If you are interested in seeking truth,... not you, Donna and po, we know better,... give Megyn a look day by day. She's a journalist, not a preacher. And, she's clear about her own bias... as you'll see in the first seconds of this portion of her chat with Silver.
Personally, Kelly dislikes Kammy's political positions more than she dislikes Trump's. But, she explores the issues with Silver who's a sorta leftie and who's going to vote for Kammy.
Good stuff. A little too honest for some of you, I know. But,... if you have the courage and if you wonder how pb knows so much more than most of you, Megyn Kelly is part of the reason.
Anyway, Silver has the race, in his words, a toss-up, with Kammy slightly more likely to win. Kammy's real challenge, says Silver, is how she'll handle being perceived as the front-runner.
Interesting stuff... again, if you care about truth.