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Does ''Are you a Temzed?'' give you an idea?
Using this selector as a starting point, you might be inspired to:
  • Add, change or delete questions
  • Add, change or delete results
  • Edit the wording
  • Improve the order of the results.
  • Make a new version of it in another language
  • Use this selector as a basis for a new selector on another topic.
    Is your idea a minor change?
    If your idea doesn't require an entire revision, suggest a change to our editor. Perhaps you noticed a typo or a grammatical goof. Let us know by rating ''Are you a Temzed?'' and sending the editor a private comment from the results page. Your suggestion will be read and considered. If it improves the selector, we will probably make the change.

  • You are invited to build upon, update or create a selector:
    Improve somebody's ''Are you a Temzed?''.
    Update your own ''Are you a Temzed?''.
    Create an entirely new selector.
    Choose to create a yes/no selector

    Or create a multiple choice selector