morisa60's Page
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morisa60 says:
1. Neo-Pagan (100%) Info & Notes
2. Unitarian Universalism (100%) Info & Notes
3. Liberal Quakers - Religious Society of Friends (99%) Info & Notes
4. Mahayana Buddhism (88%) Info & Notes
5. New Age (82%) Info & Notes
6. Taoism (82%) Info & Notes
7. Jainism (79%) Info & Notes
8. Sikhism (78%) Info & Notes
9. Reform Judaism (76%) Info & Notes
10. New Thought (75%
morisa60's 3 results, ratings & comments
Rating: 4
Which Sailor Moon Character are you Most Like? over 10 years ago
Sailor Mercury
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Arts & Artists
Arts & Artists
Rating: 4
Which American Writer are you? over 10 years ago
Robert Frost
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Rating: 4
What is your level of insanity? over 10 years ago
Mythologically Insane
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Aurora Daniella (117), gtnish7 (94), thepyromanc3r (55), Stefie (55), Curt_Anderson (41), Editor (40), BionicleFan1994 (38), Minuexo (37), intrest (35), charmedweiss1 (32),