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Who or what is a "racist" ?
By islander
September 9, 2021 2:57 pm
Category: Politics

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I think most of us have a pretty clear understanding of what we mean by the word racist. I admit however to being unaware that the meaning of racist might, for various reasons, be hard to fathom for some people.

The article in the link gives us a better understanding of how and why this might be so.

I found it quite interesting.

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Comments on "Who or what is a "racist" ?":

  1. by islander on September 9, 2021 3:47 pm

    In the other thread, Trump adviser Stephen Miller warned of 'Iraqs and 'Stans' My take (correct me if I'm wrong) was that Ponderer and Donna were using the word racist in the more commonly used traditional dictionary definition which as the article states is closer to the word "prejudice".

    What I'd like to hear is Hate's definition and how he uses it.

  2. by Curt_Anderson on September 9, 2021 4:07 pm
    The author said two things I agreed with in particular. Although the first he said is oversimplification. But I think he's overthinking that one.

    "Republicans are more offended at being called racist than at being racist."

    "Republicans hide behind pretending that [racist] can mean only what it did 50 years ago, neglecting communal intellectual growth." I am not so sure they are pretending.

  3. by islander on September 9, 2021 4:18 pm

    I agree with the author's "Republicans are more offended at being called racist than at being racist".

    Although I don't agree 100% with "everything" in the article there is plenty of food for thought.

  4. by Donna on September 9, 2021 11:55 pm
    I think the author over-complicated it. IMO the word "racist" has always meant the same thing. The only difference is that it isn't accepted by most Americans anymore, like slavery and other forms of bigotry like homophobia.

    What we are seeing is something MLK talked about.

    We shall overcome because the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward justice.

    –Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., “Remaining Awake Through a Great Revolution.” Speech given at the National Cathedral, March 31, 1968.

  5. by HatetheSwamp on September 10, 2021 1:48 am

    What riled this up yesterday was the following statement from Donna:

    Hts: Almost all Whites in our parents' generation were racist.

    And me asking how Donna was defining the term in offering that condemnation.

  6. by HatetheSwamp on September 10, 2021 3:16 am

    You posted a fascinating, thought provoking article, isle. I love words. That's why I am challenging Donna to splain hers.

    But, yikes! The smugness. The sanctimony! Just one same from the article:

    People claiming that Trump said nothing racist may not be exactly the sharpest knives in the drawer on questions of sociology, and Trump himself is, on that score, a plastic spoon.

    Right. You're smart. People who are different than you are effin stupid. We know. We know. You say that all the time.

    Can you just trying singing a different tune just once!!!!!!?

    You progressives are waaaaay too cute!

  7. by islander on September 10, 2021 10:37 am


    I think the author is overcomplicating it as well and I think that most people understand racism as stemming from prejudice and that meaning is the common understanding and use of the term. It means prejudging people (usually not in a favorable way) on the basis of their race or skin color. I think the author was adding to it a racist’s moral culpability and if and how that plays into it. That might help explain why many people who are clearly racist don’t think they are.

  8. by HatetheSwamp on September 10, 2021 10:45 am


    Prejudice can be applied to anything, not only race. I know people who prejudge Republicans!

  9. by Donna on September 10, 2021 10:47 am
    Actually we're judging Republicans.

  10. by islander on September 10, 2021 12:02 pm

    You're right, Donna, we are "judging" Republicans and it's based on their behavior. There is nothing wrong with that and it's not prejudiced or racist. It's something everybody does (makes judgments), and only a foolish person wouldn't. Hate has to judge progressives and liberals or he wouldn't call us 'the swamp' which he freely admits he hates, nor could he call Biden the degrading names he does if he hadn't judged him first. If he had judged Biden on a stereotype he'd be prejudiced. Racism is prejudging a person or group based on a racial stereotype.

  11. by HatetheSwamp on September 10, 2021 12:28 pm

    Hate has to judge progressives and liberals or he wouldn't call us 'the swamp'


    Your involvement on the old forum wasn't as consistently ongoing as the others posting now. I think they mostly know what I mean by the Swamp. Swamp doesn't equate with progressives for me. In fact, the old forum poster I praised most highly was Indy, who thought even Bernie wasn't progressive enough.

    The people who post here, especially now, are, indeed, "Swampcult Blue MAGA progressives." But, from time to time I harangue against the "SwampGOPs." Many DC GOPs are SwampGOPs. The one SwampGOP I mention most frequently is Mitch McConnell.

    My notion of the Swamp is that it is the system...the dysfunctional system that includes nearly all of the American government...and, the "SwampMedia."

    As far as Joe is concerned, he's been in DC since the year I graduated from high school, and from a city not far from where I live. I have not pre-judged Joe. And, while I jokingly call him Clouseau and quote the description, "feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap," I've been clear since he began to emerge as the presumptive Dem nominee, that my heart goes out to him because I consider him to be a pawn and a victim of elder abuse. My wife laments for him regularly and opines that she's dumbstruck that Jill Biden would allow him to be taken advantage of in the way he is. I agree.

  12. by Curt_Anderson on September 10, 2021 12:35 pm
    I prefer to use the word "bigotry". It's more inclusive covering everything from Trump's Muslim ban to HtS's ageist and disparaging comments about Biden.

    Sometimes prejudicial comments to and about Hispanic people are called racist. Since Spanish people and their descendants are Caucasian (or mostly so) it seems inaccurate to call that racist. But it is certainly bigoted.

    noun: bigotry; plural noun: bigotries
    obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction; in particular, prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.

  13. by Curt_Anderson on September 10, 2021 12:43 pm
    "I think they mostly know what I mean by the Swamp." --HtS

    Yes we do. By the Swamp you mean any entity that or group of people who oppose or criticize Donald Trump. That includes the media, the courts, Democrats, comedians, Republicans who don't worship Trump, certain members of the business community, etc.

  14. by HatetheSwamp on September 10, 2021 12:50 pm

    ...covering everything from Trump's Muslim ban to HtS's ageist and disparaging comments about Biden.

    Not long ago I asked you to recite your understanding of Trump's Muslim ban...without looking it up. You didn't honor my request.

    As far as my disparaging comments about Joe, BA! You Swampcult Blue MAGAs have no room to talk!

  15. by Curt_Anderson on September 10, 2021 1:01 pm
    That was an impossible to honor request. I had looked up Trump's Muslim ban before I wrote this: and before you asked me.

    You seem to be alluding to our observations about Trump. Quoting Trump's false and inane comments in full, referring to his legal troubles, citing examples of his disgraceful behavior are nothing like your insulting and uninformed diagnosis of Joe Biden, which you sometimes pretend to be sympathetic caring.

  16. by HatetheSwamp on September 10, 2021 1:13 pm


    But, my sense is that the Swampcult Blue MAGA progressive response to it was rooted in hyperbole and misinformation.

    "Critics referred to it as a "Muslim ban," because President Trump had previously called for temporarily ban on Muslims entering America,[4] and because all of the affected countries had a Muslim majority, although >b>the affected Muslims were only 12% of the global Muslim population."

  17. by Curt_Anderson on September 10, 2021 1:20 pm
    Also because Trump himself had previously said, referring to himself in the third person:
    "Donald J. Trump is calling for a complete and total shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on. We have no choice.. We have no choice."

  18. by Ponderer on September 10, 2021 4:02 pm

    It wasn't that people in those countries were Muslim that Trump banned them, Curt.

    It was the beards. He just didn't like guys with those scraggly beards. That was it.

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