Eat your heart out, Eddie Gaedel!
A Facebook friend sent me a PM a little while ago with a link and the words "WTF is THIS???". I clicked the link that I linked to below.
Besides being utterly in horrified shock, I am trying to look at this from a spiritual level...
...I am looking at this as the Universe honoring me with sincerest form of metaphysical flattery.
The problem with having any real good idea nowadays is that once you go to market with it, any market, unless you have hordes of attorneys and mountainous legal budgets to protect yourself with, it doesn't take long before it's stolen, knocked off by who knows how many fly-by-night foreign companies in any number of third world countries, and shipped back here from the other side of the planet for a tiny fraction of what you have to sell them for.
I always knew it was a good idea.
Somewhere, in some polluted section of some squalid town in some third world country like China, people in probably deplorable conditions are toiling away making counterfeit Hummy Wands for a few pennies. Like they do literally millions of other consumer goods shipped back here. I can only hope that what little money those poor folks are making at this is enough to be of help to them. Their bosses are simply crooks and should only get what they deserve.
And Walmart can suck several large donkeys' asses for facilitating such fraud on a large scale. I can't be the only one this is happening to. And Walmart can't be the only ones on the net facilitating this fraud either. Amazon and all the Big Catalogue companies. There could need to be an awful lot of Mega Corp donkey ass kissing before too long. I'm going to have to start a very wide spread search of 'em all now I guess.
But really, to what end...?
I don't have the wealth to chase any of this down overseas. Yeah, I'll check with Walmart's legal department (I'll set aside a whole week) about these being listed on their web site (where you can currently order one of these counterfeit Hummy Wands, but the companies may be using different names by now) and see if they have anything to say for themselves about it other than "Go fuck yourself! Sue us!".
I will of course see if there's anything that Etsy can do about it. But I really doubt that there's much of anything. My hopes realistically aren't very high right now. This discovery all came down in the last hour.
On a side note, I've kinda been wondering what's happened to sales for some time now. I've only sold one Hummy Wand in the last 30 days. Spring is in full swing and hummies are everywhere now. Getting lots of looks and likes, but no bites. Something of a mystery...........