National Review posted an article on Facebook about a young person who transitioned and then regretted it. There were hundreds of responses that were mostly transphobic and even downright hateful towards the entire concept of young people transitioning. I seem to be the only trans person I have come across in there responding back to these people. To be fair, there WERE some folk who were sensitive to the plight of trans youth. But not many. It was the National Review, after all.
After giving my story and what I went through, one poster responded to me with this:
"Sheri Gwendolyn Evans that’s great. But leave children alone. Let them be children and let them be an adult like you did and make that decision then."
I responded thusly...
I suffered for the entire first 36 years of my life with this before transitioning. Doing it as a child was simply not an option back when I was a youth. The very thought was literally unthinkable. There were a couple clinics in Europe, but there was absolutely no support to be found in the states. And society was barely even aware of adult transsexuals who transitioned back then. Transitioning while still a school student would have been a disaster. I would have been a freak and made national news unless I could have kept it secret. Which some rare few trans kids I've heard of actually did. But society and options for transgender people have come a long way since then. I never expected that I'd ever live to see how accepting this country became of transsexual people.
That is until the rise of the current transphobic MAGA Republican right of course.
Had I been born fifty years later than I was and realized all the acceptance and support and treatments that have become common for transsexuals, and all the support that we're seeing coming from non-trans youth today for their trans classmates, I would have sought transition about twenty years earlier than I did and saved myself nearly a quarter century of living hell. Not to mention the loathsome physical mutations that I had to helplessly watch my body permanently undergo and am stuck with.
And in the last few years we are seeing the result of trans people who WERE born fifty years later than I was availing themselves of all the relief and acceptance at their disposal now. Acceptance and options that I could only dream of decades ago.
You simply do not understand the living hell you are blithely condemning today's transgender children to by telling them to wait until their bodies grow into a living nightmare before their very eyes when there is health care that they, their parents, and their doctors can safely avail themselves of.
Parents and doctors are not stupid. Parents know their children a bit better than you do. They and their child's doctors know these children far better than MAGA Republican politicians do.
These treatments are safe and continuously monitored throughout the process. The child's well being and success is continually established before anything irreversible is undergone. It's not the instantly accessible, "on-demand" thing that MAGA propagandists are trying to brainwash people into believing. PLEASE don't fall for the bullshit.
The State has no business whatsoever ignorantly imposing itself on these decisions that are constitutionally up to the child, their parents and their doctors. These vote-hungry, sociopathic MAGA Republican politicians are going to accomplish nothing but imposing irreparable harm on children suffering from a condition that they are completely ignorant of and don't know or understand the first thing about.
(This is the most powerful image I have ever come across that presents some idea of what a young trans person has to deal with)