Please Report Broken Or Missing Images.The top 6 Workout Video Selector results of 439 participants.

Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Workout Video Selector.

#1 36.2%
The Firm: Plus points: Fast fast results, especially if the hip and butt are problem areas. Based on sound principles of combining aerobics and weight training. Minus points: Blisteringly hard, you will feel sore for days even at easy settings, have to buy a lot of equipment and you will look like a sweaty grunting pig. Who cares, your butt will look great at the end of it.
#2 23.5%
Core Secrets: Plus Points: Major celebrity endorsed trainer, the best for your abs, men will feel least conscious doing this as compared to the others. Minus Points: Falling off the ball can hurt, especially in compact places. Aerobic benefits are slightly limited.
#3 20.3%
Zumba: Plus Points: Funnest video of the lot, party like atmosphere, booty shaking music, works up a sweat. Minus points: Almost purely aerobic, do your weight training else where and self conscious people might feel wierd doing this.
#4 9.3%
Tae Bo 2004 Capture The Power: Plus Points: Sweatiest, most fast paced, you will feel pumped up, best for men, great for women. Minus Points: Moves are limited, you may start feeling like Rocky in Rocky five after a while, seriously tiring.
#5 8.0%
Windsor Pilates: Plus Points: You will truly build long, lean muscle with this, and will feel like a ballerina doing swan lake. Minus Points: You may not be as flexible as a ballerina yet, and some moves may be a stretch, but this workout will not tire you out, ever.
#6 2.7%
Walk Away the Pounds: Plus Points: Low impact, easy to learn and do, gentle on joints, gentle on you. Minus: Can get boring. Best for people with significant amounts of weight to lose.

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