Helps a person decide weather they need to cover their face in public.
Are you Muslim?
| NO
You do not need to cover your face in front of non-Mehrams (Males that are not immediate family such as father, brother, uncle etc).
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Are you a female?
| NO
You do not need to cover your face in front of non-Mehrams (Males that are not immediate family such as father, brother, uncle etc).
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Have you reached the age of puberty?
| NO
You do not need to cover your face in front of non-Mehrams (Males that are not immediate family such as father, brother, uncle etc).But it is advisable to do so if you are close to the age of puberty.
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Are you younger than the age of menopause?
Are you still at an age at where you are attractive or are seeking marriage?
| NO
You do not need to cover your face in front of non-Mehrams (Males that are not immediate family such as father, brother, uncle etc).But it is better to do so.
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Are you being proposed to for marriage?
You can expose your face for the man who wants to propose to you given you two are not alone and without touching.
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Are you giving testimony in court?
You can expose your face for the time required.
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You need to cover your face in front of non-Mehrams (Males that are not immediate family such as father, brother, uncle etc).
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