Chuck Schumer Says Trump ‘Has Aroused the American People’
By HatetheSwamp January 30, 2025 4:26 am Category: Health (0.0 from 0 votes)
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Honestly, gang, ole pb's beginning to suspect that Chuckyou Schumer is beginning to suffer from cognitive decline.
So, po, Donna, isle, Indy, Curt?, are you aroused? Chuckyou says that many people are.
I hope this link works. I'm certain that Curt's Holy Trinity and po's metaphorical Rachel won't play this clip.
Since the Dem smoke-filled room put the Doddering Old Fool out to pasture, an obviously declining Chuckyou is what we need. End of quote, repeat the line. Asufutimaehaehfutbw!
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