Aaleigha Undetermined origin; Noble, perhaps a derivation of the Low German; name Aaltje
Aaliyah Arabic; High sublime
Aaryanna Hebraic; Combination of Aaron and Anna
Abbey Hebraic; See Abigail
Abbie Hebraic; See Abigail
Abbigail Hebraic; See Abigail
Abbrielle Hebraic; Abigail and Gabrielle?
Abby Hebraic; See Abigail, father rejoices
Abia Arabic; Great
Abida Arabic; Worshiper
Abigail Hebraic; Father rejoices
Abigale Hebraic; Father rejoices
Abigayle Hebraic; See Abigail
Abira Hebraic; My strength
Abril Spanish; The month April
Acacia Greek; The acacia tree is in myths symbolic of immortality and resurrection
Ada German; and English; Shortened form of Adelaide
Adah Hebraic; Ornament
Addison Old English; Son of Adam
Adelaide English; Kind Anglicized version of Adelheid
Adeline Old German; Noble
Adin Old Norse Delicate
Adina Old Norse Version of the name Adin
Adrian Latin; Woman from Adria
Adriana Latin; Woman from Adria
Adrianna Latin; Woman from Adria
Adrienne Latin; Woman from Adria
Agatha Latin; agathos Good
Agnes Greek; Pure
Ai Japanese; Love
Aile French; Bird wing
Aileen Greek; Light
Ailie Irish; Diminutive variation of Helen
Ailsa Scottish; From Ailsa Craig, the rock in the Firth of Clyde
Aimee French; Beloved
Aimee French; Friend
Áine Irish; Variation of Anna
Ainsley Old English; One or only and lea wood or clearing
Aisha Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Aisling Irish; Dream or vision
Aislinn Celtic; Dream
Ajalae Egyptian; Understanding, great judge and ruler over many
Akua Ghanian (West African); Girl born on Wednesday
Alaina Celtic; Fair
Alana Celtic; Distant place; also fair
Alanis English; Feminine equivalent of Alan
Alanna Celtic; Fair
Alayna Celtic; Fair
Aleah Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Aleisha Old German; Nobility
Alejandra Greek; and Spanish; Helper of Mankind
Alena Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Alene Scottish; This name is related to Eileen Gaelic
Alessandra Italian; Defender of men
Alethea Greek; Truth
Alex Greek; Shortened form of Alexandra
Alexa Greek; Shortened form of Alexandra
Alexandra Greek; Defender of men
Alexandrea Greek; Defender of men
Alexandria Greek; Defender of men
Alexia Greek; Shortened form of Alexandra
Alexis Greek; Helper
Alexus Greek; Helper
Alexys Greek; Helper
Ali Old German; Variation of Alice
Alia Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Alice Old German; Nobility
Alicia Irish; Nobility Gaelic; root Allison; an Irish; variation of Alice
Alida French; Beautifully dressed
Alina Arabic; Noble or illustrious
Alisa Undetermined origin; A variation of Alice
Alisha Undetermined origin; A variation of Alice
Alison Scottish; Version of Alice
Alissa Irish; Gaelic; Root Allison; an Irish; variation of Alice
Alivia Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Aliya Israeli; meaning: Immigrant to a new home. Muslim; meaning: Exalted. Highest social standing
Aliyah Israeli; meaning: Immigrant to a new home. Muslim; meaning: Exalted. Highest social standing
Aliza Ancient Aramaic Joy
Alize English; Variant of Alice
Allegra Italian; Jaunty. Similar to allegro--quick tempo in music
Allie Undetermined origin; Probably short for Alice.
Allison Scottish; Version of Alice
Allura Old English; Alluring, mysteriously attractive
Ally Undetermined origin; Probably short Alice
Allyson Scottish; Version of Alice
Allyssa Old German; Noble, Cheerful
Alma Latin; Spirit
Almarina Latin; Soul of the sea
Alondra Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Althea Greek; Healer
Alycia Irish; Gaelic; A variation of Alice
Alysa Irish; Gaelic; A variation of Alice
Alysha Irish; Gaelic; A variation of Alice
Alysia Irish; Gaelic; A variation of Alice
Alyson Irish; Gaelic; A variation of Alice
Alyssa Irish; Gaelic; A variation of Alice
Alyssa Irish; Gaelic; A variation of Alice
Amanda Latin; Amare to love
Amani SwahiliUnknown meaning
Amara Greek; Unfading
Amari Greek; Unfading
Amaya Arabic; Night rain
Amber Arabic; Jewel
Amelia Latin; Unknown meaning
America English; and Italian; The continent, after Amerigo Vespucci
Amethyst Undetermined origin; Purple or violet quartz It is the February birthstone Short forms: Amee
Ami French; Friend Beloved or French; from ami(e),
Amina Arabic; Sure, believable, right, trustworthy, reliable, dependable Female variation of amin Amina was Name given to the mother of holy prophet Muhammad
Aminah Muslim; Trustworthy
Amira Greek; Unfading
Amity Latin; Love friendship
Amma Undetermined origin; Ashanti Saturday
Amoura French; French; word amour Love
Amy French; Old French; word amee beloved Other spellings Ami
Ana Hebraic; Grace or favored Hannah is the original form
Anabelle Italian; Lovable
Anabelle Latin; Lovable
Anahi Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Anais Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Anaïs Catalan Of the Spanish; name Ana which is a variation of Anne
Anastasia Greek; Resurrection
Andilisa Undetermined origin; A combination of two names Unknown
Andrea Greek; Womanly or the feminine variation of Andreas
Andrie Undetermined origin; French; variation of Andrea
Androulla Greek; Cypriot Female version of Andrew, from Andrea
Angel Greek; Messenger
Angela Greek; Messenger
Angela Greek; Messenger
Angelia Undetermined origin; Pronounced Angel-lea
Angelica Greek; Messenger. Latin; Angelic
Angelina Greek; Messenger
Angelique Greek; Messenger
Angharad Welsh; Much loved
Angie Greek; Messenger
Anika African Smart, beautiful, child of god
Anise Latin; Holy or pure Other spellings include Annice, Annys and Annis
Anissa Latin; Holy or pure
Anita Spanish; Little Anna
Ann Hebraic; Grace or favored Hannah is the original form
Anna English; Gaelic; and SlavonicForm of name Anne
Annabel Undetermined origin; Form of name Anne
Annabelle Undetermined origin; Form of name Anne
Anne Hebraic; Grace or favored Hannah is the original form
Anneliese Undetermined origin; German; composed of the names Anne and Liese
Annette French; Little Anna
Annice Latin; Holy or pure
Annie Hebraic; Grace or favored Hannah is the original form
Annika Dutch and Swedish; Favor or grace. It is the pet form of Anna
Ansley Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Antanina Lithuanian; Version of Antoinette which is a feminine variation of Anthony
Anthea Greek; antheios Flowery
Antoinette French; Priceless See Anthony
Antonia Latin; Priceless See Anthony
Anwen Welsh; Very beautiful
Anya Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Aoife Irish; Variation of Eve
April English; The month
April Latin; Aprillus Openas in the opening of spring It has Etruscan and has been given as the name To the fourth month of the year
Arabella Latin; for beautiful alter
Araceli Spanish; Altar of heaven
Aracely Spanish; Altar of heaven
Arely Hebraic; Lion of God
Aria Italian; Song or melody, literally air
Ariana Welsh: Silver; Latin: Holy
Arianna Welsh: Silver; Latin: Holy
Ariel Hebraic; Lion of God
Arielle Hebraic; Lion of God
Aris Undetermined origin; Perhaps form the Greek; name Aristides Best or excellent Armeria Latin; flos armeriae a species of dianthus (flower)
Arlene Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Armani Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Arwenna Welsh; Muse
Asha Undetermined origin; Female variation of Hebraic; 'Asher' Or Ashleigh happiness, ash wood or clearing
Ashanti Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Ashlee Old English; Surname now used as a first name, from ash and lea
Ashleigh Old English; Surname now used as a first name, from ash and lea
Ashley Old English; Surname now used as a first name, from ash and lea
Ashlie Old English; Surname now used as a first name, from ash and lea
Ashly Old English; Surname now used as a first name, from ash and lea
Ashlyn Old English; Probably derived from Ashley with the suffix -lynn
Ashlynn English; Ashley and Lynn
Ashton English; A town name
Asia Undetermined origin; The continent
Aspen Undetermined origin; The tree or Colorado city
Astrid Scandinavian; From áss
Atarah Hebraic; Crown
Athena Greek; Goddess of Wisdom
Aubree French; Blond ruler
Aubrey French; Blond ruler
Aubrianna French; Aubrey and Brianna
Audra Old English; Strength
Audrey Old English; Strength
Aurora Latin; Dawn
Autumn English; Fall season
Ava Latin; From Ava Maria
Avery Old English; Elfin ruler
Avianna Hebraic; Spring
Avis Undetermined origin; Shortened form of names beginning with the letters av Other spellings: Avice
Ayana Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Ayanna Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Ayesha Muslim; Living, prosperous
Ayla Turkish Moonlight
Aylin Armenian Unknown meaning
Azhar Muslim; Flowers, blossom
Azure Undetermined origin; A deep shade of the color blue know popular as a girls name
Bahji Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Bailee English; A bailiff
Bailey English; A bailiff
Baji Undetermined origin; Word bahija, joyful
Barbara Latin; Foreign or stranger
Barbera Latin; Foreign or stranger
Basimah Muslim; Smiling
Bathsheba Hebraic; Daughter of opulence
Baylee English; A bailiff
Bayleigh Undetermined origin; Originally an English; surname A bailiff
Beatrice Italian and French; Bringer of happiness
Beatrix Latin; Bringer of happiness
Beatriz Spanish; Bringer of happiness
Belinda Old German; Serpent-like
Bellana Italian; Bella (good) and anna
Berenice Old German; Bear
Bernadette Old German; Bear
Bernice Greek; Bringer of victory
Bertha Old German; Bright
Bethag Gaelic; Life
Bethany Hebraic; House of figs - beth te' ena
Beverly Old English; The beaver-meadow
Bianca Italian; Pure or white
Billie Old English; Variation of Wilhelmina
Billie Jo Old English; Variation of Wilhelmina
Blair Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Blanca Spanish; White, pure
Blythe English; Happy or cheerful
Bobbi Undetermined origin; Short form of Roberta
Bonnie Latin; Good fair, lovely
Brandi Old English; Perhaps a feminine form of Brandon or the alcoholic drink
Brandy Old English; Perhaps a feminine form of Brandon or the alcoholic drink
Breana Irish; Gaelic; Strong
Breann Irish; Gaelic; Strong
Breanna Irish; Gaelic; Strong
Breanne Irish; Gaelic; Strong
Bree Middle English; Strong
Breeya Irish; Gaelic; Strength or force Derived Gaelic; word brigh
Brenda Gaelic; or German; Feminine form of Brendan or the German; burn
Brenna Irish; Gaelic; Little raven
Breonna Irish; Gaelic; Strength
Bria Irish; Gaelic; Strength
Briana Irish; Gaelic; Strength
Brianna Irish; Gaelic; Strength
Brianne Irish; Gaelic; Strength
Bridget Irish; Gaelic; Strength
Bridgette Irish; Gaelic; Strength
Brielle Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Brigette Irish; Gaelic; Bold or strong
Brionna Irish; Gaelic; Strength
Briony Irish; Gaelic; Strength
Britney Latin; From Britain
Brisa Spanish; Breeze
Britta Old English; Pride
Brittani Latin; From Britain
Brittany Latin; From Britain
Brittney Latin; From Britain
Bronwen Welsh; White breast, true friend or a ray of sunlight
Bronwyn Welsh; White breast, true friend or a ray of sunlight
Brook Old English; Brook
Brooke Old English; Brook
Brooklyn English; A combination of Brook and Lynn or the city
Brooklynn English; A combination of Brook and Lynn or the city
Bryana Irish; Gaelic; Strength
Bryanna Irish; Gaelic; Strength
Bryn Welsh; Hill or mountain
Brynn Welsh; Hill or mountain
Bryony Greek; A climbing vine
Butet Indonesian Female child
Cailin Irish; Girl
Caitlin Gaelic; /Welsh; Form of Catherine. Other spellings Katelyn Variation of Katherine
Caitlyn Welsh; Form of Catherine
Caitlynn Welsh; Form of Catherine
Calca Australian aboriginal; Star
Caleigh Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Calen English; Powerful in battle
Cali Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Calista Greek; Most Beautiful
Calleen Australian aboriginal; Fresh Water
Callie Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Cameo Italian; Jewel
Cameron Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Camilla Latin; Attendant at a sacrifice
Camille Latin; French; Attendant at a sacrifice
Camryn Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Candace Greek; Glowing
Candice Greek; Glowing
Candida Latin; Honest
Cara Spanish; / Italian; Dear
Cardinia Australian aboriginal; Dawn
Caridad Spanish; Charity
Carina Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Carissa Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Carla Old German; Free woman
Carlee Old German; Probably derived name Carla
Carleia Old German; Probably derived name Carla
Carlene Old German; Probably derived name Carla
Carley Old German; Probably derived name Carla
Carli Old German; Probably derived name Carla
Carlie Old German; Probably derived name Carla
Carly Old German; Probably derived name Carla
Carlyn English; Combination of the names Carla and Lyn
Carmel Hebraic; The garden
Carmen Spanish; Crimson
Carol German; A form of Charles and Carl
Carolina German; A form of Charles and Carl. Also the states North and South Carolina
Caroline French; Song
Carolyn German; A form of Charles and Carl
Carrie German; A form of Charles and Carl
Carson English; A surname
Caryon Undetermined origin; From Catherine
Carys Welsh; Love
Casandra Greek; The confuser of men
Casey Greek; The confuser of men
Cassandra Greek; The confuser of men
Cassidy Irish; A surname
Cassie Greek; The confuser of men
Cassiopea Arabic; A star in her fathers eye
Catalina Spanish; Pure
Catherine Gaelic; Pure
Cathryn Gaelic; Pure
Catrina Russian; Pure
Catriona Undetermined origin; Pure
Cayla Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Cecelia Latin; Blind
Cecile Latin; Blind
Cecilia Latin; Blind
Cedra English; A feminine version of Cedric Saxon name Cerdic Founder
Celene Latin; Heaven A derivative of the Latin; caelum
Celeste Latin; Heavenly
Celia Latin; Heaven
Celina Latin; Heaven
Celine Latin; Heaven
Chandler English; Candle maker
Chandra Hindu God of the moon in Hindu mythology
Chanel French; Candle maker. Probably the name Chanel has become a first name due to Coco Chanel the French; fashion designer and perfume maker
Chantal French; From Saint Jeanne of Chantal
Chantel French; Song
Charity Latin; Charity, love
Charlene French; A feminine variation of Charles
Charlotte Old German; Free woman or small woman
Charmaine Latin; Roman clan name Carmineus
Chase Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Chasity Latin; / English; Chastity
Chaya Hebraic; Life
Chelsea English; Borough of London
Chelsey English; Variant of Chelsea, a borough of London
Chelsie English; Variant of Chelsea, a borough of London
Chelsie English; Variant of Chelsea, a borough of London
Cheri French; cherie Dear or love shortened form of Cheryl and Charlene
Cherilyn English; Combination of the names Cheri and Lyn
Cheryl English; Dear
Cheyanne Native American; Variant spelling of Cheyenne, a tribe name and a US city
Cheyenne Native American; A tribe name and a US city
Chiara Undetermined origin; Famous Italian; variation of Clare Latin; clarus
Chloe Greek; Bloom
Chrislyn English; A combination of Chris and Lyn
Christa Latin; / English; Shortened form of Christina
Christian Latin; / English; Follower of Christ
Christiana Latin; / English; Follower of Christ
Christie Latin; / English; Follower of Christ
Christina Latin; / English; Follower of Christ
Christina Latin; / English; Follower of Christ Christian
Christine Latin; / English; Follower of Christ
Christy Latin; / English; Follower of Christ
Chrysanthe Greek; Precious flower
Chyna Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Ciara Irish; Feminine variation of Ciaran - black
Ciera Italian; Possibly from the Italian; city Sierra
Cierra Italian; Possibly from the Italian; city Sierra
Cindy Greek; Moon Goddess
Claire French; Clear
Clara French; Clear
Clare French; Clear
Clarissa French; Clear
Claudia Latin; Lame
Cleo Greek; Glory
Coleen Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Colette Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Colleen Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Collette French; Feminine version of Colin
Connie Latin; Faithful
Constance Latin; Faithful
Cora Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Coral Latin; Coral
Cordelia Latin; Warm-hearted
Corentine Greek; Variant of Corrine maiden
Corey Greek; Variant of Corrine maiden
Cori Greek; Variant of Corrine maiden
Corina Greek; Variant of Corrine maiden
Corinna Greek; Variant of Corrine maiden
Corinne Greek; Maiden Corinna was a Boeotian lyric poetess Other spellings Corina
Cortney Old English; Court dweller
Cory Greek; Variant of Corrine maiden
Courtney Old English; Court dweller
Cristal French; Variant spelling of Crystal
Cristina Latin; / English; Follower of Christ
Crystal French; Clear brilliant
Cydney Greek; Moon Goddess
Cynthia Greek; Moon Goddess
Daffodile Latin; Likely from the flower daffodil
Daija French; ? Perhaps from Deja Vu
Dailen Undetermined origin; Comes male name Dale which, perhaps derives from Dalton or Old High German; Valley in an Area of low hills
Daisha French; ? Perhaps from Deja Vu
Daisy Old English; Literally days eye, yellow centered flowers
Dakota Native American; The tribe and states. Original meaning is friend
Dalia Undetermined origin; The flower
Dallas English; / Irish; The city and surname
Damaris Undetermined origin
Damita Spanish; Little dame
Dana Undetermined origin; Feminine variation of Daniel or Queen of the Danes
Daniela Hebraic; God has judged
Daniella Hebraic; God has judged
Danielle Hebraic; God has judged
Danita Spanish; / Latin; ?Perhaps a diminutive of Daniel
Dannan Undetermined origin; Combination of Danny and Nan where Danny a derivative of Daniel Hebraic; - God is my Judge Nan a derivative of Ann Hebraic; familiar variation of Ann - Graceful
Dante Italian; To endure. A famous Italian; lyric poet
Daphne Greek; Laurel bush or bay tree
Daral Old English; Shortened form of Darleen
Darby Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Darcy French; ? Transferred use of the family name d'Arcy -- Arcy, France
Daria Greek; or PersianSmall, great one or much good
Darian Greek; or PersianSmall, great one or much good
Darleen Old English; Beloved, worthy, favorite
Darlene Old English; Beloved, worthy, favorite
Dasia Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Davan Undetermined origin; Gaelic; Feminine variation of David which means beloved
Dawn English; Daybreak
Dayana Latin; Variant of Diane, the Roman goddess of animals, hunting and forests
Dayanara Greek; In Greek; mythology, Deianeira was the wife of Hercules
Dayna Scandinavian; From Denmark
Deanna Latin; Bright as Day
Deasia Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Deborah Hebraic; Wisdom
Deidre Irish; Broken-hearted
Deirdre Irish; One who rages
Deja French; ? Perhaps from Deja Vu
Dejah French; ? Perhaps from Deja Vu
Delaney Irish; A surname
Delia Greek; From the island name Delos
Delilah Hebraic; Longingly filled with desire
Delyth Welsh; Pretty
Demi Latin; Small
Denise Greek; Greek; god of wine. variation of Denis
Desirae Old French; Hope or desired
Desiree Old French; Hope or desired
Desirée Old French; Hope or desired
Desta Russian; From the Russian name Desya?
Destany English; Destiny. Spelling variant
Destinee English; Destiny. Spelling variant
Destiney English; Destiny. Spelling variant
Destini English; Destiny. Spelling variant
Destiny English; Destiny
Desya Russian; Modest or obedient
Devin English; From Devon a place in Southwest England
Devon English; From Devon a place in Southwest England
Devyn English; From Devon a place in Southwest England
Diamond English; The precious
Diana Latin; Name of the Roman goddess of animals, hunting and forests
Diane Latin; Name of the Roman goddess of animals, hunting and forests
Diane Latin; Name of the Roman goddess of animals, hunting and forests
Dianna Latin; Name of the Roman goddess of animals, hunting and forests
Dianne French; From Diana the Roman goddess of animals hunting and forests
Dilys Welsh; Genuine
Dina Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Dinah Undetermined origin; Entertainer Dinah Shore is possibly best known owner of this name
Dionisia Greek; Greek; festival Dionisya which took it's name god of wine called Dionisyus
Dionne Greek; Mother of Venus
Disa Norwegian; Active spirit
Dolores Spanish; Grief
Dominica Latin; Born on the Sabbath
Dominique French; Born on the Sabbath
Donella Gaelic; Feminine variation of Donald World mighty
Donna Italian; Lady
Donnelle Scottish; Feminine variation of Donald
Dora Hebraic; Shortened form of Dorothy now a name in its own right
Doreen Irish; Variation of Dorothy, Dorieen
Doris Greek; Perhaps a sea nymph from Greek; mythology
Dorothy Hebraic; Gift of God
Drew English; From Andrew, recently made popular by actress Drew Barrymore
Dryden Old English; Dry valley or dry land
Dulce Spanish; Sweet
Dulcie Latin; Sweet
Dunya Arabic; , Urdu, or Persian; Universe or Life
Ea Greek; Greek; Goddess
Ebony English; The dark wood of the tropics
Eden Hebraic; Paradise
Edith Old German; Rich Gift
Edna Hebraic; Pleasure
Edwina Old English; Rich friend
Egle Lithuanian; Fir tree
Eileen Gaelic; Variation of Helen
Eiligh Gaelic; Variation of Helen
Eirlys Welsh; Snowdrop
Ekugbe East African One who brings two families together
Elaina Greek; Light or brilliant
Elaine Greek; Light or brilliant
Elayne Italian; Light or brilliant
Eleanor Greek; Light or brilliant
Elen Welsh; Nymph
Elena Lithuanian; Light or brilliant
Eliana Greek; Light or brilliant
Elisa Spanish; Variation of Elizabeth
Elisabeth Hebraic; God's Oath
Elise French; Variation of Elizabeth
Elisha Irish; Gaelic; A variation of Alice and Alicia. Meaning nobility
Elissa Irish; Gaelic; A variation of Alice and Alicia. Meaning nobility
Eliza Hebraic; Oath of God. From Elizabeth
Elizabeth Hebraic; Oath of God
Ella Old German; All
Elle French; Pronoun elle meaning "she"
Ellen Greek; Sun
Ellie Greek; Sun
Eloise French; Famous in war. Eloise is a series of children's books written in the 1950s by Kay Thompson.
Elsa Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Eluned Welsh; Icon
Elvira German; TRUE
Elyse Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Elyssa Irish; Gaelic; A variation of Alice and Alicia. Meaning nobility
Emmalee Latin; Variant of Emily. Roman clan name, Aemilius
Emely Latin; Variant of Emily. Roman clan name, Aemilius
Emerald English; Precious green stone
Emilee Latin; Roman clan name, Aemilius
Emilia Latin; Roman clan name, Aemilius
Emilie Latin; Roman clan name, Aemilius
Emily Latin; Roman clan name, Aemilius
Emma Latin; Universal
Emmerson English; Originally an English; surname, notably poet Ralph Waldo Emmerson
Enfys Welsh; Rainbow
Enid Welsh; Lark
Epiphany Hebraic; To be enlightened
Erica Old German; Sole ruler. Female version of Eric
Ericka Old German; Sole ruler. Female version of Eric
Erika Old German; Sole ruler. Female version of Eric
Erin Irish; Ireland
Ermintrude Old German; Universe or life and strength
Erna German; Battle or eagle
Erykah Old German; Sole ruler. Female version of Eric
Eryn Irish; Ireland
Esmé French; Esteemed
Esmerelda Spanish; Emerald, a precious green gemstone
Esperanza Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Essence English; Essence
Estelle Undetermined origin; Star
Esther Persian; Evening star
Estrella Spanish; Star
Ethna Irish; Little fire
Eunice Greek; Happy victory
Eurydice Greek; Justice
Eva Hebraic; Life
Evangelina Greek; Spreads the gospel or good news
Eve Hebraic; Life
Evelin Norman French; Diminutive of the name Ava
Evelyn Norman French; Diminutive of the name Ava
Fabiola Undetermined origin; Fabulous?
Faith Hebraic; Faith
Farah Muslim; Joy
Faridah Muslim; Unique, precious
Fatima Arabic; Gentle
Favel French; Golden haired
Felicia Latin; Lucky
Felicity Latin; Happiness
Fenella Gaelic; White shoulder
Fern Old English; Name of a plant
Ffion Welsh; Foxglove flower
Fiona Gaelic; Fair
Fleur French; Flower
Flora Latin; Flower
Florence Latin; Blooming
Flynn Irish; Originally a surname
Frances Latin; French; woman
Francesca Undetermined origin; Feminine version of the Italian; name Francesco which originally meant French; French; woman
Frederica Undetermined origin; Female variation of Frederick, Peaceful ruler
Freesia English; A South African flower
Frieda Old German; Peace
Gabriel Hebraic; Man of God (usually a boy name)
Gabriela Hebraic; and ? Woman of God
Gabriella Hebraic; and Spanish; Woman of God
Gabrielle Hebraic; and French; Woman of God
Gaea Greek; Mythological goddess of the earth
Gaia Greek; Mythological goddess of the earth
Gail Undetermined origin; Shortened form of Abigail
Gaynor English; Possibly from the surname
Gemma Italian; Gem
Genesis Hebraic; Beginning
Genevieve English; Norman Fair one. Notably Queen Guenevere of the legend of King Arthur
Genji Mandarin Chinese Gold
Georgeanne English; George (Greek; for farmer) plus Anne
Georgia Greek; George (Greek; for farmer) State in the United States
Georgiana Latin; and Greek; George (Greek; for farmer) Variation of Georgina
Georgina Greek; George (Greek; for farmer) feminine form
Geraldine Old German; Spear-ruler
Geralyn Old German; A feminized form of Gerald
Germaine French; German
Gertrude German; From gar or ger which means spear
Getha Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Gia Italian; God is gracious
Gianna Italian; Johnnie. See Gianni under boy names
Gillian Undetermined origin
Gina Undetermined origin
Giovanna Italian; See Giovanni under boy names. God is gracious
Giselle English; German; Pledge
Gisselle Undetermined origin
Gladys Welsh;
Gloria Latin; Glory
Glynis Welsh; Little valley
Golda English; Jewish Gold
Goldie English; Jewish Gold. See Golda. Made popular by the actress Goldie Hawn
Grace Latin; Thanks
Gracie Latin; Thanks
Graciela Latin; Thanks
Gráinne Irish; Love
Greta Swedish, German; Diminutive of Margaret
Gretchen German; Diminutive of Greta, which is German; for Margaret
Guadalupe Spanish; City in Mexico
Guilia French; Feminine version of the name Guillaume
Gwen Welsh; White
Gwendalen Welsh; Fair white browed or white wave
Gwendolyn Welsh; Fair white browed or white wave
Gwendolyn Welsh; Fair white browed or white wave
Gwyneth Welsh; Blessed
Haanah Hebraic; Spelling variant of Hannah. God has favored me
Hadley Old English; Place name
Haf Welsh; Hay-meadow
Hailee Old English; Hay-meadow
Hailey Old English; Hay-meadow
Haily Old English; Hay-meadow
Haleigh Old English; Hay-meadow
Haley Old English; Hay-meadow
Halie Old English; Hay-meadow
Halle Old English; Hay-meadow
Hallie Old English; Hay-meadow
Hana Hebraic; God has favored me
Hanna Hebraic; God has favored me
Hannah Hebraic; God has favored me
Harley Old English; Army meadow
Harmony Latin; Harmony
Harriet Teutonic (German; )Abbreviated form of Henrietta Ruler of house
Haven German; English; Safe place
Hayden Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Hayfa Muslim; Slender
Haylee Old English; Hay-meadow
Hayley Old English; Hay-meadow
Haylie Old English; Hay-meadow
Hazel Old English; Any of various shrubs or small trees some nut bearing
Heather Old English; Any of various evergreen shrubs or small trees
Heaven Old English; Heaven
Heaven-lee English likely American; Of heaven
Heavenly English likely American; Of heaven
Heidi old German; Proud or noble
Heleen Greek; Helios sun
Helen Greek; Helios sun
Helena Greek; Helios sun
Helena Greek; Helios sun
Helene Greek; Helios sun
Helga Norse Holy
Henrietta Old German; Home ruler
Heulwen Welsh; Sunshine
Hilary Latin; hilarius Cheerful
Hilda Old English; Battle
Hillary Latin; hilarius Cheerful
Hollie Old English; Also means born at Christmas time
Holly Old English; Also means born at Christmas time
Hope Old English; Optimism
Hunter English; Hunter
Ili Hungarian; See Helen, Greek; helios
Iliana Hungarian; See Helen, Greek; helios
Ilona Hungarian; See Helen, Greek; helios
Ilonka Hungarian; See Helen, Greek; helios
Iman Muslim-Arabic; Faith Name from Iman
Imani Arabic; Faith belief
Imogen Undetermined origin; Used in Shakespeare's play Cymbeline
India Hindi; The Asian subcontinent. From a word meaning river
Ingrid Norweigen Norse Goddess of fertility and crops
Innes Gaelic; Island
Iona Scottish; from an island in the Hebrides
Ireland Irish; The emerald isle
Irene Greek; Peace
Iris Greek; Unknown meaning
Isabel French; A version of Elizabeth
Isabela Spanish; A Variant of Isabella, a version of Elizabeth
Isabella Spanish; A version of Elizabeth
Isabelle French; A version of Elizabeth
Isis Egyptian; The goddess of fertility
Isla Scottish; From a river and an island called Islay Other spelling Ila
Isolde English; In Arthurian legend, an Irish; princess who married the king of Cornwall and had a love affair with his knight Tristan. Esyllt is the Welsh; form
Itzel Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Ivana Russian; Feminine form of Ivan, which is a form of John
Ivette Russian; Feminine diminutive form of Ivan, which is a form of John
Ivy English; Plant
Izabella Czech; A version of Elizabeth
Jacey Undetermined origin; After the initials?
Jacinda Spanish; From hyacinth, a plant, that in Greek; myth sprang from the blood of the slain Hyacinthus. Apollo
Jacklyn French; A feminine form of Jacques, a form of John which means God's gracious gift
Jaclyn French; A feminine form of Jacques, a form of John which means God's gracious gift
Janiya Hebraic; God is gracious
Janiyah Hebraic; God is gracious
Jacqueline French; A feminine form of Jacques, a form of John which means God's gracious gift
Jacquelyn French; A feminine form of Jacques, a form of John which means God's gracious gift
Jada Spanish; Jade, green gemstone
Jade French; and English; Jade, green gemstone
Jaden American; Unknown meaning
Jadyn American; Unknown meaning
Jadzia Undetermined origin; Perhaps a version of Jade
Jael Hebraic; Antelope
Jaelyn Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Jaida Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Jailene Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Jaime Spanish; Usually a male name, a form of James (see), meaning conqueror
Jalika Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Jalila Arabic; Great or illustrious
Jalyn Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Jamari French; Warrior
Jamie Hebraic; From James (see), meaning conqueror
Jamilah Muslim; Beautiful, elegant
Jana Dutch; Feminine version of Jan
Janae Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Jane Hebraic; and English; God is gracious
Janeil Hebraic; and English; Diminutive variation of Jane
Janelle Hebraic; and English; Diminutive variation of Jane
Janelle Hebraic; and English; Diminutive variation of Jane
Janessa Hebraic; and English; Diminutive variation of Jane
Janet Hebraic; and English; Diminutive variation of Jane
Janette Hebraic; and English; Diminutive variation of Jane
Janice Hebraic; and English; Diminutive variation of Jane
Janie Hebraic; and English; Diminutive variation of Jane
Jaqueline French; A feminine form of Jacques, a form of John which means God's gracious gift
Jara Hebraic; Perhaps a feminine variation of Jared, meaning descended
Jaryn Hebraic; Perhaps a feminine variation of Jared, meaning descended
Jasmin French; A fragrant flower
Jasmine French; A fragrant flower
Jasmine French; A fragrant flower
Jasmyn French; A fragrant flower
Jaycee English; Perhaps from the initials J and C
Jayda French; and English; Jade, green gemstone
Jayde French; and English; Jade, green gemstone
Jayla Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Jaylin Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Jaylynn Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Jayme Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Jazlyn Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Jazlynn Undetermined origin; Combination of the names, Jasmine and Lynn
Jazmin French; A fragrant flower
Jazmine French; A fragrant flower
Jazmyn French; A fragrant flower
Jazmyne French; A fragrant flower
Jean French; A form of John which means God's gracious gift. When a male name, it rhymes with John
Jeanette French; Diminutive variation of Jean
Jeanette French; Diminutive variation of Jean
Jeanine French; Diminutive variation of Jean
Jeannine French; Diminutive variation of Jean
Jemima Hebraic; Dove
Jena French; Variant of Jean
Jenifer Celtic; Fair white browed or white wave
Jenna Celtic; Little bird, perhaps a derivation of Jennifer
Jennifer Celtic; Fair white browed or white wave. The name may derive from Guenivere
Jenny Celtic; Diminutive of Jennifer
Jensen SwedishFrom the surname
Jesse Hebraic; Gift giver
Jessica Hebraic; He beholds Another
Jessie Hebraic; Gift giver
Jessika Hebraic; He beholds Another
Jewel Old English; Jewel, a precious stone
JezNe Undetermined origin; Derives combination of the names Jessica and Renee
Jieva Undetermined origin; Lithuanian; version of Eva Living
Jill Latin; Shortened form of Jillian, the feminine variation of Julian
Jillian Latin; The feminine variation of Julian
Joakima Hebraic; The Lord will judge
Joann Hebraic; Feminine variation of John
Joanna Hebraic; Feminine variation of John
Joanne Hebraic; Feminine variation of John
Jobina Hebraic; Persecuted
Jocasta Italian; Lighthearted
Jocelyn French
Jocelyne French; Unknown meaning
Jocosa Old English; Merry
Jodi English; Nickname for Joseph
Jody English; Nickname for Joseph
Joella Hebraic; French; Joëlle, which is the feminine variation of Hebraic; name Joel
Joelle French; The feminine variation of name Joel--The Lord is willing or only true God
Johanna Hebraic; Feminine variation of Johan. God is merciful
Joline Hebraic; She will increase
Jordan Hebraic; Flowing down, as in the river Jordan
Jordana Hebraic; Flowing down, as in the river Jordan
Jordyn Hebraic; Flowing down, as in the river Jordan
Jorie Undetermined origin; Feminine variation of Jori which is derivation of George
Jorita Latin; Joyful
Joselyn Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Josephine Hebraic; Variant of Joseph. God shall add
Josie Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Josipa Hebraic; Variant of Joseph. God shall add
Joslyn English; A Cornish surname
Joy Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Joyce Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Juanita Spanish; Feminine form of Juan
Judith Hebraic; Jewess
Judy Hebraic; Diminuitive of Judith
Judyth Hebraic; Variant of Judith
Julia Latin; Soft-haired. Female variation of Julius
Juliana Latin; Soft-haired. Female variation of Julius
Julianna Latin; Soft-haired. Female variation of Julius
Julianne Latin; Soft-haired. Female variation of Julius
Julie French; Soft-haired. Female variation of Julius
Juliet Latin; Diminutive of Julia
Juliette Latin; Diminutive of Julia
Julissa Latin; Diminutive of Julia
June English; The month
Jurate Lithuanian; Derived word jura, the sea
Justice Middle English; Middle English
Justina Middle English; Justice
Justine Middle English; Justice
Kacey Irish; Watchful. Female form of Casey
Kaci Irish; Watchful. Female form of Casey
Kacie Irish; Watchful. Female form of Casey
Kaela Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kaelyn Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kahia Native American; Indian Rare beauty
Kaia Hawaiian; Derived from the Hawaiian; word kai (the sea)
Kaila Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kailee Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kailey Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kailyn Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kaitlin Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kaitlyn Gaelic; Alternate spellings of Caitlin which is a Gaelic; variation of Catherine
Kaitlynn Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kaleigh Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kaley Undetermined origin; Uncertain, variant of names Kayleigh or Carly
Kali Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kalie Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kalika Undetermined origin; She who destroys
Kalle Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kallie Greek; Rosebud
Kalyn Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kamilah Muslim; Perfect
Kamryn Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kara Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Karen Danish; Variation of Katherine, Pure
Karesa Undetermined origin; Derivative of Katherine Pure
Kari Undetermined origin; Alternative spelling of Carrie
Karimah Muslim; Generous, noble
Karina Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Karissa Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Karla Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Karlee Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Karley Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Karli Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Karlie Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Karly Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Karrie Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kasandra Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kasey Irish; Feminine version of Casey
Kassady Undetermined origin; From the surnames Cassidy and O'Caiside
Kassandra Greek; . Cassandra, the confuser of men. See Cassandra
Kassidy Undetermined origin; From the surnames Cassidy and O'Caiside
Katana Japanese; Wealthy in spirit
Katarina Russian and Scandinavian; Variation of Katherine
Kate Gaelic; Pure. A variation of Katherine and Catherine
Katelin Gaelic; Pure. A variation of Katherine and Catherine
Katelyn Gaelic; Pure. A variation of Katherine and Catherine
Katelynn Gaelic; Pure. A variation of Katherine and Catherine
Katerina Undetermined origin; Pure. A variation of Katherine and Catherine
Katharine Undetermined origin; Pure. A variation of Katherine and Catherine
Katherine Undetermined origin; Pure. A variation of Katherine and Catherine
Kathleen Undetermined origin; Pure. A variation of Katherine and Catherine
Kathryn Undetermined origin; Pure. A variation of Katherine and Catherine
Kathy Undetermined origin; Pure. A variation of Katherine and Catherine
Katia Undetermined origin; Pure. A variation of Katherine and Catherine
Katie Undetermined origin; Pure. A variation of Katherine and Catherine
Katlin Undetermined origin; Pure. A variation of Katherine and Catherine
Katlyn Undetermined origin; Pure. A variation of Katherine and Catherine
Katlynn Undetermined origin; Pure. A variation of Katherine and Catherine
Katrina Russian and Dutch; Pure. A variation of Katherine and Catherine
Katrina Undetermined origin; Pure. A variation of Katherine and Catherine
Katy Undetermined origin; Pure. A variation of Katherine and Catherine
Kaycee Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kayla English; Unknown meaning
Kaylah Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kaylan Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kaylee Undetermined origin; An American variation of Kayleigh which comes Arabic; Kayla which means laurel or crown
Kayleigh Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kaylen Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kayley Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kayli Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kaylie Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kaylin Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kaylyn Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kaylynn Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Keegan Irish; -Gaelic; Little fierce one
Keeley Irish; Good looking
Keely Irish; Good looking
Keila Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Keirra Scottish; Feminine form of name Keir, meaning dark skinned
Keisha Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kelan Irish; Slender
Kelemon Old English; A name mentioned in the legend of King Arthur
Kelene Irish; Gaelic; From the surname Kelly
Kelley Irish; Gaelic; From the surname Kelly
Kelli Irish; Gaelic; From the surname Kelly
Kellie Irish; Gaelic; From the surname Kelly
Kelly Irish; Gaelic; From the surname Kelly
Kelly Irish; Gaelic; From the surname Kelly
Kelsea Irish; Gaelic; Brave
Kelsey Irish; Gaelic; Brave
Kelsi Irish; Gaelic; Brave
Kelsie Irish; Gaelic; Brave
Kelsie Irish; Gaelic; Brave
Kendal Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kendall Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kendra Old English; Wise, all knowing
Kenia Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kenna Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kennedi Irish; Variant of the surname of the American political family
Kennedy Irish; A surname, associated most with the American political family
Kenya African The country
Kenzie Irish; Surname
Kerby English; Derived form the place name Kirby in North West England
Kerensa English; Cornish
Keri Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kerri Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kerry Irish; Unknown meaning
Khayla Undetermined origin; A modern abbreviation of the name Michela
Khaleesi Modern origin. Perhaps inspired by the names Kay and Lisa
Kia Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kiana Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kianna Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kiara Irish; Black Derived Irish; name Ciara which is the feminine variation of Ciaran
Kiera Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kierra Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kiersten Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kiley Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kim Old English; Royally born Also a boys name
Kimberley Undetermined origin; From Lord Kimberley and a town in South Africa
Kimberly Undetermined origin; From Lord Kimberley and a town in South Africa
Kindra Undetermined origin; From the name Kendra. Wise, all knowing
Kinsey Old Norse From the "kin", family
Kira Persian; A feminine variation of Cyrus Sun
Kirsten Scandanavian; Follower of Christ
Kirstin Scottish; Follower of Christ
Kitty Undetermined origin; An English
Knikki Undetermined origin; Perhaps a Russian; variation on the name Nikki
Kore Greek; In a myth, Kore was the daughter of goddess Demeter
Kori Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kortney Old English; Court dweller
Kourtney Old English; Court dweller
Krista Undetermined origin; Follower of Christ
Kristen Undetermined origin; Follower of Christ
Kristi Undetermined origin; Follower of Christ
Kristian Undetermined origin; Follower of Christ
Kristin Danish Follower of Christ
Kristin Undetermined origin; Follower of Christ
Kristina Lithuanian; Follower of Christ
Kristine Undetermined origin; Follower of Christ
Kristy Undetermined origin; Follower of Christ
Krystal Greek; Crystal It is the name given to the cut glass gemstone
Krystle Greek; Crystal It is the name given to the cut glass gemstone
Kyla Gaelic; Narrow Originally a surname given to people in Kyle Scotland which was so named due To it's proximity to a narrow strait
Kyle Irish; A narrow strip of land Also a boys' name
Kylee Irish; A narrow strip of land
Kyleigh Irish; A narrow strip of land
Kylie AboriginalCurved stick (boomerang)
Kyoko Japanese; Apricot
Kyra Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Kyria Greek; Lord or god Variation of Kyra
Lacey English; Lacy
Laci English; Lacy
Lacie English; Lacy
Lacy English; Lacy
Laila Persian; Dark-haired Became fashionable in the early 19th century when used by Byron for two of his Heroines
Lalita Arabic; She who plays
Lana Gaelic; or Hebraic; Little Rock or fair one
Laney English; Path; roadway
Lani Hawaiian; Hawaiian; sky
Lara Latin; Famous Used in Russia as a short form for Larissa
Lareyna Spanish; Perhaps a variation on Lorena or Lorraine
Larissa Russian; It is a Greek; martyr and may be ancient town of Larissa
Laura Latin; / Greek; Laurel
Laurel Latin; / Greek; Strength or courage. Laurel
Lauren Latin; / Greek; Strength or courage. Laurel
Laurie Latin; / Greek; Derived name Laura
Lauryn Latin; / Greek; Strength or courage. Laurel
Layla Arabic; Dusk. Popularized by Eric Clapton song of the same name
Lea Biblical, Weak eyes or languid
Leah Biblical, Weak eyes or languid
Leann Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Leanna Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Leanne Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Leeann Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Leena Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Leia Old English; Meadow
Leila Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Leilani Hawaiian; Name of an Hawaiian; princess Heavenly or of the sky and Lei Flower or Floral Therefore Leilani Heavenly Flower
Lena Scandinavian; From various names ending in -lena
Lenere Latin; Peacemaker
Leonie French; Lion or the Latin; Leo French; form of feminine version of the Greek; Leon
Leontine French; Lion French; version of Leontina (Italian; ) which derives form the male name Leo
Lesley Scottish; place name
Leslie Scottish; Version of Leslie Scottish; place name
Lesly Scottish; place name. Variation of Lesley
Leticia Latin; Gladness. The older form was Lettice
Letitia Latin; Gladness. The older form was Lettice
Lexi Greek; From Alexis
Lexie Greek; From Alexis
Lexis Greek; From Alexis
Lexus Greek; From Alexis
Lia Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Liana Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Liane English; From French; name Éliane which is a Latin; ate derivation of the Greek; helios
Lianne Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Liesel German; Derived name Liese which is a variation of Elizabeth
Lila Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Lilian Italian; Lily
Liliana Italian; Variant of Lilian from the flower lily
Lillian I>Italian; Variant of Lilian from the flower lily
Lilliana Italian; Variant of Lilian from the flower lily
Lillie Undetermined origin; Lily
Lilly Undetermined origin; Lily
Lily Undetermined origin; Lily
Linda Spanish; Pretty
Lindsay English; Surname
Lindsey English; Surname
Lisa French; Blessed or Gifted
Lisanne Undetermined origin; Oath of God or grace Combination of Lisa (Elizabeth) and Anne
Lisbeth Undetermined origin; Shortened Elisabeth
Lizbeth Undetermined origin; Shortened Elizabeth
Lizeth Undetermined origin; Shortened Elizabeth
Lizette Undetermined origin; Shortened Elizabeth
Llinos Welsh; Bird
Logan Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Lois Undetermined origin; Biblical name that of Timothy's mother Not as sometime thought connected to Louise
Lola Spanish; Shortened form of Delores, meaning sorrow
London English; The English; city
Lonita Spanish; Little one
Loran Undetermined origin; Initials of a Coast Guard radar device LO ng RA nge N avagation
Loren Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Lorena Undetermined origin; Variation of Lauren
Loretta Latin; Recent spelling of the name Lauretta which is a diminutive variation of Laura Laurel
Lori Latin; / Greek; Derived name Laura
Lorie Latin; / Greek; Derived name Laura
Lorna Scottish; place name Lorn
Louise French; Famous Female version of Louis
Lourdes Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Luanau OLd German; Graceful Pronounced lou-hana
Lucero Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Lucia Italian; Ocean blue
Lucinda Italian; A derivative of Lucia which is a Roman name Light
Lucretia Italian; Roman family name Lucretius
Lucy Italian; Variation of Lucia Light
Luisa Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Luz Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Lydia Greek; A native of Lydia An ancient city-state in Asia-Minor (responsible for the first coinage) Known for luxurious living and perfumes
Lydia Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Lyn Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Lyndsey Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Lynette Undetermined origin; Modern derivation of Lynn with the French; ending -ette Another possibility is that it is a derivation of the Welsh; name Eluned word elynid Idol
Lynn Undetermined origin; Shortened form of Linda Also been attributed with the dweller by the waterfall
Lyric Greek; From lurikos, to express thoughts or feelings
Mabel French; Ma belle, My beautiful one
Macey Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Machiko Japanese; Truth
Maci Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Macie Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Mackenzie Gaelic. Originally a surname. It means comely
Macy Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Madalyn French; Variation of Magdalene
Maddison Undetermined origin; A surname
Madeleine French; Variation of Magdalene
Madeline French; Variation of Magdalene
Madelyn French; Variation of Magdalene
Madelynn French; Variation of Magdalene
Madigan Undetermined origin; A surname
Madilyn Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Madisen American; From the presidential surname
Madison American; From the presidential surname
Madisyn American; From the presidential surname
Madyson American; From the presidential surname
Maegan Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Maelona Welsh; Princess
Maeve Irish; Gaelic; Intoxicating
Magdalena Greek; High tower Other spellings: Magdalina
Magdalene Hebraic; Woman of Magdala. A Gaelic; Queen of Connacht had this name
Magdelana Hebraic; Woman of Magdala. A Gaelic; Queen of Connacht had this name
Maggie Undetermined origin; Nickname of Margaret
Mai Welsh; May
Maia Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Mair Welsh; Variation of Mary
Maire Latin; Of the sea
Mairead Irish; Form of Margaret
Mairi Gaelic; Variation of Mary
Makala Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Makayla African Unknown meaning
Makenna Irish; From an Irish; surname
Makenzie Gaelic. Originally a surname, Mackenzie. It means comely
Makesha Russian; The 'sha' ending indicates that it is a pet form or nickname The Blessed
Malea Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Malia Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Maliha Arabic; Nice, good
Malikah Muslim; Queen
Mallory Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Malvina Gaelic; Smooth brow
Mami Japanese; True beauty
Mandy Undetermined origin; Loved. Usually an abbreviation of Amanda
Mara Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Maralisa EngishMary and Elisabeth
Maranda Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Marcella Italian; Derivative of the of the male name Marcus
Marcia Latin; Derivative of the of the male name Marcus
Marcie Latin; Derivative of the of the male name Marcus
Marcy Latin; Derivative of the of the male name Marcus
Mare Undetermined origin; Sea
Margaret Hebraic; Pearl
Margarita Spanish; Daisy
Margarita Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Margaux French; Wine growing region of France
Margot German; Unknown meaning
Maria Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Mariah Undetermined origin; Derived name Mary Exalted of God or God is my teacher Derived name Mary
Mariam Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Mariana Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Marianna Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Marianne Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Maribel Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Maricela Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Marie French; Variation of Maria which originally derives from Mary
Mariela Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Marieta Italian; Unknown meaning
Marilyn Undetermined origin; A combination of Mary and Ellen
Marina Undetermined origin; Originally a Latin; family name and most probably a derivative of Marius although it often given the Of the sea
Marina Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Marisa Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Marisol Spanish; Ocean and sun. Other spelling Marysol
Marissa Latin; A gem summit One other possibility is that it is Italian in origin. Desire for the sea Other forms Marijse (Dutch)
Maritza Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Marla German; This is the German; variation of Magdalene which means repentant
Marlee Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Marlena Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Marlene Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Marley Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Marlo Hebraic; Other spellings: Marlow and Marlowe
Marlyse German; Perhaps a derivative of the name Mary
Marquette French; Also spelled Markette
Martha Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Martina Latin; Belonging to Mars Female version of Martin
Mary Biblical; Mother of Jesus
Maryanne Hebraic; Form of name Marion which originally derived name Mary
Marysol Spanish; Ocean and sun. Other spelling Marisol
Masey Undetermined origin; Pronounced like the American department store--Macy's--only singular The
Mattie Undetermined origin; Variant of Mattilda
Maura Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Maureen Undetermined origin; Anglicized version of the Gaelic; Mairin which is a variation of Mary
Mavis Old English; Song thrush
Maxime Latin; maxima Greatest
Maya Latin; Latin; Magic or illusion
Mayra Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Mckayla Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Mckenna Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
McKenzie Irish; Surname
Meadow English; Meadow
Meagan Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Meaghan Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Mechele Undetermined origin; Alternate spelling of Michelle mainly used in the US and England
Megan Welsh; Pearl Also spelled Meghann From of Margaret
Meghan Welsh; Pearl Also spelled Meghann From of Margaret
Meighen Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Meironwen Welsh; White dairymaid
Melanie Greek; Black or dark complexion
Melia Hawaiian; Flower
Melina Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Melinda Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Melinda Undetermined origin; Name Melissa with the feminine ending -inda
Melisa Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Melissa Undetermined origin; Honey bee or Gaelic; name Maoilíosa the Of which is Sweet Jesus
Melody English; melody
Mercedes Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Meredith Undetermined origin; Pretty, perhaps Welsh; Meredudd
Mererid Welsh; Variation of Margaret
Meri Finnish; The ocean, or the sea
Merilee Undetermined origin; Merrily
Merrily Undetermined origin; Merrily
Mia Italian; My
Micaela Italian; Feminine variation of Michael who is like God
Micah Hebraic; Unknown meaning
Micha Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Michaela Hebraic; Feminine variation of Michael who is like God
Michele French; Feminine variation of Michael who is like God
Michelle French; Feminine variation of Michael who is like God
Michi Japanese; Beautiful and wise
Mignon Undetermined origin; A Shortened form of Mignonette Sweet, dainty and graceful Other spellings: Mignonne
Mika Hebraic; Who is like God
Mikaela Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Mikaeli Undetermined origin; A derivative of Machaela which comes male name Michael
Mikala Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Mikayla Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Mikenzie Undetermined origin; Son of Kenneth Generally a boys name is now becoming popular for girls
Milani Undetermined origin; A cross between Melani and Leilani
Minako Japanese; Means tenth child
Mirabel Latin; Wonderful
Miracle Latin; Miracle
Miranda Latin; Mirari, admirable and lovely. A Shakespearean invention for a character in The Tempest
Mireya Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Miriam Hebraic; Star of the sea Derived name Maryam and is the roots of the name Mary
Misty Undetermined origin; Misty
Mitra Persian; Bright (as in a bright sun)
Mollie Gaelic; Maili which is a pet form of Mary
Molly Gaelic; Maili which is a pet form of Mary
Mona Irish; Noble
Monica Latin; Advisor Other forms include Monique (French; )
Monika Latin; Advisor
Monique French; Advisor
Montana Spanish; Mountains
Morag Gaelic; Great
Morgan Welsh; Unknown meaning
Moriah Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Morna Gaelic; Beloved
Morrigan Undetermined origin; The Gaelic; (Celtic) goddess of fertility and war
Morven Gaelic; Mountain peak
Muirne Gaelic; Beloved
Mya Italian; Variant of Mia: My
Myah Italian; Variant of Mia: My
Myfanwy Welsh; My fine one
Myra Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Myranda Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Naamah Hebraic; Loved
Nadean Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Nadia Russian; Hope
Nadia Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Nadimah Muslim; Friend
Nadine Russian; Hope Nadezhda
Nadirah Muslim; Radiant
Najmah Muslim; Star
Nancy Hebraic; Originally a variations of Ann, Hanna which means God has favored
Nanette Hebraic; Grace; God had been gracious
Naomi Hebraic; Pleasant
Nashaly Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Nasimah Muslim; Gentle breeze
Natalia French; Birthday. Especially Christ's birthday, thus Christmas day
Natalie French; Birthday. Especially Christ's birthday, thus Christmas day
Nataly French; Birthday. Especially Christ's birthday, thus Christmas day
Natasha Russian; Unknown meaning
Nathalie French; Birthday. Especially Christ's birthday, thus Christmas day
Nayeli Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Nedra Arabic; Rare or precious
Nekomi Japanese; Unknown
Nerissa English; Originally given to a minor character in the Merchant of Venice It is form the Greek; nereis Sea sprite or of the sea
Nevaeh American; The word heaven spelled backwards. It became popular after the musician Sonny Sandoval from the rock group P.O.D. gave it to his daughter in 2000
Nia Shortened form of names ending in "nia"
Niamh Irish; Bright
Nicci Undetermined origin; A derivation of the name Nicole which is a feminine variation of Nicholas
Nichole Undetermined origin; A derivation of the name Nicole which is a feminine variation of Nicholas
Nickolette Undetermined origin; A derivation of the name Nicole which is a feminine variation of Nicholas
Nicola French; and Greek; A derivation of the name Nicole which is a feminine variation of Nicholas
Nicole Undetermined origin; A derivation of the name Nicole which is a feminine variation of Nicholas
Nicolette Undetermined origin; A derivation of the name Nicole which is a feminine variation of Nicholas
Nikita Undetermined origin; A derivation of the name Nicole which is a feminine variation of Nicholas
Nikki Undetermined origin; A derivation of the name Nicole which is a feminine variation of Nicholas
Nina Spanish; Abbreviation of the name Antonina
Nirvana Buddhist Heaven
Noelia French; Variant of Noelle, Christ's Birthday
Noelle French; Christ's Birthday
Noemi Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Noor Arabic; Light
Nora Irish and Scottish; nickname(short form) for Leonora (name Eleanor a variation of Helen) The Gaelic; version Nóra Was very popular in Ireland at one time
Norma Latin; Pattern
Nuala Irish; White shoulder
Nyela Arabic; Beautiful eyes
Octavia Latin; Eight
Odalis Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Odalys Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Olga Russian; Prosperous variation of Helga
Olive Latin; Olive. The branch is the symbol for peace
Olivia Latin; Olive. A symbol of peace or a feminine variation of Oliver. First recorded use is in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night
Olwen Welsh; White footprint
Ophelia Greek; To help
Oralia English; from of Aurelia Golden
Orla Irish; Golden lady
Paige American; Probably derived Page which was boy who helped knight
Paloma Spanish; Dove
Pamela Greek; Honey
Paola Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Paris French; The French; capital
Patience Undetermined origin; Patience
Patricia Latin; Noble
Paula Latin; Small
Paulette French; Feminine form of Paul. Small
Paulina Undetermined origin; Feminine form of Paul. Small
Payton Irish; Patrician; noble
Peloma Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Penelope Greek; Weaver
Perdita Latin; Lost
Perla Italian; Pearl
Pessim Native American; Cree Sun
Petra Greek; Feminine variation of Peter Greek; petros or the Latin; petra Stone The name is therefore given the Solid and reliable Other spellings: Petrea
Peyton Irish; Variant of Payton: Patrician; noble
Philidephia Greek; Brotherly love
Phillippa Greek; Fond of horses
Philomena Latin; Feminine form of Latin; Philomenus which is form the Greek; philein- to love and menos - strength
Phoebe Greek; The goddess of the moon. Shining, pure or bright
Phyllis Greek; Foliage
Pilar Spanish; Our Lady of the Pillar A title referring to the Virgin Mary
Poppy English; A flower
Precia English; Derivative of the word precious (pronounced Pree-shuh)
Precious English; Precious
Presley English; Popularized by Elvis
Princess English; Title bestowed on the daughter of a sovereign A term of endearment for a female child
Priscilla Latin; Primitive
Priya East Indian Loved one
Quinéa Undetermined origin; Name given by a midwife
Quinn Old English; Queen
Raah Greek; Shepherd and Savior
Rabiah Muslim; Fourth
Rachael Hebraic; Ewe symbolizing innocence
Rachel Hebraic; Ewe symbolizing innocence
Rachelle English; / Hebraic; Another variation of Rachel, Appearing French; but actually English; in origin
Rae English; Unknown meaning
Raegan Irish; A variant of Reagan
Raine German; Mighty army
Ramona Spanish; Wise protector Version of Ramon which is a variation of Raymond
Randi Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Ranelle Undetermined origin; Perhaps the feminine version of either Randolf or Randall It could also be a combination of names such as Randall and Danielle
Rani Hindi; Hindu princess or queen
Raquel Spanish; Variation of Rachel. Made popular by the actress Raquel Welch
Rasa Lithuanian; Dew
Raven English; The bird
Ravenne English; The bird
Ravette English; Sacred daughter
Rayna German; Advisor
Reagan Irish; Popularized by the US president
Reanna Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Rebeca Hebraic; In the Old Testament, the wife of Isaac
Rebecca Hebraic; In the Old Testament, the wife of Isaac
Rebekah Hebraic; In the Old Testament, the wife of Isaac
Reece Welsh; Enthusiastic or ardor
Reese Welsh; Enthusiastic or ardor
Regan Irish; Perhaps derived form the Gaelic; Surname O Riagáin Used by Shakespeare in his play King Lear for the third daughter of the king
Regan Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Regina Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Reilly Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Reina Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Reisha 4:51 PM 12/12/2014Form of name Rose
René French; Reborn
Renee French; Reborn
Reyna Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Rhian Welsh; Maiden
Rhianna Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Rhiannon Welsh; Goddess
Rhoda Greek; Rose
Rhona Scottish; Rough isle
Rhonda Undetermined origin; Industrious
Rhonwen Welsh; Fair
Richelle Undetermined origin; Perhaps a feminine variation of Richard or a name which has derived from two names
Ricielle African American; Beautiful child of god
Riley Irish; Unknown meaning
Riona Irish; Gaelic; Queen
Rita Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Roberta Old German; Bright
Robin English; The bird
Robine Undetermined origin; Sure sign of spring; caregiver of Jesus, beautiful bird
Robyn English; The bird
Rochelle French; Rock
Rocio Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Róisín Irish; Rose
Roman Undetermined origin; Grace and beauty
Romy Undetermined origin; Sea dew A Shortened form of Rosemary
Rosa Latin; Rose
Rosamunde Latin; Pure rose
Rose English; A flower
Roseanne Undetermined origin; An combined form of Rose and Anne
Rosemary Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Rowena Celtic; White skirt
Roxana Persian; The dawn
Roxanne Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Ruby English; The precious red stone
Ruta Lithuanian; Rue (the herb)
Ruth Hebraic; Vision of beauty
Ryan Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Ryann Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Ryesen Irish; Gaelic; Rose
Ryleigh Irish; Riley, a surname
Rylie Irish; Riley, a surname
Sabah Muslim; Morning dawn
Sabine Latin; Woman of the Sabine tribe
Sabrina Latin; The boundary mark
Sachiko Japanese; Happy child
Sade Undetermined origin; Perhaps after the singer
Sadie Hebraic; Princess Derivation of Sarah
Sage Undetermined origin; An herb or wise
Sakura Japanese; Cherry blossom
Sally English; A familiar variation of Sarah
Salma Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Samantha Aramaic Listener
Samara Hebraic, Arabic; Guardian, Protected by god
Samira Arabic; and Sanskrit. It is a name of Goddess Durga and Lord Hanuman
Sandra Greek; A feminine form of Alexander meaning defender of men,
Sandrine French; Version of Alexandra which is the feminine variation of Alexander
Sandy Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Sanne Dutch; From abbreviation for Roxana It is the Greek; form of Persian; name Raokhshna, Dawn glow It Was the wife of Alexander the Great, whom he married in 327 BC She was a Persian; princess, daughter of
Sanya Russian-Yugoslavian To dream
Saoirse Irish; Freedom or Liberty
Sara Hebraic; Princess
Sarah Hebraic; Princess
Sarai Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Saraid Celtic; Excellent
Sarina Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Sasha Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Saskia Dutch; May, perhaps derive form the word sachs Saxon
Savana English; The oldest city in Georgia meaning an expanse of open grassland
Savanah English; The oldest city in Georgia meaning an expanse of open grassland
Savanna English; The oldest city in Georgia meaning an expanse of open grassland
Savannah English; The oldest city in Georgia meaning an expanse of open grassland
Scarlet Old French; The red color name popularized by Scarlett O'Hara
Scarlett Old French; The red color name popularized by Scarlett O'Hara
Selena Greek; Goddess of the moon
Selina Greek; Goddess of the moon
Sena Greek; Derived from Selina, Greek; goddess of the moon
Senna Greek; Derived from Selina, Greek; goddess of the moon
September Latin; The ninth month of the year Roman septum Calendar
Seren Welsh; Star
Serena Latin; Serene
Serenity English; Serenity
Serenity Latin; serenus Calm and serene
Serina Latin; Serene
Sevina English; Variant of Serana?
Shae Celtic/Gaelic; Majestic
Shahla Afghani; Beautiful eyes
Shaina Irish; Variant of Sean, heavenly generosity
Shakira Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Shalaidah Old Celtic; Wood nymph or fairy wood
Shaley Undetermined origin; Possible derivation of Shelley Old English; surname Clearing on or near a slope
Shalyn Undetermined origin; Probably derived from a combination of two names
Shana Irish; Variant of Sean, heavenly generosity
Shani Swahili; Marvelous or wonderful
Shania Irish; Variant of Sean, heavenly generosity
Shanice Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Shaniya Irish; Variant of Sean, heavenly generosity
Shannon English; An Irish; river
Shantel Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Sharayah Hebraic; Friend
Sharon Hebraic; Biblical place name -- a plain
Shauna Irish; Variant of Sean, heavenly generosity
Shawna Irish; Variant of Sean, heavenly generosity
Shayla Celtic/Gaelic; Majestic
Shaylee Hebraic; Derived form the Yiddish name Shayna
Shaylene Hebraic; Derived form the Yiddish name Shayna
Shayna Celtic/Gaelic; Majestic. Hebraic; Beautiful
Shea Celtic/Gaelic; Majestic
Sheaden French; Strong and bold, but powerfully beautiful
Sheelagh English; Variant of Shelia
Sheena English; Sine which is the Gaelic; variation of Jane
Sheila Irish; Blind Sheila has since become a generic name for women in Australia Other spellings Shelagh
Shelbi Old English; Possible derivation of Shelley, a surname
Shelbie Old English; Possible derivation of Shelley, a surname
Shelby Old English; Possible derivation of Shelley, a surname
Shelda English; Possibly a derivation of the name Sheldon
Sheldon English; A location in England and surname
Sheree English; Version of the French; chérie
Shereen English; Variant version of the French; chérie
Sheri English; Version of the French; chérie
Shianne Native American; Variant spelling of Cheyenne, a tribe name and a US city
Shirley English; place name Bright clearing
Shirra Arabic; Agreeable
Shyann Native American; Variant spelling of Cheyenne, a tribe name and a US city
Shyanne Native American; Variant spelling of Cheyenne, a tribe name and a US city
Sibyl Greek; Mythological priestess
Sidney Old English; Originally used as a boys' name and a surname
Sidra Latin; Muslim; Star-like
Sienna Italian; A town in Italy
Sierra Spanish; Beautiful mountains
Silvana Latin; Wood
Silvia Latin; Wood
Simone French; From the Hebraic; Simon, he who has heard
Sineád Irish; Feminine variation of John
Siobhán Irish; Variation of Joan
Siran Armenian; Lovely
Siri Scandinavian; Goddess of humor
Siùsaidh Scottish; Lily. Derived form the Hebraic; name Shoshana
Skye Undetermined origin; Sky
Skyla American; A modern spelling of the surname Schuyler
Skylar American; A modern spelling of the surname Schuyler
Skyler American; A modern spelling of the surname Schuyler
Sofia Greek; Wisdom
Soma Indian Moon
Somer English; Old English; sumor which is the name given to the second season of the year
Sonaya Russian; A form of name Sonya which is a Russian abbreviation of the name Sofya
Sonia Russian; Abbreviation of the name Sofya
Sonya Russian; Abbreviation of the name Sofya
Sophia Greek; Wisdom
Sophie Greek; Wisdom
Sorcha Gaelic; Bright
Stacey English; Perhaps an shortened form of Anastasia, see
Stacy English; Perhaps an shortened form of Anastasia, see
Star English; Star
Starr English; Star
Stefanie Greek; Crown
Stella Latin; Star
Stephanie Greek; A garland or crown
Stephany Greek; A garland or crown
Stevie Greek; A garland or crown
Summer English; The season
Sunni English; Bright pleasant disposition or sunny weather gift of the sun
Susan English; Lily. Derived form the Hebraic; name Shoshana
Susana English; Lily. Derived form the Hebraic; name Shoshana
Susanna French; Lily. Derived form the Hebraic; name Shoshana
Sutton Old English; A town in England
Suzanne French; Lily. Derived form the Hebraic; name Shoshana
Sybrell African American; Sweet, sincere and very trust worthy
Sydnee Old English; Originally used as a boys' name and most likely first used as a surname. Sidan wide and e.g. River meadow
Sydney Old English; Originally used as a boys' name and most likely first used as a surname. Sidan wide and e.g. River meadow
Sydni Old English; Originally used as a boys' name and most likely first used as a surname. Sidan wide and e.g. River meadow
Sydnie Old English; Originally used as a boys' name and most likely first used as a surname. Sidan wide and e.g. River meadow
Sylvia Latin; Woods
Tabitha Aramaic Gazelle
Talia Hebraic; Dew of God.
Talitha Aramic Little girl
Taliyah Hebraic; Dew of God.
Tamara Arabic; Seed of the palm tree
Tameika African-American; Unknown
Tamera Arabic; Seed of the palm tree
Tamia Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Tammy Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Tania Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Tanisha Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Taniya Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Taniyah Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Tanya Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Tara Irish; Hill
Tarina Hebraic; Legend or story
Taryn Undetermined origin; Derived Irish; name Tara Rocky hill
Tasha Russian; Independent
Tasia Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Tatiana Russian; Russian King of the Sabines called Tatius
Tatianna Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Tatum Undetermined origin; Popularized by actress Tatum O'Neill
Tatyana Russian; Unknown meaning
Tavia Latin; An abbreviation of Octavia which means eighth thus given to the eighth child if it is a girl
Taya Italian; or Latin; Also spelled Tèa
Tayla Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Tayler English; The occupation of a tailor
Taylor English; The occupation of a tailor
Tea Undetermined origin; Pronounced Tay-Ah
Tegan Gaelic; Philosopher Derived either from Tegwen or Gaelic; Tadhg
Tegwen Welsh; Beautiful
Teolani Hawaiian; Partly Hawaiian; Lani means heavenly or sky
Teona AfricanAfrican meaning the essence of tranquillity
Teresa Greek; Harvest
Terra Latin; The name given to the Goddess of the Earth
Tess Undetermined origin; Perhaps a short form of Teresa
Tessa Undetermined origin; Perhaps a short form of Teresa
Tevya Hebraic; Woman of goodness
Thalia Greek; To flourish
Thara Muslim; Wealth
Thea Undetermined origin; An abbreviation of Dorothea which means gift of God
Thelma Greek; Will
Theola Greek; Divine
Theresa Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Thomasina Hebraic; Twin
Tia Undetermined origin; An abbreviation of names ending in -tia
Tiana Undetermined origin; Combination of Tia and Anna
Tianna Undetermined origin; Combination of Tia and Anna
Tiara Latin; Crown-like semicircle
Tiarne Undetermined origin; Perhaps a Welsh; derivation of tiara Princess
Tien Vietnamese name Angel
Tierra Spanish; Earth
Tiffani American; Likely from the American jewelers or opalescent colored glass artist
Tiffany Greek; Manifestation of God
Tiffany American; Likely from the American jewelers or opalescent colored glass artist
Tina Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Tirta Indonesian Water
Toni Latin; Priceless See Anthony
Tori Japanese; Bird
Traci French; Originally a surname given to people place of Thracius in France
Tracy French; Originally a surname given to people place of Thracius in France
Tricia Latin; From Patricia. Noble
Trinity Latin; Trinity
Trisha Latin; From Patricia. Noble
Tristan English; In Arthurian legend, a knight who fell in love with an Irish; princess
Trudy German; Gertrude composed from gar or spear and strength
Tyler English; Derived surname which was given to someone who tiled roofs. Also a boys' name
Tyra Undetermined origin. Unknown meaning. Made popular by super model Tyra Banks
Tyshae Undetermined origin; Touch one's heart
Ula Old English; Owl
Una Irish; Lamb
Unique Latin; Unique
Unity Latin; Quality of being one
Ursula Latin; Little she-bear
Ushi Chinese Ox
Uzma Muslim; Greatest
Valentia Latin; Strong and healthy
Valentina Latin; Strong and healthy
Valeria Latin; To be strong
Valerie Latin; To be strong
Valora Latin; Strong
Vanesa Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Vanessa English; Created by the author Jonathan Swift who wrote Gulliver's Travels
Vashti Persian; Beautiful
Vedrana Yugoslavian From vedra Bright, happy
Vera Latin; TRUE
Veronica Latin; Vera icon, true image. The face of Jesus impressed into a cloth
Victoria Latin; Victory
Violet Latin; Flower
Virginia Latin; VerginiusAccording to legend that was given to a woman who was ultimately killed by Her father to save her form an unsuitable lover. Hence the generally attributed to the name - pure
Vivian Latin; Living. Alive
Viviana Latin; Living. Alive
Wanda German; From Wends, name given by the German; s in medieval times to all the Slavic tribes occupying the territory roughly between the Elbe and Saale rivers on the west and the Oder River on the east
Wendy English; Created by J M Barrie for a character in his book Peter Pan
Whitney Middle English; By the white island
Wilhelmina German; Female variation of William, resolute protector
Willow Middle English; A tree
Winifred Welsh; Blessed reconciliation
Wynne Old English; Friend Old English; word wine
Xanthe Greek; Gold or yellow haired
Xanthippe Greek; The wife of Socrates, she is traditionally described as shrewish and scolding. Yellow horse
Xaviera Arabic; Bright
Xena Greek; Distant place or hospitable
Xenia Greek; Hospitality
Ximenia Spanish; From botany, referring to the genus of tropical herbs and trees Named after Spanish; explorer Ximenes
Yadira Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Yahsarah Hebraic; Ya (life) and sarah
Yajaira Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Yanis Arabic; A new variation of Younes and Anis Companion
Yasmeen Arabic; Kind of Flower (Jasmine)
Yasmin Arabic; Kind of Flower (Jasmine)
Yasmine Arabic; Kind of Flower (Jasmine)
Yazmin Arabic; Kind of Flower (Jasmine)
Yesenia Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Yessenia Undetermined origin; Unknown meaning
Yetta English; Derived from Henrietta, ruler of the household
Yolanda Greek; Violet
Yolande Greek; Violet
Yulissa Greek; Variant of male name Ulysses
Yvette German; Yew. Also possibly French; little Eve
Yvonne French; Yew
Zahrah Muslim; Flower blossom
Zaina Arabic; Beautiful
Zandra Greek; Helper or defender of mankind Also Sandra
Zara Arabic; Splendor
Zari Swahili; Beautiful
Zaria Arabic; Flower
Zarria Arabic; Flower
Zelda Yiddish; Happiness and good fortune
Zenia Undetermined origin; A phonetic spelling of the name Xenia, hospitality
Zenobia Greek; Stranger
Zhane Arabic; To shine Another possibility is that it is a variant of Shane. To shine Another possibility is that it is a modern interpretation of the name Shane
Zibute Lithuanian; Glowing one
Zinah Muslim; Adornment
Zoe Greek; Life
Zoey Greek; Life
Zoie Greek; Life
Zsuzsana Hungarian; Lily. Derived form the Hebraic; name Shoshana
Zuzana Czech; Lily. Derived form the Hebraic; name Shoshana