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Brit Hume: "[Tampon] clearly doesn't understand or believe in freedom of speech."
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Health selectors, pages, etc.
pb was right.
By Ponderer
July 6, 2024 9:48 am
Category: Health

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I gotta say it. I have now seen enough evidence to conclude for myself that pb nailed it long ago. That Biden is in fact mentally disabled by some form of dementia or derangement. Or at the very least by the onset of debilitation from advanced age. And it seems to have gotten much worse since pb's first alarms about it.

Bill, I owe you an apology. I'm sorry. You were right. 😞

Though I couldn't interpret the signs as you were able to, given your experience and familiarity with the effects of the disease, I have now arrived at the same conclusions about Biden's mental state as you did months and months ago.

I can't stop thinking about Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Diane Feinstein and how those two, apparently because of their precious bloated egos, refused to step down when they were obviously well past their "best by dates". But at least in Feinstein's case, the very survival of the United States as a free and democratic society isn't at stake as it was with Ginsburg. And as it is most certainly now is with Biden.

We didn't watch the Stephanopoulis interview. But we have been listening to excerpts this morning with various editorializations. No one seems to be defending him or saying he shouldn't make way for someone else. He seemed to be much more coherent than during the debate. But he still wasn't answering questions posed to him and just came across as a stubborn, blinkered coot who wouldn't listen to a word about him not being up to the job. Far from being encouraging in any way, his bull-headed adamance about being up to the task only served to anguish me even more about the future of this country.

Biden now seems to be doing the same thing that Feinstein and Ginsburg did. Imagining and expressing how he alone is the only one who could possibly do the job he was elected to. When asked about the cavalcade of prominent Democrats who are now openly calling for him to step aside for another candidate (et tu, Hakeem???), he responds with exclamations about those who tell him he should stay in it. Oh he is simply going to beat Trump and there just aren't any two ways about it. Jesus God. Not even the slightest bit of consideration to the opinion of those who can now see how obvious his mental state has become.

If he is still the candidate come election time, I will of course still vote for him. As I have long said I would, Even if he is comatose and in an iron lung. But it feels fairly certain at this point that there are fewer and fewer likely voters who are willing to do the same. Even when the existence of America and our Constitution is absolutely on the chopping block.

I can't take back my bet that Biden is going to win by a landslide I tell ya. But I still, with every molecule of hope in my being, am holding out for such a miracle.

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Comments on "pb was right. ":

  1. by Donna on July 6, 2024 9:59 am

    I wholeheartedly agree with almost all of that, except that I think Trump will win by a landslide if Biden stays in the race.

    Btw, my 98-year old mom has dementia and is in a nursing home now. Conversing with her over the phone has been a challenge to say the least.

    Excellent commentary (link below) on last night's interview from David Doel, a.k.a. The Rational National.

  2. by Curt_Anderson on July 6, 2024 10:39 am
    I will defend Feinstein and RGB. In Feinstein’s case, she knew a Democrat would replace her. She cast her last vote on the day she died. In RGB’s case, how soon should she have resigned to be sure McConnell wouldn’t hold up the replacement nomination?

  3. by HatetheSwamp on July 6, 2024 10:53 am


    I'm sorry to hear how things have progressed with you mom. It ain't fun.

  4. by Indy! on July 6, 2024 11:05 am

    In RGB’s case, how soon should she have resigned to be sure McConnell wouldn’t hold up the replacement nomination?

    When people were telling her to step down. Instead her ego had her stick around until Trump could replace her with another one of his wingnutty Clowns. Now everything she did "for women" (or herself - one or the other) - will now be dismantled by the Supreme Whored.

  5. by Indy! on July 6, 2024 11:07 am

    Props for seeing the light, Pondy. The Ds are not worth defending anymore than the Rs.

  6. by HatetheSwamp on July 6, 2024 11:20 am

    Donna and y'all,

    I watched your Rational Nation video. It may surprise you that more than 80% of that is exactly what Gutfeld, for instance, has been saying... and that gay Guy Curt never heard of.

    The most compelling issue in the 024 campaign has not been one of ideology. It's been the lie of a competent Joe Biden, which your side chose to believe waaaaaaay too long.

    pb thinks now that Trump has at least a 50% chance of winning... and, it's because woke white progressives trusted the Biden liars.

    Your bad.

  7. by ROB3RT on July 6, 2024 11:49 am

    The most compelling issue in the 024 campaign has not been one of ideology. It's been the lie of a competent Joe Biden, which your side chose to believe waaaaaaay too long."

    With all due respect, it's more complicated than that. The person you claim is incompetent has overseen an administration that has accomplished more than almost any president since LBJ, Ike and FDR. In one term. He's done things that Clinton, Dubya, Obama and Trump weren't able to. Biden's infrastructure week actually ended with an infrastructure bill. With a 50-50 Senate and a slim House majority. He didn't have the advantages other presidents had.

    I supported Biden because I supported what he was doing and what he had accomplished. I had hoped with another term,

    I no longer think it's tenable that Biden remain the Democratic presidential nominee. I suspect Harris or others will wind up with the nomination. I don't see any of them -- nor anyone on the Republican side -- with either the skills or experience to match what Biden has done.

    I hope we can keep Trump out of the White House, but I have no expectations that Harris, Whitmer, Newsom or any other Democrat will accomplish more than Biden.

  8. by HatetheSwamp on July 6, 2024 11:58 am

    With all due respect, it's more complicated than that. The person you claim is incompetent has overseen an administration that has accomplished more than almost any president since LBJ, Ike and FDR.

    That's Biden string-pullers' tripe.

    Joe's produced higher inflation and gas price increases than any president since Jimmy Carter.

    He has been immensely unpopular since the botched Afghanistan withdrawal.

    And, Rob3rt, Nate Silver was giving Trump a 66% chance of winning BEFORE the debate.

    Joe Biden’s accomplishments are all a matter of propaganda. I'm surprised you bought in.

  9. by Indy! on July 6, 2024 12:03 pm

    Biden - like Obama - actually walked into a very good situation for accomplishing something. Both of the succeeded failed presidencies where even the GOP knew something had to change so both were allowed to pass huge bills to get the economy rolling again. If there's one thing that brings gov't together - it's more cash in their pockets. That doesn't happen in the wake of a colllapsed world economy like post-'08 and post-covid. And if we're being real? Biden was gifted the presidency by Obama and the D elite - he never would have won on his own. I also doubt he was the big player when it came to accomplishing any of those things you mentioned. His handlers did that.

  10. by Indy! on July 6, 2024 12:04 pm

  11. by ROB3RT on July 6, 2024 12:14 pm

    Biden did not produce inflation. Inflation has been a global phenomenon, and inflation in the U.S. has been lower under Biden than most other developed countries. Like it or not, but we are part of the global economy.

    Yes, Biden followed the Trump-Republican plan to pull out of Afghanistan, and it didn't go well. But Biden is willing to support democracies around the world and oppose authoritarian regimes, something Republicans no longer care about.

    Once again, the last Republican president seemed to have an infrastructure week every couple of months and never could get anything passed. Biden did.

    We could go on and on about the CHIPS Act, reducing insulin prices and so on, but I get it. This is personal. You can't give Biden credit for anything because that would contradict the story you tell yourself.

  12. by Donna on July 6, 2024 12:15 pm

    Rob3rt is right about Biden's accomplishments.

    Joe didn't produce higher inflation and gas price increases than any president since Jimmy Carter. Those problems are global and are part of the readon why the right-wing National Rally party in France were the big winners in last week's snap election. The Netherlands has gone right-wing too.

  13. by HatetheSwamp on July 6, 2024 12:34 pm

    Joe Biden, "This inflation is transitory."

    And, "The border is secure."

  14. by Ponderer on July 6, 2024 12:35 pm

    Can anyone else beat $3.15 a gallon right now...? I've even heard of it lower around here. That's lower than it was when we came here two and a half years ago.

    "Biden did not produce inflation. Inflation has been a global phenomenon, and inflation in the U.S. has been lower under Biden than most other developed countries." -ROB3RT

    Actually, it's been lower under Biden than all other developed countries. As bad as it's been and as unbearably bad as the right wants to paint it, we've had the best economy in the developed world for a little while now. This whole thing is global. And Biden doesn't control it.

    And are we still the world's largest exporter of petroleum products? I haven't heard anything about us not being any longer. Remember how the right was screaming drill, baby, drill! for so long?

    Well Biden drilled, baby, drilled alright, baby. Not that some here will give him any credit for it. He sure got tons of shitabout it from the left.

    From Ban To Boom: U.S. Set New Oil Export Record In 2023
    Mar 19, 2024,01:04pm EDT

    Fresh on the heels of a new U.S. oil production record and establishment of the U.S. as the world’s top liquefied natural gas (LNG) exporter, this week the Energy Information Administration reported that the U.S. exported a record amount of crude oil in 2023.

    The U.S. has exported small amounts of crude oil for over 100 years, despite being a net importer of crude oil. Although there was a crude oil export ban in place, some exports were allowed, primarily to Canada. That situation changed in the past decade.

  15. by HatetheSwamp on July 6, 2024 12:57 pm

    Here's why Biden deserves blame for our inflation:

    In the face of global inflation pressures, he pushed through that very expensive infrastructure bill which is pouring countless $billions into our economy. What do you expect to happen when the federal government pumps all of that money into an overheating economy!!!!!? Then he signed that ridiculously misnamed Inflation Reduction Act which, again, stimulated an economy that needed to be cooled. Joe increased regulation on the fossil fuel industry putting upward pressure on gas and oil prices.
    AND, while he flapped his gums about raising taxes, he did nuthin to raise revenue... typical of the Swamp.


    You Dem sycophants can tell yourselves that this ain't Joe's inflation but I took econ courses in college. I know better... and so do the people who buy groceries and pump gas into their cars.

    This is Joe's mess.

  16. by ROB3RT on July 6, 2024 1:02 pm

    Once again, inflation was lower in the U.S. than most of the developed world. If what you are arguing is true, inflation in the U.S. would have been worse.

  17. by HatetheSwamp on July 6, 2024 1:40 pm

    No. For many reasons. The point is that inflation is higher in the US than it might otherwise be. And, if the fed hadn't ramped up interest rates and kept them up it would be far higher.

    Seriously. Don't you guys know this stuff. I had some awesome econ profs in college... maybe better than I realized.

    What amazes me is that moderate and independent common sense voters seem to have a wisdom about things like this.

  18. by HatetheSwamp on July 6, 2024 1:50 pm

    BTW, po. On your original post? Apology accepted.

  19. by ROB3RT on July 6, 2024 1:52 pm

    So you agree that inflation in the U.S. under Biden was lower than most of the developed workd.

    Thank you for recognizing the facts.

  20. by HatetheSwamp on July 6, 2024 2:39 pm

    Generally yes, Rob3rt, but here's the thing: People voting in November, live in the US.

    Politically? The Doddering Old Fool killed himself when Janet Yellen and he told the American people that inflation is transitory... essentially saying, Folks, go eff yourselves.

    Joe projects no empathy nor compassion. If he'd'a done the bubba Clinton, "I feel your pain" line, with feeling... and not spent like a drunken sailor on shore leave... and, if he'd not been telling Americans that they've been living in Shangri-la since he placed his hand on the Bible, voters wouldn't think he's a heartless SOB but he blew it in every way he had an opportunity.

  21. by Indy! on July 6, 2024 4:11 pm

    To clarify - if anyone is having a problem with it (I can't tell) - all I was saying is Biden (and Obama) both were elected at times when everyone (R and D) knew the government had to do something about the economy. The world economy collapsed at the very end of the Bush 43 term and Covid was already in progress when Biden took over. We all know every president gets a little honeymoon period and is allowed (more or less) to pass the first item on their agenda (whatever that is). Does it always happen that way? No - but the majority of the time it does. When you combine the honeymoon period with the collapsing economies of '08 and '20 - it created even more leeway for Biden and Obama to do something big to right the ship.

    So far as hating Biden - if that was aimed at me - I do not hate anyone, especially politicians. It's not worth the effort to hate period, but when it comes to politicians - why bother? If the guy you hate loses he'll just be replaced by someone exactly like him. Might have a different letter next to his name, but he will govern exactly the same way minus a Lily Ledbetter act here or a ten commandments posted in every school there.

  22. by Ponderer on July 6, 2024 5:02 pm

    , Bill.

  23. by Indy! on July 6, 2024 8:12 pm

    I missed this before...

    Peebs: I watched your Rational Nation video. It may surprise you that more than 80% of that is exactly what Gutfeld, for instance, has been saying... and that gay Guy Curt never heard of.

    Doesn't surprise me at all. If memory serves, that dude is the kid of very wealthy parents - he's the definition of a limousine liberal when it comes to politics. He was a MASSIVE Hillary supporter in 2016. He's also Canadian so why is he butting his nose into our politics? I put him in the same category with Kyle Kulinski - poseurs looking to take your money with feel good party politics who will be wrong everytime they open their mouths.

  24. by Donna on July 7, 2024 6:55 am

    Davud Doel a.k.a. The Rational National was a Bernie Sanders supporter. That's how I became a fan.

  25. by Donna on July 7, 2024 6:56 am

    Rational National Bernie Sanders links below.

  26. by Indy! on July 7, 2024 11:58 am

    Kyle was a Bernie "supporter" too if memory serves. Thanks for the link, but I've already seen enough of Doel to know who he is and what he stands for.

  27. by Donna on July 8, 2024 9:12 am

    You very obviously know almost nothing about David Doel.

  28. by Indy! on July 8, 2024 11:26 am

    Don't get me wrong, Donna - he's perfect for you. Just the right speed.

  29. by Donna on July 8, 2024 11:28 am

    I agree. He's logical, rational and well-informed.

  30. by Indy! on July 8, 2024 11:41 am

    Translation: Party poseur

  31. by Indy! on July 8, 2024 11:42 am

    BTW, you using the "rational" because it's in his blog name is no different than the GOP using "fair and balanced" because it's the Fox tagline. Shows how easily you can be swayed by nothing at all.

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