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The new breed of Republicans have completely lost the ability to rule !
By islander
January 5, 2023 8:31 am
Category: News

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Interesting stuff in the news, it’s comical to watch these new so called Republicans in action but in reality they clearly represent a danger to our democracy...However...We all are well aware of this danger and we won't allow it to succeed this time. It's really something to behold as we watch history repeat itself, as in the past, the crazies are self destructing...Just like they always do. 👍

“The glue connecting the Republican Party with its voter base, is "owning the libs." It's demonization of the Left. Belief over fact. Addiction to dopamine rushes. Non-stop doubling down. This has been enabled, cultivated, and amplified by Trump, and the right-wing apparatus.” -Duty to Warn

"The world can now see what we had to deal with for years.” Adam Kinzinger

"Kevin McCarthy has now been so weakened that he and the GOP caucus will not be able to govern effectively even if he becomes Speaker. He has apparently agreed that it takes just 1 Member of his caucus to make a motion to fire him and there would be a vote. Ridiculous." Ted Lieu

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Comments on "The new breed of Republicans have completely lost the ability to rule !":

  1. by Ponderer on January 5, 2023 8:37 am

    The Republican party is now frantically wallowing in a pool of its own vomit diarrhea, and Hate is trying to spin it into them lazing in a hot tub at a Caribbean resort.

  2. by islander on January 5, 2023 8:50 am
    Of course he is Po, Hate is "one of them" LoL !!!

  3. by Curt_Anderson on January 5, 2023 8:53 am
    Even if the Republicans controlling Congress were competent, and this GOP House clearly is not, they would have a difficult time passing legislation given the Democrats’ control of the Senate and the White House.

    The most these Republicans can hope to do is to appeal to the lunatic fringe with their ill-defined anti-swamp sentiments. The best that I can tell, their so-called swamp are the pluralistic establishments and norms that actually get things done in America.

  4. by HatetheSwamp on January 5, 2023 9:27 am


    For all the focus on HatetheSwamp here, pb thinks it's only right that this site be named The SS HatetheSwamp Post.

    The GOPs completely lost the ability to govern years ago. That's the point of the "love (and hate)" thread. Think about it. They KILLED the Dems in 010 with the promise to end Ocare. Were they able to keep their promise? They're nincompoops at actually doing stuff.

    Point is, ain't nuthin new about what's goin on now. Same old, same old.

  5. by Curt_Anderson on January 5, 2023 9:43 am
    The Wall Street Journal editorial page called the objections of Mr. McCarthy’s detractors an empty, raging gesture.

    “The problem any G.O.P. leader faces today is that too many Republicans don’t really want to hold and keep political power,” a Journal editorial said on Wednesday. In the minority, it added, “you can rage against ‘the swamp’ without having to do anything to change it. This is the fundamental and sorry truth behind the speaker spectacle and the performative G.O.P. politics of recent years.”

  6. by Ponderer on January 5, 2023 9:44 am

    "Even if the Republicans controlling Congress were competent, and this GOP House clearly is not, they would have a difficult time passing legislation given the Democrats’ control of the Senate and the White House." -Curt

    No matter who is the Speaker some day, the most that the GOP can hope for is to support bills that the Democrats also agree with and allow to become law.

  7. by oldedude on January 5, 2023 10:17 am
    I guess you can't understand that's the way our Republic works...
    Everyone understands a bipartisan bill is the absolute best way to have a bill.

    cliton, as much as I despise him, was a master at this negotiation. obomber was an epic fail at it. Remember "you have to pass the bill in order to read the bill," and "I have a pen, and I have a pen" to threaten congress? Johnson did a fair job of it, although there was a lot of backlash from the Vietnam debacle. Bush sr, not bad. Bush jr had his NYC moment when he walked to Tower Two and stood on the rubble to talk to the emergency workers that would soon be forgotten. Also, there was the visceral hatred of the invasion of Afghanistan, and the extremely untimely invasion of Iraq.

    Honestly, I don't think the GOP is set up to pass any bills, but only to introduce them and blame the dims for flatlining anything going through. The GOP should run on that for 2024. Hopefully, trump won't be in the presidential mix. I think a number of others might be able to move good legislation through. Trump won't only because of the visceral hatred of Orange Anus Face personally and without bounds.

    We do need a couple of bills the GOP can hang their hats on. 1. something on the border that might break it off in chunks. DACA for instance might be a good start on agreeing on people that are already here. 2. Dump the IRS agents, and hire INS agents that could work with the DACA folks to safely and efficiently work them through the system with clear guidelines. My niece is a DACA from Peru. Not her fault. She doesn't even have a parking ticket. Zero. She's smart and willing to work. And she's paid several tens of thousands of dollars in "legal fees" to attempt US Citizenship in the past 20 years. I'm sure she is one of a high percentage that isn't a gangster, terrorist, or cartel member that deserves to be able apply for citizenship, have her biometrics taken, and gets her citizenship.

    The GOP needs to start fighting exactly like the dims do. Whatever the other side says, it's the sperm of the great Satan. And say that. "If they get in, it is the end of our Republic!"

  8. by HatetheSwamp on January 5, 2023 11:16 am

    The Wall Street Journal editorial page called the objections of Mr. McCarthy’s detractors an empty, raging gesture.

    As swampy as the SwampMedia can be.

    And, you, Curt, a progressive Swampcultist, a Swamplover, are merely defending members of the Swamp attacking the antiSwamp.

  9. by Ponderer on January 5, 2023 11:23 am

    "[Obama] was an epic fail at it." -olde dude

    Yeah. He epically failed Obamacare all the way into law.


  10. by oldedude on January 5, 2023 12:19 pm
    That was the example I used.

    When the final draft was given to the House, they had 72 hours to read a 2,700 page bill. I'm not saying it's a horrible bill, your little nancy manipulated the house rules to get it through and didn't want anyone to read or talk about it. Several of it's pieces went to court and lost because those parts were unconstitutional. obomber and his thugs said "it isn't a tax" multiple times. They got to SCOTUS, and change their minds. The way it was in the bill was illegal. They didn't admit to that until a friday at 4pm where it wouldn't be in the news cycle and be buried.

    As part of the swamplovers of "America" I wouldn't expect you to understand that.

  11. by Ponderer on January 5, 2023 1:24 pm

    As a ten year long user of Obamacare, without which I would have had no healthcare all this time, I wouldn't expect you to understand it either.

  12. by oldedude on January 5, 2023 4:58 pm
    I do. YOU don't. You're 1. not aware enough, and 2 too dogmatic to see any view but your own little room in your pink palace tower.

  13. by oldedude on January 5, 2023 5:05 pm
    And you chose to read over the part that said I wasn't saying it was a horrible bill. I said that your favourite little nancy chose to push something through she knew wasn't going to pass as is. That was proven as I said. Even the dims agreed there were changes needed. If I were the GOP, I'd tell them to piss off and pass everything we wanted, then we'll make changes to your bill. Welcome to the contact sport of politics.

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