We've told him before. We watch and listen to a variety of sources like The New York Times, CNN, all the networks, save Fox. Amy Goodman on Democracy Now. NewsNation has been impressing us. BBC. Occasionally PBS. Several others. We've been quite forthcoming. And we are aware that none of these sources are perfect, which we always take into account. We cross reference and check things out. There's due diligence.
But we aren't shy or ashamed about our sources like Hate is about his own.
Hate and/or olde dude, probably Indy! too, will now go on some rant about how totally fallacious and wrong all those "propaganda" sources are all the time and can never be trusted at all and what gullible idiots we are for ever even tuning into them.
But Hate will not tell us where he gets his news from. Oh dear god no.
He won't tell us which media sources he believes are not misleading him, by gum. He won't tell us what go-to sources he trusts above all others while confidently and reflexively accepting what his sources tell him is the unvarnished truth. He won't tell us what sites are nailing the hateful and asinine things into his bone-filled skull that he constantly parrots in here. He is embarrassed of where he gets his news. He is ashamed of who he listens to. Just as he is ashamed of and denies supporting and defending Donald Trump, even though we watch him do it every day. Or just as he won't admit to pouring over Trump's social media site like it's the Oracle of Delphi.
He may be fully aware of the ridiculous and mendacious nature of the nonsense those sites feed him. I suppose that there's a chance that he isn't quite as deranged as he appears to be in here. But whatever his sources are, he found ones that are telling him only what he wants to hear. So therefore all other sources must be wrong. Fuckall the facts. Fuckall the evidence. Fuckall the confirmation by however many other legitimate journalistic sources there is. It doesn't matter if the entire rest of the world is reporting something he doesn't like. If Steve Bannon is saying what Hate wants to hear to the contrary, then THAT the truth.
All Hate cares about is some perceived "authoritative source", regardless of how outlandishly wrong it is, saying what he wants to hear so he can feel reassured and secure that it's not his fault for believing the asshole idiot things he believes.