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Liberal women unhappier, lonelier
News by HatetheSwamp     February 16, 2025 3:40 am (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: oldedude (6 comments) [111 views]

CBS’s Margaret Brennan suggests ‘free speech’ to blame for Holocaust
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Zelensky calls for European army because they can't count on the USA
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U.S.-Canada hockey game starts with 3 fights in 9 seconds
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CNN: Zelenskyy told Trump that "Putin is afraid of him."
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In a social media post, Trump says, ‘He who saves his Country does not violate any Law.’
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Boy does history ever rhyme like a Shakesperian sonnet...
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JD Vance attacks Europe over free speech and migration
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Federal workers express shock, anger over mass layoffs: "You are not fit for continued employment"
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Mump totally capitulates to Putin
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Family selectors, pages, etc.
Missing my dad...
By HatetheSwamp
January 17, 2025 7:00 am
Category: Family

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Please watch the brief video linked below. You'll understand why.

A moment of transparency from ole pb.

My dad died more than seven years ago. (My mother was among the first to die with COVID, in 020.)

I had a lovely childhood. I was loved profoundly and sacrificially by both parents, both of whom grew up in poverty during the depression. And,...

... my mother was a person people wanted to be around. She was clever. She had a vibrant sense of humor. I have a cousin who's three months older than I am. In many ways, we grew up more brothers than cousins. After mom died, he confessed to me that, when we were growing up, he wished that my mom was his mom.

Yet, oddly, I miss my dad much more than mom. Seven years later, there's rarely a day that I don't think about dad, and miss him.

That video I linked to? Joe's inability to speak cogently? That was my dad probably a year?, before his brain was completely gone and he wasted away.

I've been wondering. When Joe's gone, will I continue to miss dad in the same way that I have.

Could it be that seeing Joe and, especially, hearing him, is what's keeping my grief over losing my dad so raw?

Honestly, I hope so.

We'll see.

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Comments on "Missing my dad...":

  1. by Donna on January 17, 2025 7:28 am

    That was a nice post until you politicized it. Why do you Trump voters feel the need to politicize everything?

  2. by HatetheSwamp on January 17, 2025 8:03 am



    No, Donna.

    Soon our current President will no longer be daily news. I won't be hearing that voice. I'm sincerely wondering... hoping... that I be able to move on in my grief.

  3. by Ponderer on January 17, 2025 8:16 am

    And yet Biden has been a far greater president than Trump was or ever will be.

    But that doesn't stop a disgustingly deplorable asshole like Hate from going so far as to using his poor father as political fodder.

    We thought the MAGA Hats were bad before. We ain't seen nothing yet. With their deranged criminal lunatic back in office they are going to feel absolutely emboldened to be as disgustingly deplorable as they ever wanted to be. They are going to go for broke.

  4. by HatetheSwamp on January 17, 2025 8:24 am

    Let me start off with two words:

    We'll all miss Joe...

  5. by Indy! on January 17, 2025 9:35 am

    You're watching the Aussie filter - not the source.

  6. by HatetheSwamp on January 17, 2025 9:37 am


  7. by Indy! on January 17, 2025 11:46 am

    Your favorite Aussie Asshole - Rupert Murdoch - is selling you lies and you're buying (like my father). Little anecdote for you... while I was up there this past week, everytime he turned on Fox - I did something I don't usually do. I pointed out what was an outright lie and gave him the real story. When he didn't believe me - I looked up the ACTUAL SOURCE for that information and PROVED Fox was lying to him. One after the other...

    Me: "Nope Dad, that's not true - this is what really happened..."
    Dad: "Where did you get that?"
    Me: "From the source - you are not watching the source, you're watching the filter. That's what Fox does - cherry picks "facts" that appear to support their position when they actually don't."

    I just kept knocking them down until he said "I don't care if they're wrong - I still like Fox."

    Bingo. There it is... Fox is not telling you the truth - they're telling you what you want to hear.

  8. by HatetheSwamp on January 17, 2025 12:25 pm

    "That's what Fox does - cherry picks "facts" that appear to support their position when they actually don't.""

    That's what they all do. It's preaching, not news, not journalism. It's entertainment.

    What was the lie you pointed out?

  9. by Indy! on January 17, 2025 12:39 pm

    There were too many to even remember - but...

    Crime is historically down - not up

    It's the safest time in US history to be a policeman

    We were never attacked by Iraq (honestly could not believe he was still buying that Fox lie).

    That our healthcare system is not the best in the world.

    Immigrants commit crime at a much lower rate than Americans

    Plenty I can't remember about the LA fires because that was on every day.

    Another one was how great Trump was the first time around. I asked him to name one thing Trump did while he was president and he couldn't think of a single thing (bet you can't either). His final answer?

    "He made me feel good". Again - facts played no part at all - it was because Trump (like Fox) rails about all the things my Dad doesn't like. That's why you watch too.

  10. by HatetheSwamp on January 17, 2025 1:01 pm

    I've heard very little of that on Fox, but I'll accept links

  11. by Indy! on January 17, 2025 3:23 pm

    Not all of that was from Fox - some was from conversation started while watching Fox. And of course I have no links because we were watching Fox on TV - not my tiny phone which is the only internet access we have there. My dad can barely operate his television - much less a computer or phone with internet access.

  12. by HatetheSwamp on January 17, 2025 3:26 pm

    Near the end, my dad thought the remote was a phone. He couldn't understand why no-one would answer when he called.

  13. by meagain on January 17, 2025 3:42 pm

    Your dad, indy, is an example of what all centrist and leftist political strategists don't seem to have caught on to. That is how a significant portion of all populations reason and what they vote for. They want to be made to feel good or angry. The right has been ahead in pandering to it and feeding either the angst or ignorance for 50 years now and they are winning.

    We have the same problem n Canada and it is surfacing across Europe.

  14. by Curt_Anderson on January 17, 2025 4:36 pm
    I had a conversation years ago with my father similar to that Indy. He said Obama wasn’t born in the US. I asked him if he agreed that Obama was raised in Hawaii, which he did. As it happened, at that time relative just did genealogical studies of our family and had all the ships’ records of when they arrived from the old country in the late 19th century.

    So I pointed out that if Obama was not born in Hawaii, he either arrived there by ship or by plane in which case there would be records of his arrival. So if anybody wants to prove that Obama was not born in Hawaii, they would need to show when and how he arrived.

    He reluctantly agreed, that if it existed, there would be recorded evidence of Obama‘s and his mother’s arrival. Fortunately, my republican father was not immune to logic.

    he died before the 2016 election, but didn’t want to vote for Trump because he was too friendly with Putin.

  15. by HatetheSwamp on January 18, 2025 3:34 am

    My dad, on t'other hand, was a political independent. He was registered either GOP or Dem, I don't know which. I know he was one of them because he voted in the primaries. In Pennsylvania, only the GOPs and Dem parties hold primaries.

    He did oppose the impeachment of bubba Clinton.

    And, honestly, he became very liberal after he developed dementia... until he couldn't understand politics.

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