Abdullah Arabic; Servant of Allah
Abner Hebraic; Father of light
Abraham Hebraic; Exalted father
Ace English; Highest rank in cards, unity
Adan Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Addison Old English; Son of Adam
Adrian English; Of the Adriatic sea
Aidyn Celtic/Gaelic; Varian Aiden. Fire
Aiken Old English (Anglo Saxon); Oaken
Ajani African; He who wins the struggle
Albern Teutonic; Of noble valor
Alden Old English; Wise guardian
Aldis Old English; From old house
Aldrich Old English; Old wise leader
Alec English; Variant of Alexander--great protector
Alejandro Spanish; Variant of Alexander--great protector
Alessandro Spanish; Variant of Alexander--great protector
Alex English; Variant of Alexander--great protector
Alexander Greek; Great protector
Alexandrer Greek; Variant of Alexander--great protector
Alexandro Spanish; Variant of Alexander--great protector
Alexis Latin; Variant of Alexander--great protector
Alexzander Greek; Variant of Alexander. Great protector
Alfredo Spanish; Name of a king
Ali Arabic; Greatest-- a variant of Allah - the supreme being
Alijah Hebrew. My God Jehovah. Variant of Elijah
Aloysius Teutonic; Famous in war
Alston Old English; From elfly abode
Alton Old English; From old town
Alvin Teutonic; Beloved by all
Amare Latin; Beloved. Perhaps popularized by Amar'e Stoudemire of the NBA
Amir Arabic/Hebraic; Derived from the three letters AMR which means 'to give orders'. The Arabic title Emir is essentially the same word as Amir
Anderson Scandanavian; Son of Ander or 2nd son
Andre French; Variant of Andrew--2nd son or manly
Andreas French; Variant of Andrew--2nd son or manly
Andres French; Variant of Andrew--2nd son or manly
Andy English; Variant of Andrew--diminutive
Antoine French; Variant of Anthony--priceless
Anton French; Variant of Anthony--priceless
Antonio Spanish; Variant of Anthony--priceless
Antony Latin; Variant of Anthony--priceless
Antwan Anglicized spelling with French inspiration.; Variant of Anthony--priceless
Aramis Old French; Undetermined
Archibald Teutonic; Sacred prince
Aric Anglicized spelling with German inspiration.; Undetermined
Arjun Indian Name of a hero in Hindu texts, the son of the god Indra and the princess Kunti
Armand Teutonic (German); Warrior
Armando Italian; Variant of Armand--warrior
Armani Italian; Variant of Armand--warrior
Arnold Teutonic (German); Strong as an eagle
Aron Hebraic; Variant of Aaron--High mountain
Arron Hebraic; Variant of Aaron
Aryan Sanskrit ; Name formerly given to prehistoric people who settled in ancient Iran
Ashton Old English; Ash tree town
Atticus Latin Man of Attica, Greece
Atwater Old English; From waterside
Atwood Old English; Forest dweller
Aubrey Teutonic; Ruler of elves
Avery Old English; Elfin ruler
Aydan Anglo-Saxon; Variant of Aidan. Saint
Ayden Celtic/Gaelic; Variant of Aiden. Fire
Aydin Celtic/Gaelic; Variant of Aiden. Fire
Bahamadia Swahili; Fortunate-- lucky
Baird Celtic; Bard or minstrel
Baldwin Teutonic; Princely friend
Barclay Old English; Meadow of birch trees
Barnaby Hebraic; Son of prophecy
Bayard Teutonic; With red-brown hair
Beckett English; Dweller near the brook
Beckham English; English place name Beccheham and Becham. Made popular by David Beckham, an English footballer
Belden Teutonic; From the fair valley
Ben Hebraic; Son of right hand
Benito Hebraic; Variant of Benjamin
Benjamin Hebraic; Son of right hand
Benny Hebraic; Son of right hand
Benson Old English; Moor dweller
Benton Old English; Son of Benne, a short form of Benedict
Bentlee Old English; A place name. Perhaps an homage to the luxury automobile
Bentley Old English; A place name. Perhaps an homage to the luxury automobile
Bently Old English; A place name. Perhaps an homage to the luxury automobile
Bernard Teutonic (German); Stern bear
Berton Teutonic; Glorious raven
Berwin Teutonic; Warrior friend
Billy English; Variant of William
Blair Celtic/Gaelic; Man of flatlands
Blake Old English; Fair complexioned
Bo Old English; Variant of beau -- lover
Bobby Old English; Variant of Robert
Booth Teutonic; From a surname
Boston English; A place name, an American city
Bowie Celtic/Gaelic; Yellow hair one
Boyce Teutonic; Woodland dweller
Brad English; Variant of Bradley--From the broad meadow
Braden Old English; From the broad valley
Bradford Anglo-Saxon; Broad ford
Bradley Old English (Anglo Saxon); From the broad meadow
Bradly English; From the broad meadow
Brady Irish; Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Brádaigh 'descendant of Brádach'
Bradyn Old English; From the broad valley
Braeden English; Broad hillside
Braiden Old English; From the broad valley
Brandan Old English; Hill covered with broom
Branden Old English; Hill covered with broom
Brandon Old English (Anglo Saxon); Quick sword
Brannon Old English; Hill covered with broom
Brayan English; One lives near a broad valley
Brayden English; One lives near a broad valley
Braydon English; One lives near a broad valley
Braylen American; Altered form of Braydon: one lives near a broad valley
Braylon American; Altered form of Braydon: one lives near a broad valley
Brent Old English; From the steep hill
Bret Old French; Native of Brittany
Brett Old English; From town of Briton
Brigham Old English; Dweller by bridge
Broderick Welsh; Son of Roderick
Brodie Gaelic ; A place in Scotland
Brody Gaelic ; A place in Scotland
Brooke Old English (Anglo Saxon); Stream
Bruno Teutonic; Dark complexioned
Bryce Anglo-Saxon Son of a nobleman
Brycen Anglo-Saxon Son of a nobleman
Bryson Anglo-Saxon Son of a nobleman
Burgess Teutonic; Citizen of a town
Byron Old English; Place of the cow sheds
Byron Old English (Anglo Saxon); Bear
Cade English Occupational name for a cooper, from Middle English, Old French cade 'cask', 'barrel'
Calder Celtic; From stony river
Caldwell Old English; Near a cold well
Cale Hebraic; Doggedly faithful
Caleb Hebraic; Doggedly faithful
Callan English Powerful in battle
Callen English Perhaps from Callan. Powerful in battle
Cameron Scottish; With a crooked nose
Camren Scottish; Variant of Cameron. With a crooked nose
Camron Scottish; Variant of Cameron. With a crooked nose
Cannon Old English; A canon was a cleric
Carlin Celtic/Gaelic; Little champ
Carlisle Old English; From walled city
Carlton Old English; From Carlly farm
Carmelo Spanish and Italian Carmel, mountainous region in northern Israel
Carson English; Probably from the locational name, Accarsane
Carter Old English; Cart driver
Carver Old English; Wood carver
Case Celtic; Shortened form of Casey. Vigilant
Chace Old French; Variant of Chase. Hunter
Chalmers Teutonic; Lord of household
Chandler Old French; Candle maker
Changa Central Africa; Strong as iron
Chapman Old English (Anglo Saxon); Merchant
Charles Old English (Anglo Saxon); Manly
Charlie English; Diminutive of Charles-- free man
Chatwin Old English; Warlike friend
Chester Old English; Dweller in fortified town
Christopher Greek; Christ-bearer
Clayton Old English; Clay farm
Clifford Old English (Anglo Saxon); Near the cliff
Clifton Old English (Anglo Saxon); Cliff town
Clint Old English (Anglo Saxon); Settlement on the summit
Clinton Old English (Anglo Saxon); Settlement on the summit
Clive Old English; Cliff dweller
Cohen Hebraic; Kohen, a priest
Colt Old English; Coal town (shortened form)
Conner Celtic/Gaelic; Dog lover
Connor Celtic/Gaelic; Dog lover
Conor Celtic/Gaelic; Dog lover
Conrad Teutonic; Able in counsel
Cooper Old English; Barrel maker
Cordell Teutonic; Maker of cord
Cory English; Possibly shortened version of court
Cristopher English; Christ bearer
Crosby Teutonic; Dweller by town cross
Culbert Teutonic; Cool and brilliant
Cuthbert Old English (Anglo Saxon); Famous and brilliant
Dakota Native American; From the states
Dakotah Native American; From the states
Dale Old English; Little valley
Dalton Old English (Anglo Saxon); Valley estate
Damani Western Africa; He is thoughtful
Damario Spanish; Related to the name Mario, possibly "of Mario"
Damarion Spanish; Related to the name Mario, possibly "of Mario"
Dan English; Nick name of Daniel--God judges
Dandre Anglicized spelling with French inspiration: "of Andre" a form of Andrew--2nd son or manly
Dangelo Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Danny Hebraic; Diminutive of Daniel: God judges
Daquan Anglicized spelling with French inspiration.; Undetermined
Darnell Anglicized spelling with French inspiration.; Undetermined
Darwin Old English; A town named Darwen in England
Dashawn Anglicized spelling with French inspiration.; Undetermined
Davis English; Surname based on the name David
Davon Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Dawson English; Son of "Daw". Daw was a nickname for David
Dax French; A town of Dax in France
Daxton French; A town of Dax in France
Deandre French; "of Andre" Variant of Andrew--2nd son or manly
Deangelo Italian; Of the angels
Declan Irish; ; Saint Declan-- a 5th-century missionary
Deion Greek; Of Dionysus-- the Greek God of wine
Demarco Italian; Of Marcus (see)
Demarcus Latin; Of Marcus (see)
Demetrius Greek; Of Demeter-- a Greek Goddess
Denley Old English; From valley meadow
Dennis Old French; Wild or crazy
Deon Greek; Of Dionysus-- the Greek God of wine
Deondre Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Deonte Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Dequan Anglicized spelling with French inspiration.; Undetermined
Derick Teutonic; Ruler of the people
Derrick Teutonic; Ruler of the people
Derwin Old English; Friend of wild animals
Deshaun Anglicized spelling with French inspiration.; Undetermined
Deshawn Anglicized spelling with French inspiration.; Undetermined
Desmond Old English (Anglo Saxon); Gracious protector
Destin Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Devante Anglicized spelling with French inspiration.; Undetermined
Deven Anglicized spelling with French inspiration.; Undetermined
Devonta Anglicized spelling with French inspiration.; Undetermined
Devonte Anglicized spelling with French inspiration.; Undetermined
Dimitri Greek; Of Demeter-- a Greek Goddess
Dion Greek; Short for Dionysus
Dirk Teutonic; Ruler of people
Dixon Teutonic; Powerful ruler
Domenic Latin; Belonging to the lord
Dominic Latin; Belonging to the lord
Dominic Latin; Belonging to the lord
Dominick Latin; Belonging to the lord
Dominik Latin; Belonging to the lord
Dominique Latin; Belonging to the lord
Donald Scottish; Ruler of world
Donavan Celtic/Gaelic; Little brown dark one
Donavon Celtic/Gaelic; Little brown dark one
Donnie Scottish; Diminutive of Donald-- ruler of world
Donovan Celtic/Gaelic; Little brown dark one
Dorian Greek; Grecian region resident
Drew Teutonic (German); Trustworthy
Dudley Old English; Place name
Duncan Celtic; Dark skinned warrior
Durwin Old English (Anglo Saxon); Beloved friend
Dwayne British; Field or meadow. Possibly Teutonic: Wagon maker
Dwight Teutonic; White or fair
Earl Old English (Anglo Saxon); Nobleman
Easton Old English (Anglo Saxon); Place name
Eaton Old English; From riverside
Ebenezer Hebraic; Rock of help
Eddie English; Diminutive of Edward-- etc
Edgar Old English (Anglo Saxon); Fortunate spear
Edgardo Spanish; Fortunate spear
Edric Old English (Anglo Saxon); Prosperous ruler
Eduardo Spanish; Happy protector
Edward Old English; Happy protector
Edwin Old English (Anglo Saxon); Valuable friend
Egbert Teutonic; Formidably brilliant
Elbert Teutonic; Nobly brilliant
Eldwin Old English (Anglo Saxon); Sage friend
Eliezer Hebraic; God is the lord
Elijah Hebraic; God is the lord
Eliseo Hebraic; God is the lord
Elisha Hebraic; God is the lord
Elliot Old Engish; God is the lord
Elliott Hebraic; Jehovah is God
Elmer Teutonic; Of awe-inspiring fame
Elon Hebraic; Tree or oak tree
Elvin Old English; Noble friend
Elvis Old English; Noble friend
Emanuel Hebraic; God is with us
Emerson Old Teutonic (German); Industrious
Emiliano Spanish; Variant of Emilio. Industrious
Emmanuel Hebraic; God is with us
Emmett Old English (Anglo Saxon); Diligent
Enzo Italian; A short form of names ending in enzo, such as Vincenzo or Lorenzo
Ephraim Hebraic; Doubly fruitful
Ernest Teutonic; Intent in purpose
Ernesto Spanish; Intent in purpose
Erwin Old English (Anglo Saxon); Friend of sea
Essien African; Sixth-born son
Everett Old English (Anglo Saxon); Noble bright
Ezekiel Hebraic; God gives strength
Ezequiel Hebraic; God strengthens
Fairfax Old English (Anglo Saxon); Fair hair
Falkner Old English; Falcon trainer
Farley Old English; Place name
Farman Old English (Anglo Saxon); Traveler
Fenton Old English; Place name
Ferdinand Teutonic; Adventurous in life
Fernando Spanish; Adventurous in life
Ferris Celtic/Gaelic; Iron worker
Fikiri Swahili; Ponder or meditate
Finley Gaelic; Fair-haired warrior
Finnegan Gaelic; Diminutive of Finn. Fair-haired
Fitzgerald Teutonic; Son of Gerald
Fleming Old English (Anglo Saxon); Dutchman
Fletcher Old French; Arrow maker
Foster Old English; Bird catcher
Francesco Spanish; Free-- a Frenchman
Francis Teutonic; Free-- a Frenchman
Francisco Spanish; Free-- a Frenchman
Frank Old French; Free-- a Frenchman
Frankie Teutonic; Free-- a Frenchman
Franklin Old English; Free-- a Frenchman
Fred Teutonic (German); Peaceful ruler
Freddie Teutonic (German); Peaceful ruler
Freddy Teutonic (German); Peaceful ruler
Frederick Teutonic (German); Peaceful ruler
Fredrick Teutonic (German); Peaceful ruler
Freeman Old English (Anglo Saxon); Freeman
Fritz Teutonic; Peaceful ruler
Gael Irish; Gael is the word for Irishman
Gage Old French Meaning "measure"
Gale Old English; Gay or lively
Gardner Old English (Anglo Saxon); Gardener
Garett Old English (Anglo Saxon); Spear champion
Garret Old English (Anglo Saxon); Spear champion
Garrett Old English (Anglo Saxon); Spear champion
Garrison English; Spear rulers son
Garth Old English (Anglo Saxon); Herdsmen
Gary English; Diminutive of Gerald-- spear carrier
Gaston French; Native of Gascony
Gauge Old French Meaning "measure". A respelling of Gage
Geoffrey Old English (Anglo Saxon); Godly peace
Gerald Teutonic (German); Spear carrier
Gerard Teutonic; Brave with spear
Gerardo Spanish; Brave with spear
German English; The country-- or cousin
Giancarlo Italian; John-Charles God is gracious and manly
Gilbert Teutonic (German); Pledge
Gilmer Teutonic; Famous hostage
Gilroy Celtic; Servant of king
Gino Italian; Form of John -- God is gracious--diminutive
Giovanni Italian ; Form of John -- God is gracious
Giovani Italian ; Variant of Giovanni. Form of John -- God is gracious
Gage Old French Meaning "measure"
Giovanny Italian; Form of John -- God is gracious
Goddard Teutonic; Divinely firm
Godwin Teutonic; Divine friend
Gordon Old English (Anglo Saxon); Great hill
Grady Old English (Anglo Saxon); A surname
Graham Old English (Anglo Saxon); Gray home
Grayson Old English; Son of bailiff
Grayson Old English (Anglo Saxon); A surname
Gregorio Spanish; Watcher of the flock
Gregory Greek; Watcher of the flock
Gresham Old English; Place name
Greyson Old English; Place name
Griffin Old English; A mythological creature with a body of a lion and a head and wings of an eagle
Grosvenor Old French-Latin; Mighty huntsman
Grover Old English; Dweller in grove
Guadalupe Spanish; River of the wolf
Guillaume French; Form of William--Determined guardian
Guillermo Spanish; Form of William--Determined guardian
Gustavus Teutonic; Son of Goths
Hadley Old English; Place name
Hadwin Teutonic; Friend in war
Haines Teutonic; From a vine covered cottage
Hal Old English; Variant of Henry
Halbert Teutonic; Bright stone
Hall Old English; From hall or manor
Halsey Old English; Place name
Hamlin Teutonic; Ruler of home
Hank Teutonic (German); Nickname for Henry. Ruler of house
Hanley Old English; From high meadow
Hans Hebraic; Godly gracious gift
Hansel Teutonic; Variant of John -- diminutive
Harcourt Old French; Place name
Harlan Old English; From army territory
Harley Old English; Army meadow
Harold Old English (Anglo Saxon); Power
Harper Scottish Pleasant and brave
Harrison Old English; Son of Harry
Hartley Old English; Place name
Hayes Old English; From hedged hill
Henry Teutonic (German); Ruler of house
Herbert Teutonic; Bright warrior
Heriberto Spanish; Bright warrior
Herwin Teutonic; Friend of war
Hilliard Teutonic; Guardian in war
Hilton Old English; Place name
Hobart Teutonic; Bright minded
Holbrook Old English; Place name
Holden Teutonic; Kind or gracious
Homer Greek; Pledge or security
Howard Teutonic (German); Strong minded
Hubert Teutonic; Bright minded
Hugh Teutonic; Heart-- mind-- or spirit
Hugo Italian; Heart-- mind-- or spirit
Humberto Spanish; Supporter of peace
Humphrey Teutonic; Supporter of peace
Hunter Old English (Anglo Saxon); Hunter
Ian Scottish; Form of John -- Godly gracious gift
Ibrahim Arabic; Father of many
Ichabod Hebraic; Glory has departed
Igor Scandinavian; Heroic warrior
Isai Hebraic; Lordly salvation
Isaiah Hebraic; Lordly salvation
Isaias Hebraic; Lordly salvation
Ishmael Hebraic; God will hear
Isiah Hebraic; Lordly salvation
Israel Hebraic; Soldier for the lord
Ivan Russian; Form of John -- Godly gracious gift
Ives Old English; Little archer
Izaiah Hebraic; Lordly salvation
Jace Hebraic; From Jason: God is my savior
Jack Old French; Nick name for john
Jackie Old French; Nick name for john
Jacques Old French; Form of John -- Godly gracious gift
Jacquez Old French; Form of John -- Godly gracious gift
Jaden American; An invented name, using the popular aden suffix sound found in such names as Braden, Hayden and Aidan
Jadon American; An invented name, using the popular aden suffix sound found in such names as Braden, Hayden and Aidan
Jaeden American; An invented name, using the popular aden suffix sound found in such names as Braden, Hayden and Aidan
Jaiden American; An invented name, using the popular aden suffix sound found in such names as Braden, Hayden and Aidan
Jairo Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Jaleel Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Jalen Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Jalon Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Jamarcus American; Invented, combining James and Marcus
James English; Form of Jacob -- Conqueror
Jamie English; Diminutive of James
Jan Dutch; Form of John -- Godly gracious gift
Jaquan Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Jarvis Teutonic; Keen as the spear
Jason Hebraic; God is my savior
Jasper Persian; Bearer of treasure
Jax American; Variant of Jack; Short form of Jackson
Jaxen American; Variant of Jackson
Jaxon American; Variant of Jackson
Jaxson American; Variant of Jackson
Jaxton American; Invented variant of Jackson
Jayce Hebraic; Shortened form of Jason: God is my savior
Jayson Hebraic; Jason variant: God is my savior
Jean Old French; Form ot John -- Godly gracious gift
Jed Hebraic; Beloved of the lord
Jeff Hebraic; Godly peace diminutive of Jeffery
Jefferson English; Son of Jeffery
Jelani Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Jensen Swedish; Son of Jens (a form of John)
Jeremiah Hebraic; High of the lord
Jeremy English; High of the lord
Jermaine Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Jerold Teutonic; Mighty with the spear
Jerry English; Diminutive of Gerald
Jesus Greek; The lord is my salvation
Jimmie English; Diminutive of James
Jimmy English; Diminutive of James
Joe English; Diminutive of Joseph
Joel Hebraic; Godly willingness
Joey English; Diminutive of Joseph
Johan Teutonic; Form ot John -- Godly gracious gift
Johnathan Hebraic; The Lordly gift
Johnathon Hebraic; The Lordly gift
Johnnie English; Diminutive of John
Johnny English; Diminutive of John
Jon English; Diminutive of John
Jordan Hebraic; The river flows
Jorden Hebraic; The river flows
Jordi English; Diminutive of Jordan-- the river flows.
Jordon Hebraic; The river flows
Jordy English; Diminutive of Jordan-- the river flows.
Jordyn Hebraic; The river flows
Joseph Hebraic; God multiplies
Josh Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Joshua Hebraic; God is my salvation
Josiah Hebraic; God is my salvation
Josue Hebraic; God is my salvation
Jovan English/Italian; Form ot John -- Godly gracious gift
Jovany English/Italian; Form ot John -- Godly gracious gift
Juan Spanish; Form ot John -- Godly gracious gift
Julian Latin; Descended from Jove
Julien Latin; Descended from Jove
Julio Spanish; Descended from Jove
Julius Greek; Descended from Jove
Juwan Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kade English Variant of "Cade" Occupational name for a cooper, from Middle English, Old French cade 'cask', 'barrel'
Kaden English Variant of "Caden"; Fighter
Kadman Celtic; Variant of "Cadman" Warrior
Kaeden English Variant of "Caden"; Fighter
Kaiden English Variant of "Caden"; Fighter
Kale Hebraic; Doggedly faithful
Kaleb Hebraic; Doggedly faithful
Kalen Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kameron Scottish; Variant of Cameron: With a crooked nose
Kamron Scottish; Variant of Cameron: With a crooked nose
Karl Teutonic; See Charles -- manly
Karson English; Variant of Cason which is probably from the locational name, Accarsane
Karter Old English; Variant Carter, a cart driver
Kash Persian; Variant of Cash: Treasure
Kason Undetermined; Probably invented. From similar sounding names such as Jason and Aiden
Kayden Undetermined; Probably invented. From similar sounding names such as Caden, Jason and Aiden
Kayson Undetermined; Probably invented. From similar sounding names such as Jason and Aiden
Keagan Irish; A thinker; fiery
Keanu Hawaiian The cool breeze
Keaton Old English; Where hawks go
Keenan Irish; Ancient, distant
Kelby Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kellan Gaelic Irish; Slender or powerful
Kellen Gaelic Irish; Slender or powerful
Kelsey Scandinavian; Island of ships
Kelton Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kelvin Scottish; Friend of ships
Kendall Celtic; From narrow river
Kendrick Old English (Anglo Saxon); Ruler
Kenneth Celtic/Gaelic; Handsome
Kenny Celtic/Gaelic; Handsome. See Kenneth
Kenway Old English (Anglo Saxon); Courageous in battle
Kenyon Celtic/Gaelic; Blonde hair
Keon American; Variant of Sean (see Sean and John)
Keshawn Undetermined; Variant of Sean-- heavenly generosity
Keven Irish; Variant of Kevin -- handsome
Kevon Irish; Variant of Kevin -- handsome
Keyshawn American; Variant of Sean
Kiefer Teutonic (German); Barrel maker
Kimball Old English (Anglo Saxon); Royally brave
Kingsley Old English; Place name
Kipton The origin is unknown, but it may come from the Old English word cempa, which means "warrior".
Kit Greek; Diminutive of Christopher
Knox Scottish A surname from the Gaelic "cnoc", meaning a hillock or a hump
Kobe Hebraic; Diminutive of Jacob:; Conqueror
Koby Hebraic; Diminutive of Jacob:; Conqueror
Kolby English; Place name see Colby
Kolten English; Variant of Colton -- Coal town
Kolton English; Variant of Colton -- Coal town
Konnor Teutonic; Able in counsel
Konrad Teutonic; Able in counsel
Kristofer Latin; Bearing Christ
Kristopher Latin; Bearing Christ
Kurt Teutonic; Variant of Conrad
Kurtis French; See Curtis --- courteous
Kylan Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kyle Celtic/Gaelic; Narrow channel
Kyler Celtic/Gaelic; Narrow channel
Kymani East African Adventurous traveler
Kyree Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kyson American An invented name similar to Kyle and Tyson
Ladarius Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Lamont French; Of the mountain
Lancelot Old English; Bravest knight of the round table
Landen Old English; Place name
Landon Old English; Place name
Landyn Old English; Place name
Landry Old English (Anglo Saxon); Ruler of place
Langley Old English; Place name
Larry English; Diminutive of Lawrence
Lars Norse; Variant of Lawrence -- Laurel tree
Latimer Anglo-Old French; Occupation name
Lawrence Latin; Bay or laurel tree
Lawson English/Scottish Son of Lawrence
Lazarus Hebraic; God will help
Leighton Old English; Place name
Leland Hebraic; Dedicated to God
Leland Old English; Place name
Lemuel Hebraic; Belonging to God
Leonard Teutonic (German); Bold lion
Leopold Teutonic; Bold lion-like people
Leslie Old English; Meadow land
Lester Latin; Camp of the legion
Lewis Teutonic; Famous warrior
Liam Irish; Celtic/Gaelic; Short form of William
Lincoln Celtic; Name of a city in England--lake colony
Logan Irish; Celtic/Gaelic; Trench or forest
Lonnie English; Diminutive of Alonzo
Loren English; Variant of Lawrence -- Laurel tree
Lorenzo Italian; Variant of Lawrence -- Laurel tree
Loring Old Teutonic (German); Famous in war
Luther Teutonic (German); Army people
Lyle Teutonic (German); Warrior
Lysander Old English; Linden tree
Mackenzie Celtic/Gaelic; Son of wise ruler
Maddox Celtic/Gaelic; Son of the heir
Malachi Hebraic; "My messenger" or "My angel"
Malakai Hebraic; "My messenger" or "My angel"
Malcolm Scottish; Disciple of Saint Columba
Malvin Celtic; Servant and friend
Manfred Teutonic (German); Man of peace
Mario Italian; Mars-God of war
Marion French; Mars-God of war
Markell English; Variant of Marcus
Markus English; Variant of Marcus
Marland Old English; Place name
Marshall Old English; Horse groom
Mason Old French; Brick builder
Mateo Spanish; Gift of the lord
Mathew English; Gift of the lord
Mathias Hebraic; Gift of the lord
Matias Hebraic; Gift of the lord
Matteo Italian; Gift of the lord
Matthew Hebraic; Gift of the lord
Matthias Hebraic; Gift of the lord
Maverick English; From the surname--a non-conformist of the old west
Maxwell Scottish; Stream of Maccus
Medwin Teutonic; Powerful friend
Mekhi Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Melville English; Servant and friend
Melvin English; Servant and friend
Memphis Hebraic; Abode of the good
Mercer Old French-Latin; Merchant
Micah Hebraic; Prophet and author of the book of mica
Micheal Hebraic; Like God see Michael
Miguel Spanish; Like God see Michael
Miguelangel Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Mike English; Diminutive of Michael -- like God
Mikel English; Variant of Michael -- like God
Milburn Old English; Place name
Milton Old English; From mill farmstead
Misael Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Mitchel Hebraic; From a surname-- a variant of Michael
Mitchell English; From a surname-- a variant of Michael
Montana Spanish; Place name--meaning mountains
Morgan Celtic/Gaelic; From sealy edge
Morton Old English; From farm or moor
Murdock Celtic; Prosperous seaman
Murphy Irish; Celtic/Gaelic; Warrior of sea
Myron Greek; Of myrrh-- a fragrant resin
Najee Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Naldo Teutonic; Of mighty or wise
Nash Old English; Protruding cliff
Nathanael Hebraic; Gift of God
Nathanial Hebraic; Gift of God
Nathaniel Hebraic; Gift of God
Nehemiah Hebraic; Undetermined
Nevin Celtic/Gaelic; Worshiper of saints
Newton Old English (Anglo Saxon); Place name
Nicholas Greek; People triumph
Nicklaus Greek; People triumph
Nickolas Greek; People triumph
Nicodemus Greek; Victorious over the people
Nikhil Italian; People triumph
Noah Hebraic; A ceasing of war
Norris Old French-Latin; Caretaker
Norton Old English (Anglo Saxon); Place name
Norvin Teutonic; Man from the north
Oakley Old English; Grove of an oak tree
Obadiah Hebraic; Servant of the lord
Oringo African; He likes the hunt
Orlando Teutonic; Fame of land
Orvin Old English (Anglo Saxon); Boar friend
Osborn Old English; Soldier of God
Oscar Scandinavian; Spear of God
Osgood Teutonic; Divine creator
Osmond Teutonic; Under divine protection
Osvaldo Spanish; Of God-like power
Oswald Teutonic; Of God-like power
Page Old French; Young assistant
Paine Latin; Man from the country
Palmer Old English-Latin; Palm-bearer
Parker Middle English; Park guard
Pascal Italian; Easter or Passover
Paxton Teutonic; Travelling trader
Payton English; Place name-- peacock town
Pembroke Old Welsh; Place name
Percival Old French-Latin; Valley-pierce
Percy Old French-Latin; Valley-pierce
Perry English; Anglicized version of Pierre
Peyton Scotch; Form of Patrick -- Nobleman
Philander Greek; Lover of mankind
Philbert Teutonic; Illustriously brilliant
Pierce Old Anglo Old French; Rock or stone
Pierre Old French; Form of Peter -- Rock
Prescott Old English; Place name
Preston Old English; Town of priest
Proctor Latin; Manager or agent
Putnam Old English (Anglo Saxon); Place name
Quinby Scandinavian; Place name
Quincy Old French-Latin; Place name
Radcliffe Old English; Place name
Radford Old English; Place name
Raekwon Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Rafael Hebraic; Healing of God
Raleigh Old English; Deer meadow
Ralph English; Variant of Randolph
Ralph Undetermined; Famous wolf
Ramiro Spanish; From a surname
Ramon Spanish; Advisor and protector
Ramsey Scottish; Island of ravens
Randolph Old English (Anglo Saxon); Strong shield
Randy Old English (Anglo Saxon); See Randolph
Raphael Hebraic; God has healed
Rashawn Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Raven Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Ray Old English; Diminutive of Raymond-- advisor and protector
Raymond Old English; Advisor and protector
Raymundo Spanish; Advisor and protector
Reagan Celtic/Gaelic; Little king
Redmond Old English; Protected by reeds
Reeves Middle English; Steward
Reginald Teutonic (German); Power
Remington English; From the surname--notably the gun maker
Renzo Italian, meaning Laurel. Abbreviation of Lorenzo.
Reuben Hebraic; Behold-- a son
Ricardo Spanish; Powerful ruler
Richard Old Teutonic (German); Powerful ruler
Rick Old Teutonic (German); Diminutive of Richard -- Powerful ruler
Rickey Old Teutonic (German); Diminutive of Richard -- Powerful ruler
Ricky Old Teutonic (German); Diminutive of Richard -- Powerful ruler
Rico Spanish; Diminutive of Richard -- Powerful ruler
Ridley Old English; Place name
Rigoberto Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Riley Irish; Celtic/Gaelic; Valiant
Robert Old English (Anglo Saxon); Bright fame
Robin English; Variant of Robert
Rocco Germanic origins. The name is either derived from Roho (Germanic), a short form of the now obsolete Rochbert and ultimately of 'rohon' (meaning to roar, battle cry), or else it is from the Old German 'hrok' (rest, repose).
Roderick Old Teutonic (German); Famous ruler
Roger Old French; Famous warrior
Rohan Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Rolfe Teutonic; Variant of Rudolph
Rollo Latinized form of Roul. Rollo (or Rolf) the Ganger was an exiled Viking who, in the 10th century, became the first Duke of Normandy. It has been used as a given name in the English-speaking world since the 19th century.
Romeo Italian-Latin; Pilgrim to Rome
Ronald Teutonic; Of mighty power
Ronaldo Latin; Of mighty power
Ronnie Teutonic; Diminutive of Ronald-- mighty power
Roswell Teutonic; Mighty steed
Rowan Irish; From a place name
Royce Old French-Latin; Son of Roy-- kingly
Ruben Undetermined; A surname of an artist
Rudy Teutonic; Diminutive of Rudolph-- famous wolf
Ruford Old English; From red ford
Rupert Teutonic; Of shining fame
Rutherford Old English; Place name
Ryan Celtic/Gaelic; Variant of Bryan
Rylee Irish; Variant of the surname Riley
Salisbury Old English (Anglo Saxon); Dry town
Samir Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Samuel Hebraic; Answer to prayers
Sanborn Old English; Place name
Sanders Greek; Helper of mankind
Sanford Old English; From sandy ford
Sargent Old French-Latin; Occupation name
Savion Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Sawyer Middle English; Wood cutter
Scott Old English; From Scotland
Seamus Irish; Variant of James -- That variant of Jacob
Sean Irish; Heavenly generosity-- variant of john
Seymour Old French-Latin; Moorish saint
Shamar Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Shane English; From an American novel
Shaun Undetermined; Variant of Sean-- heavenly generosity
Shawn Irish; Variant of Sean-- heavenly generosity
Shayne Irish; Variant of Sean-- heavenly generosity
Shelby Old English (Anglo Saxon); Place name
Sheldon Old English (Anglo Saxon); Place name
Shemar Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Sherard Old English (Anglo Saxon); Of splendid valor
Sherlock Old English; Fair-haired
Sherman Old English; Occupation name
Sherwin Old English (Anglo Saxon); Eminent in friendship
Sherwood Old English; From bright forest
Sigmund Teutonic; Victorious protection
Silas Latin; Man of the forest
Silvester Latin; Forest dweller
Simeon Hebraic; He who has heard
Simon Hebraic; He who has heard
Skylar Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Skyler Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Standish Old English; Place name
Stanford Old English; Place name
Stanislaus Slavonic; Glory of camp
Stanway Old English; Place name
Stedman Old English (Anglo Saxon); Place name
Sterling English; High quality
Stewart Old English (Anglo Saxon); Steward
Stuart Old English (Anglo Saxon); Steward
Sumner Old French-Latin; One who summons
Sutton Old English; Place name
Syed Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Tahj Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Taj Undetermined; Possibly from the Taj Mahal
Talbot Old Teutonic (German); From valley
Talon Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Tanner Old English; Leather worker
Tarik Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Tariq Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Tavian Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Terrell Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Terry English; Diminutive of Terrence
Tevin Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Thaddeus Hebraic; Praise be to God
Thayer Teutonic; Of the nationly army
Thurston Scandinavian; Thor jewel
Tilden Old English; Place name
Titus Latin; Unknown meaning, possibly related to Latin titulus "title of honour"
Tobias Hebraic; Goodness of the lord
Tomas Spanish; Variant of Thomas
Tommy Old English; Variant of Thomas
Torrence Irish; Like a tall tower
Torrence Irish; Like a tall tower
Torrence Irish; Like a tall tower
Townsend Old English; Place name
Travis Old French; At the crossing
Travon Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Trevin English; Variant of Trevor -- Big village
Trevon English; Variant of Trevor -- Big village
Troy Old French; After the city
Truman Old English; Faithful-- loyal man
Tucker English Occupational name for a person who softens woolen cloth
Tumpe Nyakyusa; Let us thank God for this child
Tumwebaze Uganda; Let us thank God for this child
Turner English; Profession a wood turner
Ty Old English; Diminutive of Tyler or Tyson
Tyler Old English; Tile setter
Tylor Old English; Tile setter
Tyquan Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Tyree Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Tyreek Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Tyrek Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Tyrell Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Tyrese Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Tyrik Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Tyriq Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Tyrique Anglicized spelling of French inspiration; Undetermined
Tyrone Irish; From the name of a county in Northern Ireland which is derived from Irish; Gaelic Tir Eoghain meaning "land of EOGHAN". This name was popularized by American actor Tyrone Power.
Tyshawn English; Variant of Sean
Tyson Teutonic; Son of the Teutonic
Uland Teutonic; From noble land
Ulises Greek; Variant of Ulysses
Ulysses Greek; Angry or wrathful
Uriah Hebraic; God is my light
Uriel Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Valdis Teutonic; Spirited in battle
Vladimir Slavonic; World ruler
Wade Old English; River crossing
Wafula Uganda; Born during the rain
Waggoner Teutonic (German); Wagon maker
Walden Teutonic; Mighty and famous
Waldo Teutonic; Powerful or mighty
Walker Old English; Occupation name
Wallace Old English (Anglo Saxon); Stranger
Walter Old Teutonic (German); Powerful ruler
Walton Old English; Place name
Ware Old English (Anglo Saxon); Wary
Warner Teutonic; Guarding warrior
Warren Teutonic (German); Protective friend
Washington Old English; Place name
Waylen Old English; Land near highway
Waylon Old English; Land near highway
Wesley Old English (Anglo Saxon); Man from the west
Weston Old English; Place name
Whitlaw Old English; From white hill
Wilbur Old English (Anglo Saxon); Beloved stronghold
Wilfredo Spanish; Undetermined
Will Teutonic; Diminutive of William
Willard Old English (Anglo Saxon); Great bravery
William Teutonic; Determined guardian
Willie Teutonic; Diminutive of William
Willis English; Variant of will
Wilmer Teutonic; Beloved and famous
Winslow Old English; Hill of victory
Winston Old English (Anglo Saxon); Town of victory
Wirt Old English (Anglo Saxon); Worthy
Woodley Old English; Place name
Woodrow Old English; Place name
Woodward Old English; Forester
Worthington Old English (Anglo Saxon); Place name
Wright Old English (Anglo Saxon); Workman
Wylie Old English (Anglo Saxon); Beguiling
Wyman Old English (Anglo Saxon); Warrior
Wyndham Old English; Place name
Xander Greek Shortened version of Alexander
Yardley Old English; Place name
Yves French; See Ives-- an archer
Zachariah Hebraic; Remembered by the Lord
Zachary Hebraic; Remember the lord
Zachery Hebraic; Remember the lord
Zaci African; God of fatherhood
Zackary Hebraic; Remember the lord
Zackery Hebraic; Remember the lord
Zakary Hebraic; Remember the lord
Zander Greek; Shortened version of Alexander
Zavier Arabic; Variant of Xavier: Splendid
Zayden American An invented name, no meaning
Zebadiah Hebraic; Gift of the lord
Zechariah Hebraic; Variant of Zachariah -- Remembered by the Lord