-3 servings daily, 2 oz.
Melons-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Milk, (skim or 1%)-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Milk, low fat-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Excellent for calcium, protein, and riboflavin, recommended serving. at least 4
Milk-advice for the elderly: 2-3 servings daily, 1 cup
Milk-recommendations for children: Excellent sources of calcium, which is necessary for building strong bones and teeth
Milk- low fat-advice for diabetics: 1 cup- one serving
Milk- low or non fat vitamin D additional cancer protect-known to escort calcium to bloodstream
Milk- non fat-advice for diabetics: 1 cup- one serving
Millet is a known cancer fighter.
Miso is a known cancer fighter.
Molasses blackstrap
Muffin-advice for diabetics: small - one serving (eat as part of meal, not extra)
Muffin-advice for the elderly: 1 small
Muffin-recommendations for children: 6-11 servings daily
English muffins-advice for diabetics: 1/2 small muffin
English muffin-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Mushrooms-cholesterol advice, 10% cholesterol busting calcium
Mushrooms are a known cancer fighter.
Mustard greens-as a flu fighter, strengthen immune system
Mustard greens-as a cold fighter, strengthen immune system
Mustard greens offer protection of collorectal, stomach, lung cancer
Mustard - hot-as a cold fighter, acts as an expectorant
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Nectarines are a known cancer fighter.
Nutmeg is a known cancer fighter.
Nuts-cholesterol advice, 6 ounces weekly lower heat attack by 1/3
Nuts-as a flu fighter, vitamins & minerals to boost immune system
Nuts are a known cancer fighter.
Oats are a known cancer fighter.
Hot cereal-advice for the elderly: 1/2 cup
Oatmeal-cholesterol advice, helps lower cholesterol
Oatmeal-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Major source of thiamin, niacin, iron, and zinc, 4 or more servings
Oatmeal-recommendations for children: Good for kids.
Oatmeal cookies-recommendations for children: Good for kids.
Octopus is a known cancer fighter.
Olive oil-cholesterol advice, cold pressed extra virgin
Olive oil- extra virgin is a known cancer fighter.
Oil-advice for diabetics: 1 Tsp is a serving in recommended fat intake
Sesame oil is a known cancer fighter.
Omega 3 fatty acids-cholesterol advice, eat at least on serving of fish daily reduces risk by 52%
Onions-as a flu fighter, flavonoids stop virus from reproducing
Onions-as a cold fighter, relieve bronchial and sinus congestion
Onions-recommendations for heart health: Excellent
Onions-cholesterol advice, cholesterol bashing
Onions contain many of the same cancer fighting substances as garlic
Onion-advice for the elderly: Excellent
Orange juice-cholesterol advice, has folic acid-reduces risk of heart attack
Orange juice-as a flu fighter, vitamin C
Orange juice-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Excellent source of Vit. C., rich in Folic Acid
Orange juice-as a cold fighter, restore lost fluids from fever & diarrhea, reduce severity of cold
Orange juice-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Oranges* more than 170 phytochemicals-20 antioxidants-lowers stomach & lung cancer
Oranges-as a cold fighter, Contains vitamin C
Oranges-recommendations for heart health: Excellent source of Vitamin C, rich in folic acid
Oranges, citrus fruits-as a cold fighter, restore lost fluids from fever & diarrhea, reduce severity of cold
Oranges, Citrus. Fruit-recommendations for children: Excellent source of Vitamin A.
Oranges-advice for diabetics: 1 small fresh. Fruit
Oranges-as a flu fighter, flavonoids stop virus from reproducing- vitamin C.
Orange-advice for the elderly: 2-4 servings daily, 1, Excellent source Vit. C, rich in folic acid
Orange-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Excellent source of Vit. C, rich in Folic Acid
Oysters-advice for the elderly: zinc
Oysters-recommendations for heart health: Omega 3 g 0.5 fat g 2.1
Oysters B12
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Papaya-as a flu fighter, vitamin A, vitamin C.
Papaya-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Rich in Vit. C
Papaya is a known cancer fighter.
Parsley inhibits prostaglandins, destroys benzopyrene a potent carcinogen
Parsnips-as a flu fighter, strengthen immune system
Parsnips-as a cold fighter, strengthen immune system
Parsnips are a known cancer fighter.
Pasta-advice for diabetics: 1/2 cup cooked
Pasta-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Major source of thiamin, niacin, iron, and zinc, 4 or more servings
Pasta-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Pasta-recommendations for children: 6-11 servings daily
Pasta whole wheat is a known cancer fighter.
Peaches are a known cancer fighter.
Peach-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Major source of Vit. A and C, folic acid, 4 or more servings
Peanut butter-advice for diabetics: 2 Tbl -equivalent to 1 oz of meat
Peanut butter-advice for the elderly: 2-3 servings daily, 2 tbsp. good source of protein
Peanut butter-recommendations for heart health: Good source of protein
Peanut butter-recommendations for children: Excellent source of protein
Peanuts-advice for diabetics: 10 =one serving in fat intake
Peanuts destroys cancer gene enzymes
Pears-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Pears are a known cancer fighter.
Pear-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Major source of Vit. A and C, folic acid, 4 or more servings
Peas-dried-cholesterol advice, Cholesterol fighter.
Peas-dried-recommendations for children: Excellent source of protein
Peas-advice for diabetics: 1/2 cup cooked (starchy vegetable)
Peas-fresh destroys cancer gene enzymes
Green peppers-as a cold fighter, Contains vitamin C
Green pepper-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Good source of Vit. C
Red bell pepper-advice for the elderly: Excellent
Red grapes-advice for the elderly: Excellent
Red peppers vitamin C.
Red pepper-as a flu fighter, vitamin C
Bell peppers good source of vitamin C.
Peppers: red/green-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Peppers-advice for diabetics: 1 cup raw or 1/2 cup cooked (fresh or frozen)
Hot peppers keep toxic chemicals from attaching to DNA
Persimmons are a known cancer fighter.
Pineapple is a known cancer fighter.
Pineapple juice-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Pine nuts are a known cancer fighter.
Pinto beans-cholesterol advice, 1 1/2c daily 3 weeks lowered cholesterol 56 pt LDL plunged 51 pts
Pita bread-advice for diabetics: 1/2 pita bread
Plums-advice for the elderly: Excellent
Plums-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Major source of Vit. A and C, folic acid, 4 or more servings
Plums are a known cancer fighter.
Polenta-stone-ground is a known cancer fighter.
Popcorn (light)-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Pork-advice for diabetics: 2 to 3 oz- one serving- trim all fat -roast, broil, boil
Potatoes-as a cold fighter, Contains vitamin C
Potatoes-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Potatoes store in brown paper bag up to 2 months with apple to prevent sprouting
Potato-advice for diabetics: small (starchy vegetable)
Potato-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Major source of Vit. A and C, folic acid, 4 or more servings
Mashed potatoes-advice for the elderly: 3-5 servings daily, 1/2 cup
Mashed potato-recommendations for children: 3-5 servings daily 1/2 cup
Pretzels-advice for diabetics: good for snacks
Pretzels-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Pretzels-recommendations for children: 6-11 servings daily
Prunes-advice for the elderly: Excellent, good source of fiber, may also help slow aging body and brain
Prunes top the list with more antioxidants than dozens of common fruit & vegetables
Pudding-advice for the elderly: 2-3 servings daily, 1 cup
Pudding-recommendations for children: made with skim milk
Gelatin/pudding (sugar free)-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Pumpkins are a known cancer fighter.
Pumpkin-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Excellent source of Vit. A
Raisins-cholesterol advice, cholesterol-lowering compound LDL
Raisins-advice for the elderly: Excellent
Raisins-recommendations for heart health: Help the heart in two ways
Raisins are a known cancer fighter.
Raspberries-advice for the elderly: Excellent
Raspberries high fiber, cancer fighting phytochemicals ellagic acid
Riboflavin-as a flu fighter, power immune system, aidstransformation
Rice cakes-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Rice, brown-advice for the elderly: 1/2 cup
Rice-brown-recommendations for children: 6-11 servings daily
Rice--recommendations forheart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Rice-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Major source of thiamin, niacin, iron, and zinc, 4 or more servings
Wild rice good source of protein
Rosemary inhibits carcinogens
Rutabagas are a known cancer fighter.
Sage-as a cold fighter, ease head and chest discomfort by inhaling steam (dried, fresh )
Sage is a known cancer fighter.
Salad dressings (low fat)-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Salad dressing-advice for diabetics: 1 Tlb is a serving in recommended fat intake
Salad dressing-advice for the elderly: Use sparingly
Salad dressing-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Use sparingly, tend to be high in sugar, fat and calories
Salad dressing-recommendations for children: Use sparingly
Atlantic salmon-recommendations for heart health: Omega 3 g 1.5 fat g 5.4
Pink salmon canned-recommendations for heart health: Omega 3 g 1.5 fat g 5.1
Salmon-cholesterol advice, omega-3 fatty which can help reduce cholesterol
Salmon-advice for the elderly: zinc
Salmon-recommendations for children: zinc
Salmon omega-3 fatty acids help deter cancer
Salsa-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Sardines-cholesterol advice, has calcium which research shows can lower cholesterol
Sea-weed is a known cancer fighter.
Selenium-cholesterol advice, balances ratio between good & bad cholesterol -100mcg daily
Seeds-as a flu fighter, vitamins & minerals to boost immune system
Shark-recommendations for heart health: Omega 3 g 0.7 fat g 3.8
Shrimp-recommendations for heart health: Omega 3 g 0.4 fat g 1.5
Sole is a known cancer fighter.
Soup-chicken-as a cold fighter, add garlic, or tobasco to increase effect
Soups (low sodium)-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Soyburger one property soy has is genistein may protect against prostrate cancer
Soy beans-cholesterol advice, lowers LDL and triglycerides
Soy beans rich in isoflavonesmay diminish breast cancer, block estrogen
Soy milk-cholesterol advice, lowers LDL and triglycerides
Soy milk-as a flu fighter, strengthen immune system
Soy milk-as a cold fighter, strengthen immune system
Soy milk soybeans have anti-cancer activity
Spaghetti sauce(meatless)-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Oregano is a known cancer fighter.
Spinach* lower breast, lung cancer
Spinach-advice for the elderly: Excellent source of Vit A., rich in folic acid
Spinach-as a flu fighter, vitamin A, vitamin C.
Spinach-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Excellent source of Vit. A, rich in Folic Acid
Spinach-recommendations for heart health: Excellent source of Vitamin A, rich in folic acid
Spinach-advice for diabetics: 1 cup raw or 1/2 cup cooked (fresh or frozen)
Split peas are a known cancer fighter.
Sprouts are a known cancer fighter.
Squash-banana is a known cancer fighter.
Squash-butternut is a known cancer fighter.
Squash-damish is a known cancer fighter.
Squash-kabocha is a known cancer fighter.
Squash As as a flu fighter: vitamin A
Squash-as a cold fighter, strengthen immune system
Winter squash-advice for diabetics: 1 cup (starchy vegetable)
Winter squash-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Good source of Vit. A
Summer squash is a known cancer fighter.
Squid-recommendations for heart health: Omega 3 -loads
Strawberries* bursting with cancer fighting chemicals calledanthocyanins
Strawberries-cholesterol advice, pectin, soluble fiber helps lower cholesterol
Strawberries-advice for the elderly: Excellent
Strawberries-as a flu fighter, vitamin C
Strawberries-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Excellent source of Vit. C
Strawberries-as a cold fighter, Contains vitamin C
Strawberries-recommendations for heart health: Excellent
Strawberries-recommendations for children: 2-4 servings daily
Bluefin tuna-recommendations for heart health: Omega 3 g 1.0 g fat g 4.2
Sugar-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Use sparingly, tend to be high in sugar, fat and calories
Sweet potatoes-as a flu fighter, vitamin A, vitamin C.
Sweet potatoes-as a cold fighter, strengthen immune system
Sweet potatoes vit A- look for thick ones that taper at end- do not refrigerate
Sweet potato-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Excellent source of Vit. A
Sweet potato-advice for diabetics: 1/2 cup (starchy vegetable)
Swiss chard offer protection of collorectal, stomach, lung cancer
Chard is a known cancer fighter.
Swordfish-recommendations for heart health: Omega 3 g 0.7 fat g 3.4
Tangerines-advice for diabetics: 1 small fresh fruit
Tangerines-as a flu fighter, flavonoids stop virus from reproducing -vit C
Tangerines-as a cold fighter, restore lost fluids from fever & diarrhea, reduce severity of cold
Tangerine-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Good source of Vit. C
Tangerine is a known cancer fighter.
Tea-green-cholesterol advice, contains powerful antioxidants that reduce cholesterol
Tea-as a flu fighter, flavonoids stop virus from reproducing
Tea-as a cold fighter, replenish lost fluids, ease nasal congest. Relieves breathing difficulty
Tea* antioxidants called polyphenols restore chemical that limit rogue cell div
Thiamin-as a flu fighter, power immune system, aidstransformation
Thyme is a known cancer fighter.
Tobasco-as a cold fighter, acts as an expectorant
Tofu-advice for diabetics: 4 oz.
Tofu-cholesterol advice, 40 studies show soy lowers cholesterol
Tofu-as a flu fighter, strengthen immune system
Tofu-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Major source of protein, iron, niacin, thiamin, Vit. B6&B12, and folic acid, serving. 2
Tofu-as a cold fighter, strengthen immune system
Tofu-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Tofu soybeans have anti-cancer activity
Tomato juice-advice for diabetics: 1/2 cup
Tomato juice-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Good source of Vit. C
Tomato juice (low sodium)-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Tomato paste-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Tomato sauce-recommendations for children: 3-5 servings daily 1/2 cup
Tomatoes* richest source lycopene lower risk of prostrate, colon, lung, mouth, cervix
Tomatoes-as a flu fighter, flavonoids stop virus from reproducing, vitamin C -eat raw tomato
Tomatoes-as a cold fighter, Contains vitamin C
Tomatoes-recommendations for heart health: Excellent source of Vitamin A.
Tomato-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Good source of Vit. A, good source of Vit, C
Tomato-recommendations for children: Excellent source of Vitamin A.
Fennel seeds (found in casserole dishes and tortellini) are a known cancer fighter.
Tortillas, (whole grain)-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Tortillas-advice for diabetics: 1- 6 inch tortilla
Tortilla-recommendations for children: 6-11 servings daily
Corn tortilla-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Major source of thiamin, niacin, iron, and zinc, 4 or more servings
Rainbow trout-recommendations for heart health: Omega 3 g 0.6 fat g 2.9
Tuna-advice for diabetics: 1/2 to 3/4 cup
Tuna-advice for the elderly: 2-3 servings daily, 2 oz.
Tuna-recommendations for heart health: Omega 3 -loads
Tuna is a known cancer fighter.
Tuna fish (water-packed)-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Saltwater fish is a known cancer fighter.
Turkey-advice for diabetics: 2 to 3 oz- one serving (remove skin)
Turkey-advice for the elderly: zinc
Turkey-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Major source of protein, iron, niacin, thiamin, Vit. B6&B12, and folic acid, serving. 2
Turkey-recommendations for children: zinc
Turkey breast-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Turmeric is a known cancer fighter.
Turnips are a known cancer fighter.
Turnip greens are a known cancer fighter.
Veal-advice for diabetics: 2 to 3 oz- one serving- trim all fat -roast, broil, boil
Vegetable juice-advice for diabetics: 1/2 cup
Vegetable juice-advice for the elderly: 3-5 servings daily, 1/2 cup
Vegetable juice is a known cancer fighter.
Vinegars are a known cancer fighter.
Vitamin B6-cholesterol advice, no more than 50MG
Vitamin B6-as a flu fighter, power immune system, aidstransformation
Vitamin C-as a cold fighter, helps fight colds -consume vit. C onset of cold recover sooner
Vitamin C-cholesterol advice, 500 milligrams
Vitamin C guard against preservatives
Vitamin E-cholesterol advice, 400 IU
Vitamin E guard against preservatives
Vitamin A-as a flu fighter, Recommended.
Vitamin C-as a flu fighter, Recommended.
Walnuts-cholesterol advice, handful a day lower cholesterol(linoleic acid similar to omeg3)
Walnuts inhibits hormones that cause cancer spread
Watermelon-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Good source of Vit. A, good source of Vit. C
Watermelon-recommendations for children: 2-4 servings daily
Whole grains-as a flu fighter, vitamins & minerals to boost immune system
Whole grains-as a cold fighter, strengthen immune system
Whole grain bread-advice for diabetics: 1 slice
Whole grain bread is a known cancer fighter.
Whole grain cereals are a known cancer fighter.
Whole grain crackers-advice for diabetics: 4 to 6 crackers
Whole wheat* lower risk of cancer by 1/3
Whole wheat-cholesterol advice, Cholesterol fighter.
Whole wheat-recommendations for heart health: Lower heart disease
Whole wheat bread-advice for diabetics: 1 slice
Whole wheat flour-advice for diabetics: for cooking and baking (also other whole grain types)
Wheat germ-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Rich in Folic acid
Wheat germ good source of protein
Wheat germ oil is a known cancer fighter.
Wine-cholesterol advice, moderation
Red wine-as a flu fighter, flavonoids stop virus from reproducing
Red wine-recommendations for heart health: Flavonoids may discourage formation of b-that cause stroke/ heart disease.
Red wine antioxidants called flavonoids protect against certain cancers
Yams neutralizes free radicals
Yam-advice for diabetics: 1/2 cup (starchy vegetable)
Yogurt, (low fat or nonfat)-recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.
Yogurt-low fat-advice for diabetics: 1 cup- one serving
Yogurt-low fat without thickeners & gelatin- anti cancer activity
Yogurt-nonfat-advice for diabetics: 1 cup- one serving
Yogurt-advice for the elderly: 2-3 servings daily, 1 cup
Yogurt-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Excellent for calcium, protein, and riboflavin, recommended serving. at least 4
Yogurt-as a cold fighter, eat in spring to decrease colds in winter
Yogurt-recommendations for children: Excellent sources of calcium, which is necessary for building strong bones and teeth
Frozen yogurt-recommendations for children: Good for kids.
Zinc-advice for the elderly: strengthens immune system
Zinc-as a flu fighter, power immune system, aidstransformation
Zinc-as a cold fighter, Reduces duration and severity of cold symptoms.
Zinc-recommendations for children: strengthens immune system-zinc
Zucchini-recommendations for breast-feeding mothers: Major source of Vit. A and C, folic acid, 4 or more servings
Zucchini is a known cancer fighter.
Recommendations for heart health: Part of a heart smart diet.