Please Report Broken Or Missing Images.The top 7 What Wagner Opera Do You Belong In? results of 1130 participants.

Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What Wagner Opera Do You Belong In?.

#1 25.0%
Der Ring des Nibelungen -- Your world is a heroic drama of how the mythic struggle
between Power and Love can find peace
only in self-abnegation.
#2 18.9%
Tristan und Isolde -- Your opera is a passionate drama of irresistable Love
which can find no happiness
in the daylight world.
#3 17.0%
Der fliegende Holländer -- Your opera is a stormy drama of a curse
broken by a Love faithful unto Death.
#4 12.3%
Tannhäuser und der der Sängerkrieg auf Wartburg -- Your opera is a romantic drama of the struggle between earthly passion and spiritual longings.
#5 11.7%
Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg -- Your opera is a merry drama of pranks, mistakes,
plotting, and counter-plotting, all ending
in the celebration
of Art and Love.
#6 9.3%
Lohengrin -- Your opera is a shimmering drama of Love
betrayed by doubt and suspicion.
#7 5.8%
Parsifal -- Your opera is a contemplative drama of wisdom
gained through compassionate suffering.

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