EducationTypes of Sentences
A Flowchart by abelm
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Help students to determine whether a sentence is simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex

Does the sentence have more than one subject and more than one verb?
Does the sentence have a comma followed by a coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS) or a semicolon to join main clauses?
Does the sentence have a clause that begins with a subordinating conjunction? (Ex: who, which, that, because, when, if , until, before, after, although, since)
Check to see if this is a Compound-Complex sentence. It should have 2 Main Clauses and 1 or more Subordinate Clauses. Ex: I will fix dinner, and my brother will wash the dishes because my mom is working late.




Check to see if this is a Simple Sentence. It should have 1 Main Clause. Ex: I finished the quiz in five minutes.
Is there a subordinating conjunction in the sentence? (Ex: who, because, that, when)
Check to see if this sentence is a Compound Sentence. It should have 2 Main Clauses. Ex: Summer is my favorite season, but you prefer winter.


Check to see if this sentence is a Complex Sentence. It should have 1 Main Clause and 1 or more Subordinate Clauses Ex: I found the jacket that you left at my house.