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"Why We Did It"
By islander
September 25, 2022 6:56 am
Category: Books

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Excellent read. Tim Miller nails it!

"America never would have gotten into this mess if it weren’t for me and my friends."

He [Tim Miller] describes his task in writing this book:

“Why We Did It aims . . to dig through the wreckage of the party I once loved and come to understand how so many of my friends allowed something that was so central to our identity to become so unambiguously monstrous. And why they had continued to do so once the monster became uncontrollable.

Miller entered politics in 1998 at the age of 16. For him, politics was a game and the goal was to win. If this required nefarious means, he told himself that the ends justified those means:

I saw myself as someone who could channel the dark arts of politics to positive ends. If the more rational, reasonable, compassionate side of the party was going to win the battle for the soul of the GOP, we were going to have to do so as slash-and-burn executioners. We were also going to have to throw some elbows on behalf of the conservative base so they would know we had their back. At least, that was the story I told myself.”

Check out Teri Kanefield's blog! Thank you again Teri for telling it like it is !

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Comments on ""Why We Did It"":

  1. by oldedude on September 25, 2022 7:47 am
    "If the more rational, reasonable, compassionate side of the party was going to win the battle for the soul of the GOP, we were going to have to do so as slash-and-burn executioners. We were also going to have to throw some elbows on behalf of the conservative base so they would know we had their back. At least, that was the story I told myself.”

    When Hitler and Goebbels were starting to powergrab Germany, they started a project to dehumanize the Jews. That is what the "MAGA" theme is about now in the US. You don't look at them as "human" but either a sub-human that must be eradicated, or nothing more than an insect, saying "this group" needed to be taken care of. Unfortunately, with all of these so-called "do gooders," it tends to fail. Once the Jews were rounded up. There were authors that were considered "enemies of the state." So they were rounded up along with Catholics. Then, with nothing better to do, they started collecting up "deviants." Gays, non-party members, and anyone that did not serve the social purposes of the party.

    Thusly is the main reason for overwhelming pushback from conservatives and many independents. Regardless of what whatshername says.

  2. by islander on September 25, 2022 8:41 am
    In today’s blog, Treri also gives us an excellent update on Trump’s Special Masters lawsuit. Sometimes it’s easy to get discouraged simply watching network news and listening to celebrity pundits who can often times make it sound as if “The Teflon Don” is working his black magic and, as usual, will escape accountability for his crimes and his abominable behavior...But Teri’s reporting of the facts helps us to shake the cobwebs out of head and see that things are proceeding as they should and Trump’s world is collapsing around him...Everyone is now seeing the truth and that is that the phony emperor really has no clothes.

    I wish more people would read articles that present the history of what led up to the way things are today and how it led to the mess we are seeing. That's the primary importance of history. Tim Miller also gives us an honest description of how the Trump phenomenon came about. He acknowledges how and why he is also to blame...Unfortunately, such articles take a little while to read and today, too many are used to quick one liners and sarcastic memes. They 'might' read a paragraph or two but it it seems to conflict with any of their preconceived opinions and beliefs, they simply go on to something else.

  3. by oldedude on September 25, 2022 10:11 am
    Have you read "The Desecrators?" There is also one on the educational and political system since WWII. It's enlightening how things changed after that.

  4. by islander on September 25, 2022 2:19 pm

    Yes. The book was recommended by a family member who is a staunch ultra-conservative authoritarian Trump supporter, and a “Traditional Catholic”. One who is convinced that the Vatican ll Council had been infiltrated with anti-Catholics attempting to destroy Catholicism, lead Catholics away from their traditions and beliefs, and the Pope is not the real Pope.


I’ve also received books from the same relative such as “The Evolution Hoax”, “The Fatima Secret”, “The Last War and The end of Time”. He is a great fan of Emmett Culligan and Culligan’s prophecies and apparitions, so I am quite familiar with and know that mindset quite well.

    This relative of mine reminds me a lot of Matt Schlapp one of the authors of “The Desecrators” who is also a staunch Stauch conservative, a Catholic, and leads the lobbying firm Cove Strategies which, not surprisingly, is a firm that had very strong ties to Trump and his administration. 

  5. by oldedude on September 26, 2022 11:22 am
    I guess that still wondering how eradicating a group of people makes you happier.

  6. by islander on September 26, 2022 2:28 pm

    The comments at the end of Teri’s post are well worth reading as well.

  7. by HatetheSwamp on September 26, 2022 3:55 pm

    Sometimes it’s easy to get discouraged simply watching network news and listening to celebrity pundits who can often times make it sound as if “The Teflon Don” is working his black magic and, as usual, will escape accountability for his crimes and his abominable behavior...

    This, my friends, is an example of a statement that would be made by a person suffering from a very serious case of TDS.

  8. by oldedude on September 26, 2022 9:32 pm
    I find it interesting how you believe this is a sheeple only club, and the other side is just evil. I voted dim from 1974- 2000. My parents were dim, but both chose to go independent. They were both teachers. They hated what was going on with the unions. My dad was actually president of the Colorado Education Association but chose to drop out because of the blatant disregard about the welfare of the students.

    Now you claim you have to "we were going to have to do so as slash-and-burn executioners." I take that as violent acts. If it isn't, please explain this because it sounds to me like you want to start a civil war (because that's what will happen if you do what I think you're saying in the posts on this thread). If that's true, I would just like to know.


  9. by islander on September 27, 2022 3:58 am

    od wrote: "Now you claim you have to "we were going to have to do so as slash-and-burn executioners." I take that as violent acts."

    Do you really believe that's something I said? LOL !!

  10. by islander on September 27, 2022 4:23 am

    In Teri's article, one of the commentators at the end wrote: "Thom Hartmann wrote an interesting piece ( on what he calls “Narcissistic Collapse” to describe how Trump’s disintegration could evolve. It shouldn’t stop the DOJ and state judicial systems from going after him for all of his criminal acts that can be proven in court, but it could get pretty ugly along the way".

    “Narcissistic Collapse”, I do think this is what we are now wittnessing Trump going through. It must be a difficult time right now for the hanger-on Trump supporters and enablers as they watch this. For them, it is the perfect example of being caught between a rock and a hard piece. It must be especially hard for those who were completely taken in by Trump's grift and genuinely believed everything he was telling them.

  11. by HatetheSwamp on September 27, 2022 4:37 am

    It must be a difficult time right now for the hanger-on Trump supporters and enablers as they watch this.

    You need to watch 20 minutes of the coverage of the crowd that shows up for a Trump rally. These people show up in droves...often driving many hours to be there.

    In spite of the imaginings of your hate- obsessed, deranged mind, they are upbeat. They smile and laugh. They speak about their love for America. They have a sincere belief in our future.

    This is not a "difficult time" for them, as much as you wish suffering on them.

    isle, you need to stop wallowing in hate and inspect the real world.

  12. by islander on September 27, 2022 5:51 am

    The author, Tim Miller writes, “America never would have gotten into this mess if it weren’t for me and my friends.”

    This is the first step that Trump voters like Miller have to take. That’s acknowledging their mistake and taking responsibly for it. Some think simply saying Trump is not a nice guy is enough to get themselves out from between the rock and the hard place they're in but what they need to do is truly repent for what they have done, “then” we can all try to show some compassion and understanding and help them to save face.

  13. by oldedude on September 27, 2022 6:22 am
    "od wrote: "Now you claim you have to "we were going to have to do so as slash-and-burn executioners." I take that as violent acts."

    Do you really believe that's something I said? LOL !!"

    It's a quote from your initial post on the thread. So yes, that's what you said. AND I did offer for you to explain the posts without following another person blindly if that's not what you meant. If not, then I'm assuming I took your words correctly.

    It seems like you have an infatuation with "Teri" or bubba, or whomever you are worshipping today. It is interesting that you take "her" words without a thought of your own. I see that down here a lot with born-again's. People that can't actually put their own thoughts into words and have to use someone else's words to regurgitate.

  14. by HatetheSwamp on September 27, 2022 6:43 am

    Tim Miller, your newfound hero, seems a bit narcissistic. I doubt he and his friends actually do center the universe.

    Here's where I think you're wrong and what I think splains how you could be so wrong about Trump "supporters and enablers," who are as gleeful as ever.

    There was a huuuuuuuuuge antiSwamp for Trump to tap in to back in 015. It anointed Trump. Trump didn't create it. People despised all that's bad in American politics long before Trump. The antiSwamp will be around even if what you hope happens to Trump happens.

    You should suck it in and watch a Trump rally speech. His blatant narcissism notwithstanding, the text of the speeches are brilliant. They unabashedly point out six or seven examples of what's wrong in DC.

    My guess is that, if you're sane...setting aside Trump's despicable'd agree with his critique of the evils of the political status quo. His conservative remedies you'd reject, of course.

    And, that's exactly where you're wrong.

    Your TDS heroes can lie, cheat and steal Trump into a 50 year prison sentence...

    ...and the tens of millions in the antiSwamp will still be here.

  15. by islander on September 27, 2022 7:26 am

    od, you didn’t comprehend what you were reading if you honestly believe “I” claimed we were going to have to do so as slash-and-burn executioners.


Do you know who said it and who he was talking about?

    If you read my opening post again I think you’ll be able to give the correct answers.

  16. by islander on September 27, 2022 7:31 am

    Th0se in the photo are the enthusiastic Trump voters Hate is talking about.

    We all know that there are many of them still out there. Like Trump and Hate, they too love and are enamored with the emotional stimulation of rallies. But the more astute Trump voters have long since seen through Trump and his failed promises and his failed policies and those who are honest with themselves and others have renounced their former bad choices and behavior...And this is the important part...They have truly repented. 

  17. by HatetheSwamp on September 27, 2022 7:52 am

    ...more astute Trump voters...

    Apparently, you know more about them than do I. But, flail about as much as you need to.

    pb supports Ron DeSantis for President.

  18. by islander on September 27, 2022 11:32 am

    DeSantis is of course, simply a repackaged Trump. Many of those who were fooled by Trump and now say they are switching to DeSantis are still falling for the same old demagoguery and manipulation that Trump used to trick them into voting for him in the last two elections.

    noun: demagogue; plural noun: demagogues

    1) a political leader who seeks support by appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than by using rational argument."

    2) a gifted demagogue with particular skill in manipulating the press"

  19. by oldedude on September 27, 2022 11:54 am
    Isle, You quoted time like he was telling you the Sermon on the Mount. You recite his words as if they were a prayer. I think you honestly believe his truth is your truth. I know you're trying to slip out of this, but your holy persons are singing the same tune of hatred and dehumanizing others. So that is the truth I see.

  20. by Donna on September 27, 2022 11:58 am

    You wish it weren't true, Hts.

    I was recently conversing with British Trump cultists on Facebook (yes, they exist!,) bringing them up to date on the legal trouble Trump and his crime family are in, and they hadn't heard anything about it and doubted it! I think some of them are Q-Anon freaks.


    Arizona judge reinstates strict abortion ban from 1864


    od: Of course I condemn those acts of violence. I'm no friend of far-left loonies. I hope they catch them and the judge throws the book at them.

    I think that a much more effective not to mention safer tactic is to just let the GOP's horribleness speak for itself.

  21. by Donna on September 27, 2022 11:59 am

    Dammit, wrong thread.

  22. by oldedude on September 28, 2022 6:45 am
    I was tracking.... all good for me.

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