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Canadian Governing Party Selector
Who should I vote for in the Canadian election?
This selector quiz is intended only as an exploration of campaign issues and philosophical leanings. We hope you will make your informed vote after fully exploring each party's vision, platform, policies and integrity, as well as any other values you judge to be important qualities of a Canadian Prime Minister and governing party. --
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© PoliticsWatch� 2006. All rights reserved by Public Interests Research and Communications Inc (PIRCINC). PoliticsWatch is registered trademark of PIRCINC.
1. PRIVATE SECTOR ROLE IN HEALTH CARE DELIVERY: Do you want your Prime Minister and his or her political party to initiate a federal ban on private for-profit provincial health clinics?
Strongly support a ban
Somewhat support a ban
Somewhat oppose a ban
Strongly oppose a ban
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority
High Priority
2. GST: Do you want your Prime Minister and his or her political party to reduce the Goods and Services Tax?
Strongly support reducing GST
Somewhat support reducing GST
Somewhat oppose reducing GST
Strongly oppose reducing GST
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority
High Priority
3. MARIJUANA: Do you want your Prime Minister and his or her political party to legislate the decriminalization of marijuana?
Strongly support decriminalization
Somewhat support reducing GSdecriminalization
Somewhat oppose decriminalization
Strongly oppose decriminalization
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority
High Priority
4. GAS TAX: Thirty per cent of fuel costs in Canada stem from federal and provincial taxes and surcharges. Do you want your Prime Minister and his or her political party to immediately reduce or maintain current federal tax levels on gasoline?
Strongly support reducing taxes
Somewhat support reducing taxes
Somewhat oppose reducing taxes
Strongly oppose reducing taxes
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority
High Priority
5. HANDGUN BAN: Do you want your Prime Minister and his or her political party to legislate a new handgun ban?
Strongly support handgun ban
Somewhat support handgun ban
Somewhat oppose handgun ban
Strongly oppose handgun ban
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority
High Priority
6. LOBBYISTS: Do you want your Prime Minister and his or her political party to legislate a five-year waiting period on people leaving government positions before becoming lobbyists?
Strongly support five-year waiting period
Somewhat support five-year waiting period
Somewhat oppose five-year waiting period
Strongly oppose five-year waiting period
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority
High Priority
7. CONSTITUTION: Do you want your Prime Minister to amend the constitution to remove the federal use of the Notwithstanding clause?
Strongly support removing the federal use of the Notwithstanding clause
Somewhat support removing the federal use of the Notwithstanding clause
Somewhat oppose removing the federal use of the Notwithstanding clause
Strongly oppose removing the federal use of the Notwithstanding clause
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority
High Priority
8. SAME-SEX MARRIAGE: Do you want your Prime Minister and his or her political party to revisit the same-sex marriage law in Canada and have a free vote in Parliament on this issue?
Strongly support revisiting the same-sex marriage debate
Somewhat support revisiting the same-sex marriage debate
Somewhat oppose revisiting the same-sex marriage debate
Strongly oppose revisiting the same-sex marriage debate
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority
High Priority
9. PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION: Do you want your Prime Minister and his or her political party to introduce legislation that will work to create proportional representation in Canada?
Strongly support proportional representation
Somewhat support proportional representation
Somewhat oppose proportional representation
Strongly oppose proportional representation
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority
High Priority
10. FIXED ELECTION DATES: Do you want your Prime Minister and his or her political party to support having fixed election dates?
Strongly support fixed election dates
Somewhat support fixed election dates
Somewhat oppose fixed election dates
Strongly oppose fixed election dates
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority
High Priority
11. MORE NATIONAL HOLIDAYS: Do you want your Prime Minister and his or her political party to legislate more annual national holidays for Canadians?
Strongly support creating new national holidays
Somewhat support creating new national holidays
Somewhat oppose creating new national holidays
Strongly oppose creating new national holidays
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority
High Priority
12. CHILD CARE: Do you want your Prime Minister and his or her political party to create a national early child care program or deliver a monthly cheque of $100 per child under six to cover costs?
Strongly support an early child care program
Somewhat support an early child care program
Somewhat support a child care allowance of $100 per month
Strongly support a child care allowance of $100 per month
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority
High Priority
13. SOFTWOOD LUMBER: Do you want your Prime Minister and his or her political party to tax Canadian energy exports to the U.S. in retaliation of the U.S. duties on Canadian softwood lumber?
Strongly support taxing energy exports to the U.S.
Somewhat support taxing energy exports to the U.S.
Somewhat oppose taxing energy exports to the U.S.
Strongly oppose taxing energy exports to the U.S.
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority
High Priority
14. MANDATORY MINIMUM SENTENCES: Do you want your Prime Minister and his or her political party to legislate mandatory minimum sentences for specified crimes?
Strongly support introducing mandatory minimums
Somewhat support introducing mandatory minimums
Somewhat oppose introducing mandatory minimums
Strongly oppose introducing mandatory minimums
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority
High Priority
15. MISSILE DEFENCE: Do you want your Prime Minister and his or her political party to support or oppose Canada�s participation in the U.S. plan for a missile-defence shield?
Strongly support missile defence
Somewhat support missile defence
Somewhat oppose missile defence
Strongly oppose missile defence
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority
High Priority
16. ARCTIC SOVEREIGNTY: Do you want your Prime Minister and his or her political party to support the establishment of a deep-water port in Iqaluit to protect Canada�s sovereignty?
Strongly support establishing a deep-water port
Somewhat support establishing a deep-water port
Somewhat oppose establishing a deep-water port
Strongly oppose establishing a deep-water port
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority
High Priority
17. HOCKEY: Do you support a plan for Quebec to send its own hockey team, separate from Team Canada, to international competitions?
Strongly support a separate Quebec hockey team
Somewhat support a separate Quebec hockey team
Somewhat oppose a separate Quebec hockey team
Strongly oppose a separate Quebec hockey team
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority
High Priority
18. KYOTO: Do you want your Prime Minister and his or her political party to implement the international Kyoto Accord aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions?
Strongly support implementing the Kyoto Accord
Somewhat support implementing the Kyoto Accord
Somewhat oppose implementing the Kyoto Accord
Strongly oppose implementing the Kyoto Accord
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority
High Priority
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