007 James BondIbdaa Start-up products
A SelectSmart.com Flowchart by koko
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not sure exactly

Marketing activity
Ibdaa receives a call from an interested applicant.
Customer Service Officer directs call to relevant branch.
Relevant CSO takes down information in entry log and explains products briefly. Does the applicant pass the screening test?
Relevant CSO explains why applicant fails to meet criteria, and makes suggestions if possible.


Ibdaa loan officer network
Ibdaa partnerships (NGOs, associations, etc.)
MO helps applicant fill the application form and performs due diligence, filing relevant discovery material and a recommendation form.
CSO allocates applicant to the Mission Officer. Does the applicant pass the interview?
MO explains why applicant fails to meet criteria, and makes suggestions if possible.

Project follow-up & training
MO can send discovery material to Back Office for checks in conjunction with application finalisation phase
Each complete file gets passed to Back Office where further checks are implemented. Does the file pass the Back Office checks?
File returns to MO with its validation form to either fix missing links or terminate based on inconclusive or faulty information.


Filing at relevant branch and disbursement.
SC rejects the application, issues the evaluation form and closes the file.
Mission Officer presents to Selection Committee. Does Selection Committee approve the application?
Credit Supervisor meets with applicant and performs due diligence. Does the Credit Supervisor issue an approval?
File returns to MO with its validation form to either fix missing links or terminate based on inconclusive or faulty information.





Filing at corporate headquarters.
Applicant presents to Selection Committee. Does Selection Committee approve the application?
Selection Committee makes recommendation for improvement/resubmission on evaluation form and responsibility passes on to MO. Can the MO work with applicant to improve the application accordingly?
SC rejects the application, issues the evaluation form and closes the file.