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Medical selectors, pages, etc.
CDC identifies possible safety issue with Pfizer's updated Covid-19 vaccine but says people should still get boosted
By HatetheSwamp
January 14, 2023 3:40 am
Category: Medical

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The CDC said one of its vaccine safety monitoring systems -- a "near real-time surveillance system" called the Vaccine Safety Datalink -- detected a possible increase in a certain kind of stroke in people 65 and older who recently got one of Pfizer's updated booster shots.

Who knows? In time, we will, no doubt. You may remember that pb's optometrist discovered an aneurysm in his right eye. There's been some early chatter that there've been an unusually high number of similar issues connected to the mRNA vaccines.

pb's been double boosted but, after several and lengthy discussions, Evie and I have decided. No more vaccines. No one knows what problems they may cause in time. AND, there are now meds, like what Biden took after he contracted COVID. Those meds are effective and, so far, there are no known issues connected to taking them. So, we'll wait until we test positive for COVID, if we ever do, and then take the meds in a timely manner.

One thing that you progressives who only get your news from lefty propaganda-ish sources: You should know that, among all of the abuses Elon Musk has exposed from the Twitter files, is that the truth reported to the American public about the nRNA vaccines and alternative medicine approaches to fighting COVID, was dangerously skewed. If you trusted what came down from Fauci, the CDC and other Big Brother did pb for quite some've been believing some lies.

This COVID mess has been the straw that broke pb's camel's back with Big Brother. pb recommends all of you exercise some cynicism about the government from now on.

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Comments on "CDC identifies possible safety issue with Pfizer's updated Covid-19 vaccine but says people should still get boosted":

  1. by oldedude on January 14, 2023 5:27 am
    I got the first two shots. I just had my three day "cold" a couple of months ago that I get once every five to ten years. I can't remember the last time I had the flu (maybe in the 90's?).

    My wife had COVID, several others around me have had it. If I have had it, the symptoms weren't noticeable. After the government lied to me about my other "immunization," I'm less than willing to listen to the government about what to inject in my body. Then, come to find out the CDC made up a bunch of things about COVID, I'm just not willing to take that chance.

    Oh. I'm NOT aa conspiracy theorist that the government is putting tracers or anything like that. AND I as I've said before, my shot record looks like I'm a pin cushion. My Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis (Tdap) is ALWAYS up to date, and that's a triple shot. Flu is up to date. I'm not even due for cholera, smallpox, typhoid, etc for another few years. It's what you get for traveling.

    I consider these as a cost/ benefit ratio. For me, it's not worth it. I don't belittle anyone that chooses to get immunized for this, OR those wearing masks. That's an individual choice. I automatically give people 6' space out of respect. Especially down here, there are many that choose to keep themselves safe. Again, I respect that and do everything I can to ensure their safety the way they want to.

  2. by Donna on January 14, 2023 6:36 am

    Bill - According to the article you posted, only one source has reported a slight risk of ischemic stroke (130 out of 550,000 seniors) caused by , not aneurysms, so it doesn't sound like your aneurysm was caused by a COVID vaccine.

  3. by Donna on January 14, 2023 6:38 am

    My last post should have read

    Bill - According to the article you posted, only one source has reported a slight risk of ischemic stroke (130 out of 550,000 seniors) caused by blood clots, not aneurysms, so it doesn't sound like your aneurysm was caused by a COVID vaccine.

  4. by HatetheSwamp on January 14, 2023 6:56 am

    I've followed peripherally the Twitter Covid brouhaha. I'm not trusting much of anything, except that the "experts" are still guessing. I have no idea where my aneurysm came from but I know that none of usual causes fit.

  5. by Donna on January 14, 2023 7:53 am

    I'm sure it's a worry knowing that you have an aneurism. I wish you the best. What advice did your doc give you?

    I've been on blood pressure meds for almost 25 years. HBP runs on both sides of my family. The meds always brought my BP down to a healthy level, around 120/80, but last year I started getting high readings again despite the meds, and my doc has been trying different meds and dosages to bring my BP down to a normal level ever since. In fact I just started a new drug regimen on Wednesday. Still getting mixed BP results (we have BP device at home).

    The reason I'm mentioning this is because when I saw my doc Monday, I asked her why all of a sudden after 25 years of very successful results from BP meds, I'm getting high systolic BP readings (the top number), not extremely high, but in the 150s, and she said that as we age, our blood vessels can change, in my case perhaps because of blood sugar (I'm pre-diabetic).

    Shit happens. Guitarist Jeff Beck died Wednesday of bacterial meningitis. He was 78. I was just reading about bacterial meningitis this morning. It usually doesn't kill, but it can leave your central nervous system with permanent damage. And you can get it just from someone sneezing.

  6. by HatetheSwamp on January 14, 2023 8:19 am

    Thanks for the concern. All I'm getting from my doctor is to monitor BP and A1C, which I am. Both are marginally high but not enough to require medication.

    It's frustrating. But, I am a geezer.

  7. by oldedude on January 15, 2023 7:35 am
    Just keep up on your bloodwork. #1 most important. Thinking of you both.

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