2008 SelectSmart.com Presidential Candidate Selector Candidate Positions
Former Gov. Tommy Thompson - Republican (Born November 19, 1941) Attorney, real estate broker
Iraq War Issues: Would ask the Iraqis if they wanted American troops in Iraq. If they said no, he's pull troops. But thinks they want us. Would veto Democrats (war funding with time table) bill if he were Bush.
In a 2005 opinion piece, Thompson wrote, "That is the principle at the heart of what I call ''medical diplomacy" -- the winning of hearts and minds of people in the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and elsewhere by exporting medical care, expertise, and personnel to help those who need it most.
Medical diplomacy must be made a significantly larger part of our foreign and defense policy, as we clean up from costly and deadly wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. America has the best chance to win the war on terror and defeat the terrorists by enhancing our medical and humanitarian assistance to vulnerable countries. By delivering hope we will deliver freedom."
Stem cell research: Former HHS Secretary and Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson said that he could not provide a definitive response on whether he supports the proposal (AP/Winston-Salem Journal, 5/4). Source However, on his website, he sounds to be pro-stem cell research
Same sex issues: Did not believe that the Wisconsin government should recognize same-sex marriages. Does not believe that government should include sexual orientation in anti-discrimination laws.
Trade issues: Thompson is a supporter of free trade and "fast track" authority for the president to negotiate free trade agreements.
Abortion issues: Abortions should be legal only when pregnancy resulted from incest, rape, or when the life of the woman is endangered.
Abortions should be limited by waiting periods and parental notification requirements. Prohibit the late-term abortion procedure known as "partial-birth" abortion.
Capital punishment: Supports the death penalty.
Marijuana: Would not decriminalize the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes.
Favored more federal funding for all aspects of Drug War. (Aug 2000)
Gun control: Favors state restrictions on the purchase and possession of firearms. Supports amendment to Wisconsin constitution on right to bear arms.
Health care: Believes that the uninsured use the costly emergency system, causing higher health costs. "[He touts] his plan to cover the 45 million Americans without health insurance.
He would have states put uninsured residents in a group and seek bids for no-frills policies to cover them, using federal tax credits to bring costs down. These basic policies would cap casualty losses at $75,000. Higher losses would be paid for through a system of reinsurance, with federal help.
Prescription drugs: "Thompson, in announcing late in 2004 that he was stepping down at HHS, said he regretted that the Medicare reform bill did not give his agency the power to negotiate with drug companies on the price of pharmaceuticals for seniors. But today, he expresses no such second thoughts, saying it's up to Congress to write law.
And he counsels patience with respect to Medicare Part D's start-up troubles; he predicted that by this fall's elections, problems with enrollment, administration and service delivery will be resolved."
Environmental issues: Advocates the following:
Require the use of cleaner burning fuels in order to prevent pollution.
Support "self-audit" legislation which creates incentives for industries to audit themselves and clean up pollution.
Require a cost/benefit analysis to determine the economic impact of proposed environmental regulations before they are implemented.
Require the state to fully compensate citizens when environmental regulations limit uses on privately owned land.
Provide funding for recycling programs in Wisconsin.
Request added flexibility from the federal government in enforcing and funding federal environmental regulations.
Suspend participation in unfunded, federally mandated environmental protection legislation.