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Now for the "good news" !!
By islander
December 23, 2021 4:55 am
Category: News

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For the "Rest Of The Story" click on the link and read Heather's letter from an American.

"Year-end accounts of the U.S. economy are very strong indeed. According to Bloomberg and the Wall Street Journal—which are certainly not giddy media outlets—U.S. economic output has jumped more than 7% in the last three months of 2021. Overall growth for 2021 should be about 6%, and economists predict growth of around 4% in 2022—the highest numbers the U.S. has seen in decades. China’s growth in the same period will be 4%, and the eurozone (which is made up of the member countries of the European Union that use the euro) will grow at 2%.
The U.S. is “outperforming the world by the biggest margin in the 21st century,” wrote Matthew A. Winkler in Bloomberg, “and with good reason: America’s economy improved more in Joe Biden’s first 12 months than any president during the past 50 years….” *


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Comments on "Now for the "good news" !!":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on December 23, 2021 7:31 am

    Thanks for this, isle. Truly. why on earth do 54% of Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of the economy (according to a CNN/SSRS poll released yesterday)?

    As you probably know from the many years we've posted back and forth on SS, far too many years of my life were invested in the pursuit of higher education.

    Heather Cox Richardson is a welcome blast from my past: An impassioned, informed preacher of righteousness. I had two favorite college profs. One of them was from that mold. I never took anything he said at face value, but I basked in the passion.

    As much data as Ms Cox Richardson folds into her rant, surprisingly, it's, almost to the word, the Dem talking points I heard yesterday from the token Dem on the FNC program OUTNUMBERED.

    Why do so many disapprove of the flatulent fool's handling of the economy?

    I agree the reality is not as grim as the perception.

    Biden’s team does an awful job of leading. It's the same pattern with every problem. First, deny inflation, for instance. Second, claim it's not really bad. Third, say it's transitory. Third, cast blame (the blame has been spread all over the place with inflation). Finally,never, ever accept any level of responsibility.

    People reject all the shucking and jiving. We know that because the article notes that people blame the former 18 wheeler driver.

    And, this claim that 99% of packages arrived on time? That's bullferner. Of course. The problem is with how many things people wanted to buy but couldn't, settling for a second, or third choice.

    Anyway. Thanks, sincerely, for the links. It's the antimatter for a Jerry Falwell sermon.

  2. by islander on December 23, 2021 8:18 am


    In your long rambling post telling us about your pursuit of higher education and telling us how you think Biden is doing a terrible job, yada-yada-yada, you couldn’t find anything Heather said that was false. LOL !!!

    We all know where you get your ‘information”, like you told us, "YOU", unlike the rest of us, read, ”the NYT and the WSJ and [you] watches CNN, MSNBC and Fox”.  Wow ! Heavy duty stuff. LOL !!!

    Along with Professor Cox who is a very knowledgeable historian, one who is able to clearly demonstrates how the past influences the present, I’d suggest you could learn a lot about the legal aspects of what is happening today by checking out Teri Kanefield’s blog, and if you really want a more in-depth understanding of the legal aspects check out the “Empty Wheel” site. Then you could go back to your entertainment reading!

    I’ve provided you with a couple of links so that you can “supplement” your usual sources of information.

  3. by HatetheSwamp on December 23, 2021 8:31 am


    The rantings of ideologues make for fascinating people with the ability, and inclination, to think critically.

    In your long rambling post telling us about your pursuit of higher education and telling us how you think Biden is doing a terrible job, yada-yada-yada, you couldn’t find anything Heather said that was false. LOL

    False. Well...?

    She claimed that 54% disapprove of the flatulent fool's handling of the economy. Sorta. The most recent poll I've seen found that 70% disapprove. Is it false to note that 54% disapprove? No. Slanted, selective. Yup! But, not false.

    No. As I said, I appreciate her familiarity with data.

    But, the interpretation. Oy vey! As I said, antimatter for a Jerry Falwell sermon.

    And, again. I appreciate the link. Sincerely. It's well written and thoughtful and impassioned. But, please don't take it at face value.

  4. by Curt_Anderson on December 23, 2021 12:16 pm
    Heather Cox Richardson said that 54% disapprove of Biden's handling of the economy. HtS said he saw a poll saying that 70% disapprove.

    I am going out a limb to predict that HtS won't be able to cite a single credible poll (aka scientific, non-internet poll) that has Biden getting anywhere near 70% disapproval on handling the economy. Here are the recent polls that I found. Heather Cox Richardson's 54% matches up with these polls.

    CNBC All-America Economic Survey conducted by Hart Research Associates (D) and Public Opinion Strategies (R). Dec. 1-4, 2021. N=800 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3
    "Do you generally approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing dealing with the economy?" If unsure: "Would you say that you lean toward approving or lean toward disapproving of the job Joe Biden is doing dealing with the economy?" 4/21 & 7/21: Respondents who were unsure were not asked the "lean" follow-up question.
    Approve Disapprove Unsure
    37% 56% 7%

    NPR/Marist Poll. Nov. 16-19, 2021. N=1,048 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 4.2.
    "Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling the economy?"
    Approve Disapprove Unsure
    42% 52% 6%

    Quinnipiac University Poll. Nov. 11-15, 2021. N=1,378 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 2.6.
    "Do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling the economy?"
    Approve Disapprove Unsure/No answer
    34% 59% 7%

    ABC News/Washington Post Poll. Nov. 7-10, 2021. N=1,001 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.5.
    "Do you approve or disapprove of the way Biden is handling the economy?"
    Approve Disapprove Unsure
    39% 55% 6%

  5. by islander on December 23, 2021 12:51 pm


    I think when Hate, said Heather gave the wrong number, it was Hate himself who was confused. I think he came up with his figure from some polls that showed the percentage that gave Biden an unfavorable rating(65/70%)to the question of how he was handling the problem of inflation, not the economy. Heather was correct with her facts (as usual).

    I think reading the comments after Heather's posts are right on target, like this one:

    Kathleen Donnelly Writes Kathleen’s Newsletter ·13 hr ago

    "Once again. HCR has provided fact-based, objective analysis of what is going on in our country. As many have stated, she is a national treasure. I worry that she cannot keep up the pace she has set for herself, so that I (we) can be informed.

    It is heartening to see that intellectual hard work is being recognized by a growing segment of our society. May it continue to reach, albeit too slowly, the bastions of illogical, uninformed thought in our country.

    In my opinion, she and her “Letters From An American” should have been recognized as Time’s Person of the Year!

    Thank you, take care of yourself. We need you!"

  6. by HatetheSwamp on December 23, 2021 1:05 pm

    I am going out a limb to predict that HtS won't be able to cite a single credible poll (aka scientific, non-internet poll) that has Biden getting anywhere near 70% disapproval on handling the economy. Here are the recent polls that I found. Heather Cox Richardson's 54% matches up with these polls.

    It was in a Fox Business Poll. They were crowing about it on THE FIVE the other day.

  7. by HatetheSwamp on December 23, 2021 1:18 pm

    I think when Hate, said Heather gave the wrong number, it was Hate himself who was confused. I think he came up with his figure from some polls that showed the percentage that gave Biden an unfavorable rating(65/70%)to the question of how he was handling the problem of inflation, not the economy. Heather was correct with her facts (as usual).

    pb didn't say she gave a "wrong" number. He was saying that she gave a number that was flatulent fool friendly.

    She was writing opinion. Commentary. She is, I'm beginning to understand a first-class rhetorician.

    But, then, so was Hitler. Heck, Limbaugh! The ability to compile data and use it to craft a compelling argument is a good thing. A powerful thing. Where it becomes dangerous is when it, as an example, transforms a nation into a Nazi war machine.

    So, isle, read Heather. Go for it. Just remember what she's doing.

  8. by islander on December 23, 2021 1:30 pm

    "It was in a Fox Business Poll. They were crowing about it on THE FIVE the other day."---Hate

    Can you give us a link to your "source" that gave you your figure of 70% disapproval of Biden's handling of the economy ?

  9. by HatetheSwamp on December 23, 2021 1:41 pm

    Go on YouTube and watch the show. I think it was Tuesday, maybe Monday.

  10. by Curt_Anderson on December 23, 2021 1:42 pm
    Your claim that the most recent poll you've seen said that 70% disapprove of Biden's handling the economy is false.

    As the poll you thought you understood indicates people are unhappy with the economy. But people can have gripes about the economy, the weather or their sex life without blaming the current president.

    Fox Business Poll conducted by Beacon Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R). Dec. 11-14, 2021. N=1,002 registered voters nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.
    "Have you personally been helped or hurt by the economic policies of the Biden administration, or have they not made much difference either way?"
    Helped Hurt Not much difference Unsure
    17% 38% 43% 2%

  11. by Donna on December 23, 2021 1:59 pm
    HTS is spewing disinformation? Stop the presses!

  12. by islander on December 23, 2021 2:38 pm

    "Go on YouTube and watch the show. I think it was Tuesday, maybe Monday."

    Or maybe Thursday...or Saturday?

    It seems to me, Hate, that if you could provide a would.

    Therefore I think you are talking through your hat when you claim that there are polls showing a 70% disapproval rating of President Biden's handling of the economy. And even if there were such a poll, it would only substantiate Professor Richardson's point, which I think you missed.

    All you have to do is look at the figures that are standard for measuring how the economy is actually doing and you'll see, much to your dismay, that Biden is doing a remarkably good job at handling the economy.

  13. by HatetheSwamp on December 24, 2021 3:16 am

    What concerns me, isle, is your belief that Heather is reporting news, not giving opinion.
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  14. by islander on December 24, 2021 5:48 am

    Your fears are nonsense. Professor Richardson in not a news reporter, nor does she claim to be.

  15. by HatetheSwamp on December 24, 2021 5:59 am

    Still, you cite this as news. It's bonkered opinion.

    It's not, as you suggest, "good news." It's otherworldly glass-is-half-fullism. Bahahahahahahahahahaha.

  16. by islander on December 24, 2021 6:47 am

    The figures she quoted are "good news", at least to most of us. But guess what! You don't have to be news reporter to tell someone something pleasant. For example;

    "Did you hear the good news! The economic figures are looking much better!"

    Knowing where you are coming from though, the figures may not be good news to "YOU".

  17. by HatetheSwamp on December 24, 2021 6:53 am

    The good news is that the most flatulent fool friendly poll says that 54% of us know that the former 18 wheeler driver is screwing up the economy.

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